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Posts posted by abitfishy

  1. Thanks Numbers ...

    All the metal parts are galvanised, just like a boat trailer ... the box is Polyethelene, just like the Polycraft boats :thumbup:

    Stronger, quieter and NO RUST :biggrin2:

    And with my 3m Tuff Tender "tinnie"on top ...


    Polycraft trailers - great idea, but surely they aren't as tuff as a good quality box trailer with checkerplate floors etc???

  2. I've got an old hull with no windscreen, and its not worth spending the dough on getting someone to do it - has anyone built one themselves?

    Obviously the issue is the curve that it sits on, but I would have thought it not too hard to heat up the aluminium framing to bend to the shape, then tracing the angle of the frame on the bottom of the perspex to get it to sit straight. Won't be hard to screw the perspex into the frame....even if it was a bit fiddly to do, do you think doing it this way is possible given time and patience?

    Ive also used the Seven hills fella on a warranty job done a great job very happy :1prop:

  3. great stuff Garry,

    excellent bream


    Hey buster1, what time did you leave to come home?

    We were planning on going out at 12 to fish the run in, but decided against it cause of the wind - it was even unpleasant at the ramp at Holt Pt Rd Sylvania.

    Sounds like I made a good decision......

  4. what time did you decide to head down to the ramp?

    was a beautiful morning until about 10am


    Yes mate, it was, but not long after that it got bit windy - we got there just after 12.

    The wind wasn't great at home in Sutherland, but you never know til you get to to ramp - since the bait and rods were ready, boat fuel was full, ready to go, I thought it worth checking anyway. Miserable.

    Looks like it might be a while before conditions are warm and calm again....

  5. Well, after tossing up whether to go out to Botany Bay or not, I took her down to the ramp at Sylvania and it was as windy as hell and the water looked it. Since I considered Botany Bay was going to be 5-10 times worse we decided not to do it in a 15ft open boat with no windscreen, so decided to head down the more protected wonnie river for a bit of a cruise.

    Even with the protection there the wind made it uncomfortable, so we headed upstream as I haven't been up that way before, only to suddenly run out of water very quickly just past the footbridge - the boat knew what was happening as it stated to argue against the sand and weed, I shat myself and got her in reverse real quick before we were well and truly grounded and got out of there backwards quicksmart. What pisses me off is that it looses water real quick with no indication from any markers or signs.

    Bit of a worry was the motor seemed to keep loosing revs once we had got into deeper water - at one stage I thought we we were going to loose it and have a very long way to paddle back to the ramp against the tide.

    Luckily she recovered, and went ok after a few minutes, so wondering what happened.......any ideas why she would run so bad? All I'm thinking is maybe a bit of sand, weed etc in/around the prop might have been causing the problem. Nothing looks bent or anything else, so I'm a bit confused????

  6. If I had space then why not but I think it will have to be a pub. I know a nice one near petersham cop shop

    bit of :beersmile: and lot of :1yikes:

    Who's driving me home to Sutherland? I'll be out of it after all the perving. :P

  7. no probs mate...

    deep V ehh?

    should get along quite nicely but if hit side on by some wash will rock around a bit,

    dont worry dude,

    nothing in BB will flip ya (except for those damn pilot boats and tugs on the plane :ranting2: )


    Yes mate, she's not a bad little fishing boat for the river and bays, but wash side on is a bit uncomfortable at times. Especially with some of the inconsiderate arseholes around.

    By the way, what water depth can I expect in Botany Bay - either where was mentioned or at Molineux Point? Dunno if I'll have enough anchor rope. :thumbdown:

  8. Ahh, that makes sense mate. I thought you were actually in a boat - I understand.

    I too went looking on land at that spot some time ago, saw all the rocks and thought its a lot of stuffing around climbing down those rocks to possibly catch a fish. There were plenty of guys there at the time too - and I wondered why you would bother. I'm all for easy access spots.

    I intended going by boat on Monday.



    ok Abitfishy, well the thing is i totally recommend you to fish at mollinuex point offshore in a boat, and not inshore, because wen i went there for the first time it almost scared me wen i looked down the cliff that you gotta climb down which is like at 75 degrees, you gotta climb down these big big boulders, and if you slip, then you're dead. Trust me its not worth dying for some fishes. LOL so i moved to near yara bay, where the boulders wasnt as big and it was climbable.

