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Everything posted by brecko90

  1. Hey Raiders, went out on the hawksbury 2 days ago and headed straight to pittwater in hope of some squid for some nice jewie baits. Any way to cut a long story short couldn't find any squid gave it a good 2 hours for nothing so had to resort to a block of pillies needless to say did no good with them either. Just wondering if i was doing every thing right in my hunt for squid and if i was in the right location, can anyone steer me in the right direction?
  2. Hey Guys, im heading up to port mac this week for some golf tournaments and was hoping to sneak in a spot of fishing, Just wondering if anyone has heard how the area has been fishing? im boat less so will be mainly looking to hit the rock walls, beaches and lake cathie as thats where im staying. Any help would be great, Thxs.
  3. I have heard jews also like fresh squid? i have tried to catch them up there but really have no idea what area to catch them in. Any one know any spots up on the hawksbury?
  4. My brother hooked into a nice sized hairtail (guessing 1.2-1.4 metres up on the hawksbury 2 weeks ago, got it right to the boat and bang it bit through his 50lb leader, it took a whole yakka. fished at flint n steel also. hope this helps.
  5. how would i go about getting mackerel?? and with the squid is it just a matter of hunting round for them?? i might have to head out and buy some decent squid jigs i think!
  6. Hey everyone, been fishing pitwater and broken bay a bit in the past but havent been having the best of results, im thinking it could be my baits, on my two bigger rods with 30lb braid and 40 lb leader im running live yakkas which i have found to be easy to catch, i have tried for squid but not sure if im in the right area or am using the correct technique, so was hoping i could get a little bit of guidance of location and technique, ive been collecting my yakkas from west head just with bread as burly and a bait jig, the yakkas have been quite big tho of late and im wondering if that could lead to fewer strikes? any help would be appreciated .
  7. Hey raiders, just have brought myself a 5 metre alicraft and although at the time i never planed to chase game fish on it a few recent posts are starting to think maybe i should give it a go. So pretty much just asking if anyone could give me any advice lures, rigs, rods, bait, locations and tips in general that will hopefully see me land my 1st marlin. normally launch my boat next to the F3 bridge at brooklyn. if that helps anyone!
  8. Hey Mate i was up there a few months back now and had some great sucess beach fishing. I only had my little 7ft rod with 6lb braid and 10 lb flurocarbon leader but none the less it worked great off the beach. i headed up Mungo brush road which is when driving to the golf club turn left at the T-intersection and follow it for about 20km you will see the parking places and beach 4wd areas so pull into one of them and its not a far walk to the beach from there. choose your gutter and burly hard i found this to be crucial, it deffinitly made the difference as i caught a good haul of bream and salmon and the bloke 100 metres down from me got nothing. pillies was the bait of choice and they did the trick, a whole pillie seamed to get the salmon and a half pillie of pillie fillet worked on the bream. Burley i had was just mashed up pillies with some bread and tuna oil and a bit of sand to bulk it up. Any way i hope this is of help to you i cant say i fished any other area up there as the beach fishing was always red hot.
  9. hmmmm sounds good i will have to head to west head next time im out on the water. I heard grated potato works really good for yakkas, anyone else heard this??
  10. hey mack attack, i have fished the hawksbury before but never gone past the railway bridge, where abouts is west head? coz i have had no luck looking for live bait up that way except for the occassional tailor.
  11. brecko90


    yea mate just been up fishing at Brooklyn this week, caught a few nice jews 61cms being the biggest plenty of bream and a few flatties, so all in all you should do alright. we only fished from the f3 bridge down stream so couldnt tell you what the fishing is like at the ferry.
  12. where are the better places? something close to the pub would be nice hahaha
  13. mmm need a feed

    1. breamie


      feed or lou reed?

