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Posts posted by dwan8337

  1. few extra tips

    live bait tank on port side (passenger side) to counter weight of driver/clear transducer

    hose in should be at top to and driping to create airbubbles when it hits water so drain outlet should be lower then the intake

    clear lid so u can see if anything is wrong inside eg squid caught in outlet ect

    personally i wouldnt have a external livebait tank due to live bait Yakkas are hard to hold on to unless u use a net u will loose a few trying to get them out, as they are slipery and have seen many people drop livies over the side.

    get a pick up fo underside of the bilge will keep water fresh when on the move

    put a tap valve on the inlet

    hope these tips help

    Cheers Andrew

    Cheers buddy,

    I've already noobed it with the intake positions so might just get a cork and plug it in on the inside when on the move. With the poly 455 there's just nowhere to put and the passenger side has a ladder =( I may get the clear top like you say but that'll have to be custom.

  2. First time I've heard of Linedancer. Would it be pretty easy to make one yourself out of some wire?

    hmm never tried. you can do it manually but putting your finger halfway to the first guide and reel your line through your finger. It's an american innovation that triggers bass bites. Works like magic because ever wind it jerks the lure without you moving your arm. You only need to reel

  3. WOW - Looks just like my setup !! :biggrin2: Good stuff!

    Just a hint .. you should reverse the lid of the baittank so it opens out to the back of the boat, this way you can actually see whats inside the tank when you are inside the boat

    Your inlet hose looks like it has been mounted too low.. you might find the water inside the tank will drain out when the pumps is turned off....



    Spot on! it does drain out hahaha may have to find a cork to plug the inside! first timer lol noobed it

  4. Nice catch!

    Aussie salmon are great fun to catch on light gear but taste like sh1t! How are you going to prepare them ?

    I agree, that's why i palm them off to my best mates =p

    By the way cheers for the live bait tank ideas finally finished it off. The Tank from sant marine was like made for the poly.

  5. Hi Raiders,

    Just my 2c worth if any of you guys owning a poly 455 and want a live bait tank but not sure how. Inspired by Dhype (Trung) :thumbup: .

    Materials -

    Live bait tank: Sant Marine "FISH BOX LARGE WITH CUTTING BOARD" as it has the a slanted edge which sits neatly with the angle edge at the back of the 455's

    Pump: Any bilge pump will do preferably 500gph+. My ones an 800gph+

    Wedge Foam: An angled grade M polystyrene foam from Clark rubber. It's roughly how much you'll need to put under the tank to wedge it nicely against the back of the poly. Also acts as a shock absorber.

    Aluminium brackets: From bunnings to horizontally stabilise the bait tank

    Bungee cord: Whitworths to pull the bait tank down onto the foam.

    Sounder mount: Whiteworths

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  6. Bust ups everywhere just outside of Botany south head. Chase them around until the wind picked up and they went deep. Found a sheltered spot further south and burleyed up some good sized trevally. I suspect there's a few rogue Kings mixed in with them as my favourite lure from japan got smoked and reefed on my first cast :wacko: cut open stomach found what they were feeding on. Are those baby pilchards? or white bait. By the way how freaking cute is that little squid! Also, if you struggle finding the kings...a well bled trevally sashimi tastes pretty similar i reckon!

    Weapon of choice -

    Reel: Stella 4000S

    Line: 8lb Sunline

    Leader: 10lb Sunline

    Rod: Lox 7ft2 snapper

    Lure: Gillies white bait 10 grams (you'll find it in bcf)

    Cheat item: Linedancer :1prop:

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  7. G day all.

    I went out in middle harbour for a quick bash. Caught your usual suspects of bream, snapper, trevally and a 62cm salmon.

    Just as I was about to leave my rod buckled over and started screaming off line. A few quick moves and a bit of swearing, I landed a nice 74cm king fish. I was pumped.

    King was caught on a twin hook rig with fresh squid.

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    Good stuff man! There are some monsters inside this system. Once we managed to berley up a couple of them i'd say 90cm mark. I got too excited and picked up my 2-5kg stick....needless to say couldn't stop it went straight for an anchor rope..