    Anywayz even yara bay rockwall fishing was not good enough, as there was too many rocks and weeds, the hooks and lures gets snagged. I almost lost my set of gang hooks =p and a metal lure lol.

    hope this helps, but if anyone can explain how they can fish inshore at mollinuex point without climbing down that cliff then please tell me


  9. monday weather is lookin to be the only good day of the coming week

    get out monday!!!

    CLICK HERE for weather



    I usually look at the BOM for the weather, and find it hard to figure out - mate, that web site is fantastic - temp, wind speed, direction, rain, swell, for each 3 hours - fan-bloody-tastic.

    But don't tell the world about Monday, I want some room to move.....hopefully most people will be working, while I'm catching all the fish.

    My main concern is how my 15fter without a very deep V will handle any swell or wash from bigger boats....

  10. I don't understand why you moved from Molineux Point because of the rockwall......its a popular spot and I hope to go out there for the first time Monday.....is there something I should know?

    sighz.... ok i went to san souci's wharf and started there only one nibble and the other guys next to me only caught undersized breams. Ok so i moved out to mollineux point at 9am not knowing how it is like there. Wen i realised that it was the steepest rock wall i've seen i moved near yara bay.

    There i tried the sea weed bed, there was a couple of small fishes, no luck on my gang hook as it kept sticking onto the rocks an seaweed. So moved a bit out, and tried the rocks there, so i threw some burley in, then caught some strange i think unedible fish, caught a small crab on my metal lure, and that was it. I couldnt even cast my bait out cuz there was so many rocks and sea weed. so had to find a little spot, and use a running sinker rig with some burley and prawns >_< ok i wasted 6 hours of my life catching nothing!

    heres some photos, someone please tell me if this fish is edible or not and the name of it thankyou





  11. Theres only one oil wharf botany bay, kurnell side as for the name never read up on it .

    Ships never in your line if you stay 100m away in a E-NE direction.ONLY A LOT OF OTHER FISHOS.


    Just checked the map and think I see where you mean. Looks like a good spot.





    GOOD LUCK . :1fishing1:

    Thanks mate,

    Do you mean near Brotherson Dock Bulk Liquids Berth?

    How is it for container ship type activity around there?

    I've heard the weather may not be fantastic Monday, so will see what happens.

  13. y not have a band across the front at chest level of all the fish, or better still have FISHRAIDER across the front with the pictures inside the letters?

    I vote toadfish. They are a pain in the arse but I think they are a bit cute actually with those big eyes.....poor buggers get a bad go and are just trying to survive :(

  14. Good to see them spending some money.

    They want to remove the old woronora weir near 'The Needles' for the same reason, which I understand, however I'm in two minds - the area and weir has historic significance being part of the road built in the 1800's to get from the city towards woolongong over the river, but it also threatens the future of the Bass. Building a fishway under the weir would solve the problem, but because the road is only used for bushwalkers now, they don't really care about the history - just rip it up they say. :(

    I think there would be less conflict between historical societies & greenies/conservationists if everyone took a step back and thought about other possiblities. It doesn't take much to please everyone, really.

    My 2 cents worth anyway!

    Fish-friendly modifications to the Tooheys Mill road crossing over Skinners Creek at Fernleigh, completed this week, allow fish better access to 30 kilometres of upstream habitat.

    “With a $10,000 contribution from the Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust, Ballina Council have removed the old concrete causeway and replaced it with a bridge,” said Primary Industries Minister Ian Macdonald.

    “It means the removal of the only physical barrier to fish migration between the source and the sea in the Skinners Creek catchment,” he said.

    Skinners Creek enters the Wilsons River at Booyong which ultimately flows to the Richmond estuary at Ballina.

    “Removing barriers to fish movement is a key way to rehabilitate fish habitats throughout NSW,” the Minister said.

    “With the barrier gone increased recruitment of migratory fish species such as Australian Bass (locally known as Perch) and mullet is expected.

    “Greater access to good quality habitat in which fish can feed, breed and find good shelter provides for more recreational fish.

    “That’s why the Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust are happy to fund such projects.”

    DPI fisheries conservation manager Patrick Dwyer said that for Council, modifying these crossings generally results in less maintenance and a safer crossing for residents.

    Mr Dwyer said his role was to provide advice on how to minimise the impacts of development on aquatic habitats.

    The Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust distributes funds raised from recreational fishing licences.

    Media contact: Phil Bevan 02 6626 1350, 0429 458 053

  15. Hey all,

    I'm sick of catching medium Bream in the wonnie river so want to try something new.