  14. Does anyone know if you are allowed to camp at Mooney Mooney boat ramp?? i have seen others do it before but just not sure if its actually allowed. Does any one know?
  15. thx mate your a good man, ill check it out when im up there maybe ill try having a nap while im there to hahaha
  16. nice work mate, it always happens when u least expect it to, which part of the bridge did u anchor under if u dont mind me asking?
  17. Thx guys, some great advice on camping spots. i know i should try and get up there to scope it out a little bit but just dont have the time, hence why i am asking for advice. we are going for a few day so maybe the 1st day we can use it to have a hunt around the system ans find the better spots and then smash it the 2nd day. from other peoples posts it looks like the railway bridge has brought some success for people. two other things are, are there any places to catch live bait, either poddy mullet yakkas or yabbies there?? because i dont fancy leaving a heap of bait in the esky over night and during the days. Again just like to say thx for any help you can give me.
  18. Hey Raiders i have decided to take my brother and one of his mates fishing in 2 weeks time just for a couple of days, planing to camp on the shore make a bonfire all that type of stuff. Im from penrith and was thinking of going up and putting the tinny in at Mooney Mooney and taking off from there, but not sure if we would find anywhere to camp overnight as i have never visited the area. Also i want to make sure we have a good chance of catching some fish to as he is new to it and its his mates 1st time. I was thinking we should target flathead and bream with lures SP's hard bodies and bait, but wouldn't have a clue where i would start to fish for there species in this system. Also might give the jewfish a crack at night if we can get any lives, if they can be caught in there. sorry this is so long and probly most who read it wont reply but any little advice or help i can get would be great to help us have a good trip. cheers
  19. thx guys you have giving me some good ideas, i like the sound of hawks nest i have been there before for golf, its a nice area, maybe i could sneak a round or 2 in as well as fishing hahah wat a great holiday. im sure the misses will be pleased with that 1.
  20. Hey all, im heading to Brooklyn in a few days for a crack and have been reading up past forums on the area, i here people talking about "went to the bait grounds" how do i find them i have only fished this area once with success for flatties on SP's. never tried bait here so was thinking of giving it a go, maybe targeting Jewfish of bigger flatties and bream. any advice would help out
  21. that is the stuff dreams are made of.
  22. Hey all, Planing a holiday in a months time with my girlfriend, with the hidden agenda to do some fishing haha, just looking for ideas on where would be a good place to go, somewhere between port mac and Sydney would be good as we would be driving. any ideas would be appricated
  23. DAY 1 Ok so headed down to Batemans bay last week arriving Tuesday arvo, set my self up in the cabin at the coach house and thought a spot of fishing was in order so went to the local tackle shop to get my block of pillies, and all the other gear i needed, the gentleman in the shop suggested i buy a bait jig and head to the wharf to catch some yakkas. After about 15 mins a had a few ready for the nights fishing, i headed back to the cabin, had a feed then hit the rock wall. Put out 1 livie and filleted the other yakkas for bait. Landed 4 flathead in total for the session the biggest only going to 33cm the other 3 were all at about the 25cm mark, and nothing on the livie. DAY 2 Had a round of golf in the morning didnt play well at all, so i thought id have a relaxing fish in the arvo again. got myself some live bait and headed to the very end of the rock wall hoping to catch something. i through the 1st bait out and put the rod in the holder to bait up a livie and before i can blink its buckled over pull it is to find a flathead going 35cm, i let him go thinking this was going to be a good session. 3 hours past and nothing. i was getting ready to pack up and i felt a nibble and strike, pulled up a talior only 28cm but put up a good fight on my light rod. so again i went back to the cabin dissapointed that i had no fish for dinner that night. Day 3 Played golf again in the morning had a much better round this time but the fish were still evading me, thought i try the main wharf this time so again got some livies, put one out unweighed and just filleted the others, picked up a few small bream but nothing would of gone over 25cm so left disappointed again and wondering where all the fish were. Day 4 (final day) golf again even better this time shooting 2 under off the stick but still wanted those bigger fish. i headed to the bridge on and fished under it on the Sydney side as a fellow fishraiders has suggested that spot to me. things started off a bit slow as the tide was ripping through the area but as it slowed and began to turn the bite really came on, caught a variety of fish including flathead, dreaded toad and puffer fish, bream, trevally and leather jacket. but again the fish all had no size to them. maybe its the cold water or im just out of luck and didnt know the right spots but i couldnt believe it. used salted pillies for bait this time they seamed to like them more that the yakka fillets. All in All i had a good trip good golf, good fishing despite the lack of size around but was still catching fish which is the main thing. sorry there are no pics but i thought who wants to see small fish haha i was hoping to land a big one to show you guys.
  24. As some of you may be aware i posted a few weeks ago about where to fish at Batemans bay and was given some great feedback, im thinking im going to try and catch some live bait down there for bait and wondering if there are any good spots to get some? Anything from beach worms to yakkas to mullet to yabbies anything would be great.
  25. Hey shark'od sounds like u had a decent trip! Im heading to the entrance tomorrow for a bit of beach fishing, where about's where u fishing from on the beach. i use to find left of the channel was always pretty decent. anyway have a good 1.
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