  8. Hi all,

    A weeks ago, we managed to fit in another quick session for squid on Sydney harbour before we headed out in search of some blue eye cod and some early season fin’. The squid were biting as usual, in the usual haunts and a few small cuttlefish came to the party also. It was most interesting to see several times that whilst I was retrieving one squid, another squid would latch onto the jig in an attempt to snatch a feed. I’ve only ever witnessed this on the Yamashita Egi O jigs with the warm jackets. Quite possibly could have something to do with the ‘warm jackets'!

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    After we got a quick few, we headed to the mountain. The plan for fin was dropped when we were welcomed with a double hookup of blue eye to 12kg on the first drop. We used fresh bonito strips (four baits per fish). Ended up bagging out on ooglies (blue eye 4, 4 gemmies and 2 alfonsino) and decided to come in and give the snapper a go. Nothing special on the snapper front, landing 5 legals between 30-38cm and a salmon on the bottom in 38m of water. There were too many throw backs in the mix, but no jackets around which is a great thing!

    THAT'S EPIC!! :thumbup:

  9. Nice haul there mate.

    But don't write off braid for kings I prefer it off the rocks cos the lack of stretch mean you can turn the fish. Most of my LBG king have been caught when I've locked up the drag and ripped into the fish. Break the fish or be broken is my theory. But I do run mono on my TLD for sending out live bonnies and other massive live baits.

    Cheers! I've seen live baited bonnie once...nearly pissed my pants when the bloke's float went under. Guy had Saltiga 6500, some fancy rod as well, absolutely smoked. He called it the 1m kings that play around there. All you saw was a float swimming towards the horizon

  10. Nice work on the Sydney Harbour Snapper.

    They are definately around Sydney Harbour more than say 3 years ago. A couple of months back we landed 4 snapper in 1 session over 40cm.

    The usually follow a big swell into the harbour washes. Very nice suprise cracking a good red inside the harbour.

    Another raider landed a 75cm Snapper in Middle Harbour a few years back.

    Hi Butch

    My mate landed a slightly larger specimen that my one a few months ago, being deprived from sleep and all...he passed the fish to me and i released it straight back into the water hahaha! He still hasn't forgiven me

  11. Hi Raiders,

    Opted for some lazy afternoon fishing in the Harbour with my little bro. Woke up at 12, grabbed some pad thai and headed for the ramps. Launched at 1pm hit our usual spot, and proceeded to berley up with pellets and pilchards. Pretty satisfied with the results! the Trevs were all on 39cm to the fork. Most pleased with the stonker snapper...the girth on this fellow. Has anyone seen snapper caught in the harbour bigger than this one? measured 37.5 to the fork. The fight it put up, i had it for a rat king on it's first run.

    Line: 6lb Sunline FC Rock

    Hooks: 1/0 Gamagatsu circles

    Won't be out on the water for a while as it will be looked after by the boys at Huett's Marine. Needs it's yearly service, although still 3months short of a year from its last service, it's started to play up.

    Tight Lines


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  12. Hey Fellows raiders,

    Just a quick report as we didn't land any fish of significant proportions to warrant a photo shoot :thumbdown:

    Launched the Poly around 6am and headed to our favourite bream hole in middle harbour where we proceeded to cube up pilchards for anything down in the depths. The bream seemed to be awfully active after the past week of on/off showers. I'm guessing the slightly murky water gets their guard down. 4/6lb Sunline seemed to do the trick. Most of the bream were legal but we weren't after a feed as both of us had no time to clean and gut. What I did notice was the boils sydangler spoke about, followed by an occasional bust up of fleeing bait fish. Somewhere in between all the bream action...we hooked up twice to what I believe were rogue kingies. Pity they both chose the 4lb setup. NO pics as it turned out. Packed up for home by midday. All in all a decent day. Isn't it always? :thumbup:


    Tight Lines

  13. Hi Fellow Raiders,

    A Late report. Adrian and I decided to do some lazy fishing (so we thought). Normally we'd leave my joint around 3:30am to pick up some live bait to carry down the rocks. However today, an extra hour of sleep and not having to carry down 20L buckets was the deserved winner :thumbup: and rightly so, as it probably will stay this way from now on until after winter hibernation.