    A few questions re Botany Bay if you don't mind, I'm thinking of fishing the run in on Monday arvo.

    1. Can anyone give me some idea of water depth in Botany Bay, I wanna make sure we have enough anchor rope since we've only used it in the river. We are thinking Molineaux Point since its often mentioned here. Is that the spot along the rock wall thats so popular with land based fishies that you access along that long road?

    2. I assume on a nice day the conditions out there are ok for a couple of relatively inexperienced (read: chicken shit) boaties with a 15ft runabout & 40hp (um, about 4hrs total boating for me)? Anything we should know before we go??

    3. I don't have much in the way of heavier rods - the heaviest duty I have is a 6-8kg snapper outfit - I assume that will do unless jaws is around? (knowing my luck we're more likely to catch Nemo actually)

    4. Anyone use mullet strips/chunks out there? Its my favoured bait and works well with the bream, but wondering if what we might get out there will be as keen on it??? Any of the usual berley do ie bread/chook pellets/dog food/tuna oil/combination of.....

    Thanks in advance.


  16. No worries blood knot,

    I'd say not too many people have photos of them with their first fish, I'd say I'm lucky. I'd say not a lot of people probably had cameras in those days at the right time where there first fish was caught, maybe more these days with phone cameras etc - mum only had it in the car as we were on holidays.

    I don't mind talking about the Nelson Bay area - since I don't get there often enough, hearing about it will have to do....

    Sorry abitfishy -

    Looks like I will continue to get this thread off the track you started, but have to recall taking the family (wife & 2 teenage kids) for a 10 day PO cruise to Vanuatu, New Caledonia Isle of Pines, Noumea etc. We got home and the kids said Dad it doesnt feel like we have had a proper Christmas holiday.

    So off we went to Shoal Bay for a week. The Buggers had "Bay withdrawl" I suspect. Think they caught it from me.

    Hope someone comes to the party with some photos soon


  17. How the place and fishing has changed over the last 30 plus years. I loved the place when I was younger and each year we spent two weeks holiday fishing and swimming. Its lost all its charm and magic now as its changed so much

    Great memories when you look a pics like that

    It may have changed heaps, but I'd still rather live there than Sydney.

    I'd kill for a job working for fisheries at the marina in Nelson Bay in IT support but I doubt they are big enough to have their own onsite IT staff.

  18. Disappointing result. :(

    As for hopoate, well, I wouldn't wanna turn around in the ring with him, or you might get a finger in the ring.

    Oh Well\, maybe next time :biggrin2:

    Maybe just because we're 2 hours ahead (some say light years :biggrin2: ) it was free to air over here

  19. Mate, its changed so much over the years. But its still fantastic.

    I mentioned to mum that for such a big boating/fishing area, there aren't a tonne of boat ramps in the Nelson Bay area and she mentioned there was one in Nelson Bay itself at one stage??

    No pics of my first fish, but caught it at the old jetty at Nelson Bay (now the Marina) not far from where you are. Guess I was about... na too hard to guess say about 40 yeras ago.

    Have to agree its a great place.


  20. Sounds fantastic.

    We were thinking of doing the same thing at Berowra Waters, but the misses is a bit of a scaredy cat - she's always scared of quiet bushy areas cause she thinks there are backpacker murderers everywhere. :gun_bandana:

    Plus, she's not a big boating fan, she feels 'woozy' at anchor with minimal boat movement!!


    I'm sure you and hubby will have a great time. :hug:

    I assume the littlies are going to their Grandma or something???

    No Bar Point.


  21. Oh yeah, the current NSW multiple choice test is pretty pathetic considering the danger of inexperienced boaters on our waterways. Me included.

    I did the practice test online, went in to get the book to study, asked about the test and was told if you fail you can redo it no extra charge, so decided to sit the test there and then. Needless to say the question book had most of the answers circled, so if I wasn't sure of an answer, you can probably guess how I came to choose the answer I did. Of course I passed.

    Luckily I'm sensible enough that I have further studied the book, asked questions online, have all the appropriate safety gear, and I'm not a inconsiderate boater. I may not know the complete book inside out, but I feel I know enough to safely do a bit of fishing on the wonnie river without getting myself or anyone else into any trouble. And before I intend on going anywhere new on the water, I study the maps, make sure I'm aware of the channels, and check the legend to make sure I know in advance anything I might need to know.

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