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Posts posted by Benji-martin

  1. Hey everyone,

    A mate and I are might be going down to illawong bay on Saturday night. I love fishing for sharks and in the past fishing there i have had hook ups with fish i cant stop which I think have been sharks. So wondering if I put out a bait under a float what would be the chances to pick up a shark from around the area. Wondering if anyone has hooked up to one or caught one around the area?

    Cheers Martin

  2. Hey everyone,

    I want to get into some rock fishing over the summer and have not fished any rock platforms other then avoca. Just wondering if someone could point out a few good platforms where I can put out a live bait for hopefully a kingfish.

    Cheers Martin

  3. Hello everyone,

    Took a mate down to little manly last night who had never caught a fish along with some other mates who i normally go with. I figured I could take him down to catch some bream and at the very least some yellowtail. We got down there about 4:30 yesterday afternoon and it was pretty packed with I figured because it was the best weather day we have had in a while. I found a little spot and rigged up and explained all the rigs to my mate who was very interested to learn. I rigged up a float for the top for some tailor fishing about 2M deep had a bait on the bottom for live bait and rod for catching live bait and bream. While I was rigging this up a school of bonito cane in and everything was happening. My mate who I normally go with started to spin for them with a 20gram spinner but was not getting touched. I put on a 40gram and was on about 4th cast to a little bonito.


    I decided to keep the bonito and throw out a shark bait. We would of got more bonito but there were people who started throwing there prawn baits and floats into the school and getting in the way which started to get very frustrating. The school headed back towards the heads and the sun was nearly down so I put the float out and a slab of bonito on the bottom. While then I got my mate to catch done yellow tail which he was happy about. We nothing was happening then the bonito slab took off I hooked the fish and new it wasn't anything to get exited about. I brought in a huge port Jackson which we cut at the wall. Put another slab out and again it went off this time I gave it to my mate who brought in another port Jackson about the same size. This continued for about 3 hours with double hooks happening at one stage we had three rods go off all port Jackson's there must off been 100's of then out there. I put a slab if bonito on the 3-5kg outfit and played with one for about 40min on the 10lb line which was a blast. After three hours and a heap off sharks it all went quiet nothing was happening. We landed one of the port Jackson's so we could get photos since they were all the same size


    I haven't got a photo with my mate who had never caught one it is on his phone but he loved it and had a huge smile. It was a good night even though we could not take anything home.

  4. I do this at Forster a little bit. I snorkel over the weed beds and drift some prawn down and watch the fish eat it. I actually get a few good bream doing this. I can't see why it would not be allowed there are people using rods where I snorkel. The only reason I thought of it was that I was fishing and so were a bunch if other people and no one was getting a thing so I grabbed the snorkel stuff and had a look and saw the bream everywhere. So I thought how could I get the fish and hand line went through my head. I ended up taking out my 7 year old brother to watch and he loved it. I have even " trolled" for flathead like this as well. If there is a bit of current I swim with it and put a lure about 20m behind me and go along the weed beds.


  5. Hey mate,

    There are plenty of spots off the shore to catch fish. In the lake any area between the red spot tackle store all the way around to the break wall is a good area to catch flathead. I normally fish the area early morning with plastics and walk around. Normally get 2 or 3 in the morning. The wharfs next to the bridge on the Forster side are also good places for flathead and bream and if a night you can get some good whiting on live worms under the bridge. You can also fish the break wall for jewfish, bream, flathead and sharks. You can only fish the break wall on the turn of tide because it runs very hard through there. If you can get a hold of some octopus you have a good chance of getting a Jew. There are also plenty of mullet in the marina as well that make great bait for anything in the system.

    Hope this little information helps


  6. The way you're hooking your livie could be a reason why you missed the fish.

    Think of it this way. Sinker on the bottom to a leader to the livie.

    Hooked behind the head the bait will swim upside down after a while & die.

    Your best two options would be either a single circle hook through the nose or your normal or circle hook

    pinned under the fish between the anal fin & tail.

    They'll swim for hours & you do get a better hook up rate.

    Another tip when land based fishing for jew is to hold your rod at all times.

    It makes a huge difference. :biggrin2:

    Love the area you're fishing. I grew up there. :thumbup:



    cheers mate, at the moment I have a running sinker rig with a light ball sinker. This was the first time I gave had baits smashed. I will try some of your hooking tips. Next find I will try through the nose


  7. Both would be great! Catching is always most useful though...I'm considering heading down myself after work one day this week being based in parramatta

    mate catching I just use a padanosta rig with two 10 long shank hooks with a little bit of pillie. Just catch your live bait at the ferry wharf and then walk over to the reserve. While using them just a single hook behind the head above the lateral line. The size of the hook depends in the size of the bait.


  8. Hey,

    Yesterday afternoon I was sitting at home bored when I got a phone call off a mate who finally had a weekend off work. He was pretty keen to get out and have a fish and on sort notice we decided to go to werrell reserve. I had some left over pilchards and prawns from a previous trip so with no preparation I got a few rods and off we went. Got to the spot only a few there and decided to set up camp and the bench seat. While I threw out my light surf rod with a little bit of prawn and got a few little whiting And bream and so did my mate. It was about 5:30pm and I decided I would check the phone for the tides. I found out low tide was at 7:10pm and thought there could be a good chance for a Jew on the turn. I got the bucket and rod and walked over to Abbotsford wharf and before you knew it had 6 yellowtail in the bucket in this time my mate got a good size tailor and trevally. I walked back over rigged up my rod for a jew. By this time it was 6:45 and I was thinking wow time is going fast. I put on a yellowtail and threw it out. I walk back to the area where our stuff was which must of been about 30m away and before I could check my other rod the jew rod was going off. By the time I got to the time I got to it, it was gone. I put out a new bait and nothing happened few a few hours just small whiting and bream. It was now 9pm and we decided to leave because we had work in the morning. While I was packing up the live bait was smashed again and again I missed it. We went home think what a night I could of been if the two fish were landed but that's fishing.


  9. Hey everyone,

    I'll try this again with out hitting post. If anyone knows how can they delete the other post I accidentally posted. Any way back on topic. I am currently sitting at werrel reserve next to Abbotsford wharf. Across the waterway there is a wharf in looking glass bay that looks like it could produce. Is anyone able to tell me if that wharf can produce fish?


  10. Hey mate,

    Shark fishing is a blast. I do most of mine off the northern beachs. Off thd beach I have found that Australian salmon is the number one bait. I have caught plenty of bronze whalers under 5 foot and been smoked three times. If me and my mate do a serious trip we keep all guts and bait from previous trips frozen for up to 2 months and maybe 2 blokes of fresh pillies When we go fishing for the sharks we get to the spot at dead low tide and dig shallow holes in the sand, maybe 10 and fill it all the left over stuff, pillies and pour some tuna oil in the hole and cover it up again. As the tide comes back in and the waves move all the sand the burley get washed out. It's good to know how far the water comes up at high tide so you can place the burly so it all doesn't go at once. Every time i do this I get a shark but it's a lot of preparation and skill hiding guts and left overs in the frezza.


  11. Hey everyone,

    I was fishing pier 2 on Saturday afternoon with a mate before heading over to manly. We were getting a few leatherjackets but as soon as the sub went away they disappeared. On the way to manly I told my mate I have never caught a leatherjacket at night or have seen one caught at night. Question is why do they disappear of a night? Also what other fish do you know of that don't get caught much through out the night or at all of a night?


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