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Posts posted by madasacutsnake

  1. Finally got a couple of afternoons off work to get out for a fish. :yahoo:

    First one was on the weekend and off to the lagoon behind werri beach to chase bream. Headed off on foot and took all the plastics and some prawns. Couldn't even get a touch on the plastics. Tried half a dozen different colours and styles to no avail. :ranting2: Did get a few bream but mainly all small fish up to 26cms. There is alot of freshwater in there at the moment and after the rain we had today it will hopefully open up to the ocean for a few days for a bit of a flush out.

    Second trip was yesterday afternoon and down to Broughton Creek (off the shoalhaven). Took the tinnie out for a run with my brother. Just fished bait and it was hard to get away from the small tailor even though they were fun to catch on the light gear. Got a couple of just legal flatties and a few small bream and reddies but nothing worth keeping. Decided to get the heavy gear out and try for a jew. I have never really targeted them much in the past and don't really know enough about jew fishing yet but after seeing post after post after post of good jewies being caught was very keen to give it a go.

    I know a couple of places there, where there are good holes and know quite a few people who have landed good fish there.

    Didn't have any luck. But it sure beat the hell out of being at work!

    Here are the conditions: 5pm, tide had just about run out and was using live tailor on a 6/0 with 50lb mono with a good sized running ball sinker. :wacko:

    Was I wasting my time? My thoughts were it may have been a bit better If I could have hung around for the run in a couple of hours after dark?

    I would love some tips! Very keen to bag my first one :biggrin2:

    :beersmile: Stallo

  2. post-470-1148271762_thumb.jpg

    marks potential record? grinner

    What is this "Grinner"? I caught 2 of these about 2 years back in the Shoalhaven River near Greenwell Point. They were both about 20cms. I am pretty sure it is the same fish, huge mouth and chopper-like teeth?I kept one in the freezer for about 6 mths asking everyone I know what it was. I was just about ready to think I had found a new species :wacko: I had shown people who had been fishing in the are for years and had them stumped. Are they common?

    Hope somebody can help

    :beersmile: Stallo

  3. So.. Did you get that starfish on your Bream gear? You should be using heavier gear! I've seen those things when I've been diving, they can really get a move on. Bet it gave you some curry! :1prop::1prop:

    he he he!

    Seriously that is huge - biggest I've ever seen

    :beersmile: Stallo

  4. Real estate sales, same as Netic and Rob used to, just that I'm still hangin in there :wacko:

    Nah, It's not that bad. I work for myself and when the sea is flat and the sun is shining I take days off. :1fishing1:

    Stallo :beersmile:

  5. Welcome stallo.

    Great pics and love your boat ,now i know why you tag those marlin ,Room for two only.



    Stallo :beersmile:

    Maybe we can organise a Raiders social weekend down south this summer.

    I reckon that's a great idea :1fishing1::beersmile:

  6. :1welcomeani: mate,

    How far south are you? i often fish Gerringong, but live in western sydney

    i am always shore of a fish down that way but would like to know some other spots as well.


    Good call crow. You got it in one. Gerringong, lived here all my life.

    Stallo :beersmile:

    :1welcomeani: and hope you get a lot out of the site, friendly people here and all ways willing to help.

    Thanks mate.


    Stallo :beersmile:

  7. DUTCHIE , " this statement "Greenies far outweigh the voters in these small fishing towns", shows just how little you know about small fishing towns as you put it .

    The last people who would vote for the Greeniess are just that " Fishing villages " !!!!!!!.

    Our little "fishing village" of approximately 4500 people have no love for the greenies mate , just the opposite , in fact I don`t know a single greenie, but there are undoubtly a handfull here.

    You may think that every coastal town is a carbon copy of Byron Bay , but I can assure you they are not .

    And "The government would not benefit from putting in this Marine Park "" In Its present form"" simply because it will mean Jobs ,Jobs ,Jobs , and lost Jobs , mean lost votes , even in a National Party Stronghold .


    Yep, It's the same here. The greens never get any vote there are only a handful of them. Some of the flash houses getting built are starting to make the place look more like byron but the mentality of the people is far from it. Most of the people moving into the area are retired fishos that have been coming down here for holidays for years.

    They tried to pull something like this in St Georges Basin a few years back and it got knocked on the head real quick. From memory they were going to close the whole area to fishing for a set period and then charge anyone who wanted to fish in there. I think there was to be a daily fee and then pay for the fish you take.

    It was something like that but can you imagine the response from all the fishos and people who had retired to the area.

    No retirees means no construction and no jobs.


  8. 300 metres of 50lb braid

    A whole mullet (20cm) on 8/0 circle hook

    Next time

    The locals were using 200lb handlines but not much happening

    I'd been waiting to see how you got on.

