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Everything posted by brecko90

  1. hey Swaz. strong kingy there mate. My bro and i hit pittwater yesterday so that makes it the on the 18th we just drifted the weed beds next to the golf course, did 2 drifts and pulled up 10 squid, some good live bait size and some big ones for a feed, we used a green and pink yozuri and a orange and white yozuri, both worked equally as well as each other. we fished early morning between 6-8am before that heat got up. hope this helps.
  2. cheers mate im heading up for a day/night session so will let u know how it goes.
  3. is it still worth giving the old fav spots a go or just head straight up into cowan?? thx also for the info on the squid i just hope them and the yakkas turn up to play for us.
  4. thx mate, what spots have the jewies been found in, we normally collect bait, squid and yakkas at west head. we normally fish the usual spots, juno point, flint n steel, the 2 bridges. we always have trouble getting squid tho, where is the best place to go for them??
  5. Hey raiders. just wondering if anyone has heard any reports on how the Hawksbury has been fishing? Heading up with my bro tomorrow to hit a few of our fav spots. wish us luck as its been a hard slog up there of late.
  6. what a ripper!! where abouts was it caught? personally i dont think its dead but just been a little bit slow of late, fished it 2 weeks ago and got a few decent bream and flatties.
  7. Are fresh water fish as effective as bait for salt water fish?
  8. yea i wasnt to sure if i had heard right when they said what they had caught in the past, i am thinking of giving it a go this week, so you reckon fish a bit down stream from the outlet? where the water isnt so warm?
  9. has anyone ever fished the hot water outlet up in lake mac? I have heard that they get cobia Giant hering, mangrove jacks, every thing up there, just wondering if anyone has fished it and can confirm it?
  10. Thx mate will give it a go tomoz
  11. Great tipping comp, it was pretty tight over the last few rounds. all great fun though.
  12. Hey all, Fished the entrance last friday for a terrible result, i started off on the beach found i nice gutter, hooked up my half pillie and threw it out, had a decent bite after only a few minutes so was encouraged by this, i started my burly trail of pillies, bread and tuna oil. 2 hours went by with not even a bite. so i moved up to the channel, again no bites. moved over to the bridge no bites again. I couldn't understand it, no pickers no small fish nothing. Has any one had any luck there of late? there were a few people out fishing but didnt see a single fish caught!
  13. Hey Raiders, Im heading up around The Entrance for a early round of golf at wyong golf club on Wednesday, and was going to hopefully go for a flick in the arvo/into the night. I was hoping someone could give me any information on possible spots to have a go at? Beach, the channel or round the bridge im not fussed as i have gear that will cover all locations. Any help would be great
  14. Hey Raiders, heading up to the good old hawksbury in a week and was thinking of maybe trying a new tactic of trolling some lures between juno point, flint n steel and west head and maybe into pitwater, just wondering what i could expect to catch, and lure selection and is it really worth it?
  15. Still a bit to cold for the bass in the nepean, wait till the humidity warms up and brings the fly's n bugs come out, you will be able to catch them on anything!
  16. hey mate where abouts is the best spots in the hawkesbury to catch the poddy mullet, i usually put my boat in at the f3 bridge, also the same for squid, ive always been able to find yakkas around west head but never caught squid or poddy mullet. Are the hawkesbury river prawns just the one you buy from bait shops with that as its name or can you buy them fresh from somewhere?
  17. i defiantly have to get out there soon and have a crack at them!
  18. brecko90

    Long bay

    Hey raiders. just thought id drop by here and let people know that i was out playing a Pro am at randwick golfclub today and as i looked out to the ocean all i could see were bird working and fish busting up all over the place, i saw a few boats out there chasing them around and was wondering if anyone had any luck out there. there must of been 5-6 big pockets of fish working, at any one time. would of been perfect out there today, much better than the golf was anyway!
  19. Hey all, Just stoped by to ask my fellow raiders if there has been any success up on the hawksbury in the last few week, ive heard a few bad things and bad reports around the traps of late so just seeing if i can get a feel for what is going on up there, before i decide to go up next week? Any info of locations that are firing or not would be great also geaneral chat about the place whould by good. cheers!
  20. Thx for the response, ill be putting the boat in at brooklyn next to the f3 bridge and fishing down stream, round the rail bridge, juno point or flint n steel. i am will to travel to get the mullet tho if need be.
  21. Hey fellow raiders, im heading up to brooklyn in a week and am starting to think about my bait selection, last time i went we failed to get any yakkas or squid at west head and was stuck using servo pillies that were ment for burly and strips of salmon that had been in the freezer for 6 months, so i was hoping to try and target poddy mullet as well as yakkas and squid to give myself a better chance of finding fresh bait but wouldnt have a clue where to set my traps so i was hoping someone could lead me in the right direction, any help is appricated
  22. Hey mattyg, where abouts do u get snap frozen hawksbury squid from?? I have heard california squid is on of the best frozen squids to buy, what are your thoughts on it?
  23. congrats mate i just live in glenbrook not far, i hit the neapean a fair bit might see ya round one time!
  24. Thx guys im heading out friday so ill put ur your ideas into action, hopefully ill have a photo of a nice big jew with a fresh squid hanging out its mouth for you guys. oh also is there anywhere u can buy fresh squid from bait stores? as kind of a back up?
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