    Weapons of Choice: 2XShimano Baitrunner 4000D's matched up to 2XDaiwa 305 Seajiggers both spooled with 25lb Unitaka braid.

    Rig of Choice: Good old Pillie under a float.

    Some say mono is the way to go. Rightly so because you're allowed some grace when that fish drags your line next to rocks. Personally I prefer the extra 15 meters you get on braid. Downside, is you will need to play it smart by using your drag to tire the fish out before it comes anywhere close to shore. Fair trade off I reckon.

    P.S. This does not work when you target Kingfish off the rocks. Only suitable for the less intelligent species such as Bonitos and Aussie Salmon.

    We reach our destination at first light. The conditions are looking hairy although the winds were fine. Always remember to watch the waves for a good half hour as they do come in sets. Not surprisingly, the sets we were waiting for completely engulfed our usual spots. This usually means....the fishing is going to be awesome! But no fish is worth dying for as they say. So we set out for our trusty old second ledge where it remains our weekend getaway from work, crowds, girlfriends and all.

    First drop...down goes the float...zzZZzzzzz :1yikes:

    Second drop...down goes the float again...zzZzzz :yahoo:

    Third drop...could this be the legendary fishing trifecta?...down goes the float again!....zZzzzz :074: Is this the moment when they say a boy turns into a man??

    Anyways these are the results for last week! Sorry just had to add...pretty damn excited about this Stradic ci4 1000 and Okuma 30-s coming next week. It's like Christmas came early. Can't wait to pit them up against some middle harbour pelagics! Will be posting up stories of why you don't bring knives to gunfight stories in the coming weeks.

    For now, Tight lines all!

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  14. Got a call from a mate around midday seeing if was keen for a fish. So headed down to middle harbour with some pillies and some squid I had in my freezer. For the out part a slow day apart from something boiling up on the surface every now and then but had no interest in our baits or any lures.

    Had a good burly trail going and to our suprise a very solid 85-90cm king followed it all the way up to the wharf. If sprung into gear scattering some pilchards cubes to keep him around and went for my first rod loaded with 30lb went to bring it in only to find it was snagged so back in the rod holder and grabbed my 15lb outfit a few more cubes. And sent one down one the 2/0 that was on it and he came up and inhaled it. After about 10 minutes he was starting to tire and was coming in but he was still taking line at will me and my mate were laughing cos I had left the net in the back of the ute. He came into site and then another run and just as he came back into view the hooked pulled. This was followed by large amounts of swearing and cursing. Not long after it was the it was time to go. I'm on the water tomorrow so hopefully have some better luck.

    We were up in Middle Harbour today as well, saw heaps of those boils you were speaking of. There was the occasional baitfish getting smashed in the same spots, so i'm guessing lone ranger kings? We hooked up to two....both times taking the 4lb leader offerings :ranting2: safe to say no pictures!

  15. Well what a sad Weekend. I decided to go and fish for some squid near Manly and well I had managed 1 squid and 1 cuttle fish after a fair amount of time. Then had a bright idea of targeting the king fish on my one piece graphite rod which has caught kings before. Anyway went to 40 B and threw out the cuttle first. A short 5 minute wait and then tap, tap and then Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I let the fish run and promptly set the hook. The fish ran and actually swam back towards me on the jetty and as I quickly reeled in the slack line and followed it, actually saw the fish. It was a fairly big king fish. Suddenly he changed direction and headed out and well from that point all I could do was hang on. I As I put more pressure on him the dreaded Snap was heard but not the normal snap of the line but rather … As I looked in shock, the snap of the tip of my rod. He was still on at that point for a further 20 seconds and then nothing. Reeling back my line in, I expected a break but I still had the hook and attached to it was a small amount of the cuttle fish back bone. Well what more can you do except look in disbelief and feel utterly violated by a fish. Well I might as well then throw out the other squid and see what happens. The squid head was attacked in no time and not much after that.

