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Posts posted by LuckyFil


    Had a couple of nights at Hat Head again on the way home to break the trip back from Broken Head. Hit the rocks for one last fish . There was plenty of wash and the wind was quite strong from the north which was a change from the weeks of southerly we've had and luckily that suited the spot I wanted to fish from.

    I landed one good sized bream early on about 34cm but it was a long wait for the next as I was pestered with lots of small tarwhine stealing the bait. Eventually a couple more bream then a different bite with plenty of weight to it which I quickly decided was a decent drummer. Sure enough after a bit of wrestling I got him to the surface straight below me and started to lift him clear of the water - he gave a few head shakes and the hook fell out...A few bad words were said as it was my first drummer in ages. Sometimes the hook is just wedged in their rows of fine teeth and doesn't penetrate and I guess that's what happened.

    At least it inspired me to persist and after a long wait and trying lots of options I threw a bait way out further to the edge of the wash. Nothing for quite a while then a soft bite followed by plenty of weight. I had a lot of line to recover and the fish was racing back to the rock edges so again I figured it for a drummer. I wound in as fast as I could then a short tussle near the rock edges and cunje and I lifted him in. No monster but a good 2kg and about 45cm. Happy days - a drummer at last to finish the trip.


    Now back to wet Sydney and cleaning the van.

    • Like 10
  2. A change of pace this arvo. The tide was low and didn't suit the rocks so tried flicking a plastic in the shore gutter at bottom of the tide along the beach. Caught seven fatties in half an hour - I'm thinking this is definitely not Sydney!!

    Kept three 41, 46 and 48cm. A few of the throwbacks were defiantly legal but I already had enough for a couple of meals and one to give the guy in the campground with cancer.

    All caught on the Z Man diesel minnow and 1/4oz jig head .



    • Like 16
  3. Still at Broken Head in the van. Bream continue to be on the chew off the rocks and some big ones amongst 'em - one of the three in the pic was just under 40cm. Helping to keep our food costs down on the trip.



    Also a weird fish I couldn't ID - see pic. It was about 45cm and 2kg caught on a prawn . Not a great pic due to poor light and wouldn't keep still! Released and swam off happy


    Most bream caught on white bread.



    • Like 4
  4. 12 hours ago, wazatherfisherman said:

    Good sized Tailor LuckyFil! I discovered that cooking them on the bbq after cooking the snags and using the sausage fat gave them a very nice flavour. Hope you get a few more good ones on your trip

    Thanks Wazza. Yeah biggest tailor I've caught for ages. I recently switched out the trebles on my metals as last time the tailor were throwing out the lures with their jumps and thrashing about. Put a pair of single swinging hooks on and they worked really well both these fished jumped a lot but no sign of losing the hooks. So far so good.

    Will keep your cooking tip in mind too



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  5. Arrived at Broken Head (near Byron) yesterday and with the break in the rain (we've had a lot) I headed out to the rocks in the arvo. Seas are big here too so couldn't fish the main platform but found a spot out of the main swell and side sweep. Tried bait for a while but only a few bites although a fellow on a better rock nearby scored a few nice bream using beach worms.

    As the sun set I tried spinning a metal into the white water, no luck until the nominated "last cast" then got slammed and after good tussle landed a 51cm tailor that was very thick across the shoulders. After that result I had to have a few more casts and managed one more at 47cm. It was nearly dark by then so went back to the van happy with the result. Had them for tea tonight with our friends. The four fillets easily fed six of us, which went down well.


    • Like 10
  6. There's a bait ground just in front of the jail - usually plenty of boats on it so easy to find.

    Boats out of Hat Head were getting trag and reddies last week, but rough seas and dirty water were making it hard.


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  7. Am currently away in the van heading to the north coast. Had five days at Hat Head last week and managed a few fishing sessions in between the rain. The seas were fairly big but manageable enough to fish the rocks some days. Had one trip down to Point Plomer but all I could manage were lots of small to medium tarwhine, a few were just big enough to keep, but no bream or drummer which were the targets.

    Had better luck off the Hat Head rocks with one very good session catching nine good sized bream and one tarwhine (plus a few throwbacks) in one hour. Took just as long to scale and fillet them as it did to catch 'em.  Couple of days later tried again but much harder work to get five fish over three hours. Nearly all fish caught on bread bait with a few on prawn.

    Have tried to insert a pic but seems to be problem, maybe one of the clever site admin can fix? (Done for you)





    • Like 6
  8. 15 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

    Tiny puncture marks all the way up the yakka and near the head was damaged, not sure what it could've been.

    Sounds like a jewie to me. Their pin-like teeth will do that to a livie just to let you know what you missed😢. Would have been a lot more damage to the livie if it was a tailor and kings don't have teeth to speak of, flattie's are rasping teeth , so yeah pretty sure it was a jew.

    A good session nevertheless and an interesting report to read, thanks for posting.

    • Like 2
  9. I posted a report last week of a large bully mullet I caught on an SP. The fillets were magnificent in the smoker - my wife and I thought it was the tastiest fish I'd ever done in the smoker.

    I kept the gut (froze) and used it for bait when fishing in Brisbane Waters earlier this week. It was a great success with the bream . I caught 2 on the first afternoon and dropped a few others. We went back the next day and caught five more, the largest 38cm down to 31cm plus a couple that were under 30cm that went back even though probably legal (30 is my minimum). I remember using mullet gut years ago and I'd forgotten how good it is (although messy).

    I ran out of the mullet gut after the first day but had some salted mackerel, defrosted squid (months old) and peeled green prawns. By far and away the crappy old squid was the favourite, go figure.

    I think the fish were probably turned on by the muddy water after last week's deluge plus its around the time they start the spawning run. One pic of the fish from the second arvo.



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  10. I was fishing for flathead with soft plastics at Narrabeen lake this afternoon when I got slammed by something that's a first for me. It ran me all over the place on the light outfit and I couldn't figure out what it was as it clearly wasn't a flattie by the way it took off. After a few minutes of back and forth and taking drag at times I was surprised to see a big bully mullet finally at my feet. 



    It measured 47cm. Maybe other Raiders have caught them on lures before but I thought they only ate weed or bread.

    Managed a couple of average sized flathead 44 and 42, after that. They look pretty small next to the mullet.


    Been fishing for more than 60 years and I never thought I'd say catching a mullet was a big deal but it was new for me if only because I caught it on a SP.





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  11. 10 hours ago, Little_Flatty said:

    Looks like a nice few days Fil. Nice flatty there. Red hot action!

    FYI I fixed up the photo for you that was uploaded as a pdf (great catch of a jewie on a handline). Hope that was what was intended.

    Thanks for fixing that, technology not my forte!

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