    I don't know how they can hold onto them even with 200lb. The one I hooked up didn't even have a go. I'm not sure it was the least by fazed that I had hooked it. It just leisurely swam off and there was no way I could stop it. I doubt I would be able to snap 200lb line.

    I can't hold onto 30-40lb groper down here on handlines. Do they ever get them in? I must say, I have always been keen to go back for another go, but with what gear?

  9. Thanks everyone! Won't be getting a chance to do much fishing over the next couple of weeks but I have put my deposit on the boat and it is on order. Hopefully should be ready in 8-12 weeks, then I can broaden my fishing horizons!

  10. Me too.

    Nice boat. We expect those reports remember...... you're not going to live there in silence - we want the full blood and guts/release story

    ok then. I had better go fishin then :1fishing1:

  11. Hi Everybody,

    I have never entered a forum before til about 2 weeks ago when I joined Fishraiders. I think I've got most of it figured out now. I even posted a couple of pics in the gallery tonight.

    Does anyone from down on the south coast post on here often?

    Great site guys, all the best!

    Stallo :beersmile:

  12. We used to get them years ago too. We were getting them south of syd. I think we were getting better ones around xmas till easter. They get a bit light during winter when there is less food around.

    It was great fun.

  13. Very interesting. I was going to buy a Yam 4 stroke but now considering ETEC. Still have questions. Does the ETEC have any smoke whatsoever at start up? Will the ETEC run smooth while trawling at low speeds?

    It was either a yam 100 4 stroke or E-tec 115 for me. Everyone I have spoke to, have rated both of them. I am going the E-tec for more hp and less weight. If they weren't injected it would have been yami hands down. It's the carbies and lack of engine managment that make them run rough at idle and smoke alot. Finally technology has brought some of the 2 strokes up to the standard of the fours. My mate went the yami 100 option earlier this year and i can't shut him up - he never stops telling me how good it is.

  14. I went an Ally Craft. But not because it is my first choice - far from it in fact thereare a number of boats i prefered but this will do for now. I got this boat based on price and opportunity as it was old 'new' stock and i practically stole it. My boating budget was slashed to the bone when we decided to get a new outdoor deck !! :wacko: went the budget option instead.

    Given the choice and budget I would love a TABS built boat based on their qualtiy. Probably get one one day if i can afford it !

    That was where I started. A friend was selling his Allycraft 2003 centre console, I think it was a 5.3 with a 75 2 stroke merc. He ended up letting it go for $22k before I could get the finances ready :05: I then started going round in circles looking at bass boats and plate outside boats for about 9 months. Luckily enough, it has taken me so long to find the right boat, I have now saved enought to get the TABS.

    The :wife: flipped out a bit when she found out the motor is going to cost more than her car is worth. I think she has been working out what sort of car she could upgrade to for that sort of money. This also helped make my decision nice and quick!

    It's a bugger when you get blindsided by an outdoor deck eh? :mad3:

  15. :1yikes::1yikes: 500lb is massive!

    But if its a queensland groper , they are known to reach weights of 400kg and measuring 2.7m!!!


    Yeah, That's it. It didn't look as good as that. But definately the same shape. The photo's he showed me were pretty old and in average condition. I think they had been handed round between a few fishos in the past(as you would). I don't image people would keep them these days and they are probably protected.

  16. There are some very powerful fish lurking under the jetty besides the 200kg resident groper. I think I am probably a little late but will be targeting fingermark. Need some good gear for the big GT's and queenies

    Locals start at 150lb................I have 114lb with 8/0 circle hook.

    The only time I have ever fished the jetty was on a stop over there, it was back in May 1990. I was travelling around Australia. Took an 80lb hand line with a slab of fish and a 10/0 down and hooked up something that felt like a submarine. There were no headshakes, wasn't a ray. The only thing I could put it down to was maybe a very dosile, huge shark. Could not hold it and eventually ran out of line and had to cut if off to save the handline.

    About 4 years ago I was telling a mate about it and he told me a story about a Qld groper his dad caught up that way back in the early 80's. He said the groper was 500lb. I told him he was full of it but to my surprise he turned up a couple of days later with the photo's!!! They were dragging the groper up the beach with the winch on the front of the 4wd! It's like one of those fishing stories that get way too far out of hand but it was true. Well to an extent. There were no photos with scales showing the weight. It certainly looked like it was 500lb. I haven't seen him for a couple of years but if I run into him, I'll see if I can scan the pics.

    So does anyone know how big they get or what the record is? This one in the photo looked close to 10ft long and over 2ft tall and wide. From memory I thought it was more of a cod shape than the groper we get here.

    From the experience I had at Lucinda Jetty, I'd be going with the locals and taking as much 150lb line as you can get!

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