    In between I managed to catch 2 largish yakkas (almost 22cm) and decided to throw one out. Now I pinned him through the nose and sent it out and in no time he was going crazy. Then nothing. I wound in the line and saw that he was still on but almost dead. I decided to still throw it out and in less than 15 seconds the line goes straight. There are a few short runs and I finally decide on setting the hook but nothing. I wind it in only to see the yakka s head completely destroyed and the full back and belly devoured. No too sure what that was and can only think that it might have been a cuttle fish or a large squid. I then proceeded to throw out the other yakka and this time also after a short wait the reel goes Zzzzz, I let it run and then set the hook. I was playing the fish for about a minute (having 2 other runs in it) when the line goes slack. Reel in the line and yip I still have the yakka attached to the hook. Am I doing this wrong when live baiting as I seem to not be getting the hooks set properly.

    Well after that I gave up and decided on trying for the luderick that were quite abundant but as I had thrown just about all my offerings of Bread and Sea weed at them to burly them up, they constantly just ignored my fresh weed that I collected. I only had some cabbage weed and they would see it and then turn. Very frustrating and well not much after that except I did manage to catch another southern calamari that proceeded to elude and tease me the entire morning.

    Hey mate had this problem before when we were livebaiting Yakkas off the rocks at Bluefish. Unless your yakka is bite size, alot of the times they seem to grab the underbelly of the yakka...and you have no way of telling if its hooked or not until you set it or in your case it just let go?

  16. Some nice fish there, how is the water quality?

    Cheers, still a bit diluted compared to what it usually looks like, definitely gets better as you approach Gannon's and Lilli Pilli. Think it may take a few more days of clear weather to get the upstream stuff out.

  17. Hi Guys,

    The Hacking is live and well!

    Just a bit of a forward: Earlier during the week, one of us mentioned something along the lines of ABT (Asian Bream Tournament). Having never targeted bream on anything other than the trust old Pillie cubes, research had to be done. Countless hours were spent during the week researching what the best soft plastic choices there are; sizes/colour/jigheads/techniques, also known as "addicted to iFish & AFC dvd's"

    Despite gathering extensive knowledge on exactly which lures we need, come shopping night, we still practically raided every single squidgy model you could find on the BCF catalogue. :thumbup:

    The day started better than any working day although we both forgot about daylight saving, well in Adrian's case didn't understand daylight saving. Understandable as it is touching on rocket science. :074:

    Arrived at Swallow Rock Ramp at 6:30am on the water within 5min.

    First cast...TAILOR! of 15cm. Second cast...TAILOR! 12cm. wow the hacking is on fire :thumbup: just kidding...

    The tailor in this system seems to be of plague proportions, any rock wall you find with a bit of shade will see your soft plastic get totally destroyed before Mr.Bream can even have a look at it.

    Being the Asian Bream Tournament, Adrian got stingy and didn't want to lose anymore soft plastics so on went the Yakka coloured blade.

    Boy do these Blades catch fish! his first cast saw him onto a near legal sized whiting. After that, it was non stop undersized snapper/tailor and even leatherjackets. Basically, any fish that didn't contribute to the scoreboard, he catches. :074:

    Moving onto the private moorings like pros do, having no idea how to work plastics, we tried to implement the Japanese Egi Style to these squidgy plastics to a considerable amount of success. Here are some of the more notable catches of the day. All fish was released prior to the photo. Oh and lost a sizeable Kingy because someone couldn't be bothered retying frayed line... :wife:

    Okay back to the report :biggrin2: there are a fair few salmon busting up along the edges of the South West Arm throughout the day. Huge whiting (40cm+) can be seen cruising around the shallow waters around the lilli pilli Bathes bend. We didn't bring our pump so can't tell you if they were taking nippers or what, but they seemed to be uninterested in any of the soft plastic presentations.

    Cannot wait till Easter long weekend! hope to see a heap of raiders on the water next weekend.


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  18. Thanks for that .. Especially your 'top dog' advice on choice of spot ;) hopefully I'll be able to give it a go sometime in the near future!

    Oh and I only stumbled across the spot at Greenwich the other day. I don't live near the water and have only been fishing the last year so still seeking good locations. It definitely seems to be a popular choice though

    You're welcome Bud, PM me if you want more advice on that spot as me and my mate have nearly learnt most of the tricks to Clifton.

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