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Posts posted by matyg

  1. im no expert but, when I do use paternoster rig the gap the sinker and where the jig line comes off the main is as short as possible so you jig is just out of the weed. all depends on how thick the weed/rocks are from the sea bed. I use squid spikes on floats not with paternoster rigs

  2. went down to bawley point again on friday night for a sat morning session. weather was about as good as winter fishing gets, cold first up but sun came out, no wind and flat seas. To top it off there were seals playing in the break and kangaroos and wallabies to keep us company.

    I had one great hook up early while my line was slack as i was fixing a wind knot then the fish found out it was hooked when i had fixed the tangle and wound in. unfortunately he must have been already back in his hole, tried to turn him around but 8lb braid doesn't like rocks for some reason.

    we ended up with two nice groper and three drummer for the dinner table. one groper went about 50cm the others were all around the 38 to 45cm mark. water wasn't too cold and seemed to catch most of the fish where there was a bit of white water washing up on the rocks. caught a few wirrah that I threw back but was wondering what peoples opinions are of them on the chew.


  3. hi all,

    had a chance to go down the south coast with some experienced rock fishos this weekend. we were fishing out of bawley point about 30kms north of batemans bay. I was already to go at 630 in the morning but it turned out I was about an hour and a half too early for everyone else i was fishing with, so after a fry up we had a 35min walk to the rock platform (sorry cant tell you where as I don't actually know myself). as soon as we got there it rained and didnt really let up for 5 hours but we stuck to it. very proud to say I caught my first drummer which was the goal for the day it went 45cms which I am really stoked about. I attached a pic I took with my red pliers hoping to enter it into catch of the month. I was wondering if anyone could guess at how heavy a 45cm drummer would be as we didnt have scales, I guessed about 2.5kg .

    that was caught on the run in about an hour before high, lightly weighted prawn. we had a good day all up with groper, trev, blackfish and salmon all coming over the rocks along with a couple of more drummer.


  4. just wondering if any other fishos have seen this,

    went down to nepean river yesterday mostly to give the boat a run but had a troll while we were out in there, we got there about 10am and a maritime officer turned up with a little bass boat, we were only on the water for an hour or so and when we got back to the ramp, maritime was still there with a dry boat just making his presence known. Im all for maritime being out and about. but the funny part was, there were a few boats at the ramp who were doing the usual stupid things you see like one guy holding his boat at the edge of the ramp for his mate to park the car instead of moving to the side and letting someone else back a trailer in. the maritime officer didn't say a word.

    are they supposed to help the ramp process while they are there or is it their job just to check licences and safety equipment?

  5. there is a self fusing electrical tape available that when you wrap it tightly around the join it bonds to itself and creates a much better seal than plan electrical tape, might be worth trying that as it doesn't wear off like vaso

  6. mate i was out in front of bundeena beach just after anzac day and i have a ,mate that thinks im a fool for using lures, he too live poddy mullets out and i got smashed by a good sized flathead throwing a sp between his too lines, stil next time we go i reckon he will insist on going up river for some bait first. just cant teach some of them.

  7. nice catch there,

    i headed out on friday caught heaps of flatties and some undersize pinkies , only thing of size was a metre long shovelnose in the shallows behind mainbar.

    the problem was we couldn,t get away from undersize flatheads, were you inshore or out of the bay?

  8. Hi all,

    quick report to update those interested in the current prawn stocks,

    went down to windang ramp on friday night and anchored up in the channel for the change.

    the water was warm and the current was ripping through the bridge, it had fully turned to runout by about 1am and prawns came thick and fast for about three hours.

    there was lots of weed coming down with them and it seemed that the bigger specimens were mostly attached to the ribbon weed so we had a bit of work sorting through the weed once there was a bit of weight in the keeper tank.

    ended up with a solid 2kg cooked and drained, also picked up a nice fat flathead going 41cm on a squidgy stealth prawn just on sunset before we anchored up.

    there was a few blue swimmers to be had if we had bothered to bring the traps.

  9. no expert but i tend to go with brighter colours at night like white or some of the pinks/yellows I think that scent is always helpful, caught plenty of flatheads and tailor at night, faster retrieve for tailor, slow for flats, never done much good with bream or jewies but im sure its not difficult, all about putting in the hours

  10. i fished down there landbased roughly the same time as you, we did the same from under the bridge, lots of U/S flatties but the boys next to us got some bigger ones on small pillies rigged whole on two hooks, I used nippers from one of the local flats north of the bridge, good bait but probably doesn't attract the bigger, wiser flatheads

  11. hi raiders,

    did a bit of land based fishing down at batemans bay on saturday,

    we pumped some nippers and dropped lines right next to the flats,

    in about a 2 hour session ended up with two bream about 30cm, and two good size rays came nest so we moved on.

    rays sure do know how to take line, sorry no photos as we were wading in up to chest height at times to get the casts right into the channel so i didnt take my camera.

    caught a number of flatties down at the entrance to the clyde on the north side later in the evening too.

    water was a bit cool but nice hot day seemed to have the fish firing.

    great place that I have visited many times since I was a kid, always hard to come back home.

  12. I have a garmin hand held model called an e-trek, there are a few different ones in the range. im pretty happy with it not sure what that aus66 means sorry, but i purchased it only through nrma website

  13. im only fairly new to all of this only having owned a boat for a year, but I have always managed a feed of flatheads out around juno and closer in around the channel markers, having said that we only ever end up bringing in three or four keepers but thats plenty for a feed for my mate and I, and our respective partners who always accuse us of stopping at the fish shop on the way home.

    but it would be nice to see the sort of success i have had both south and north of Sydney.

    great topic by the way for whoever added their thoughts, great to here some people who have much more knowledge than myself about the local areas.

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