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Posts posted by bream111

  1. I got the 39 cm fish on the Satursday. Dad the mongrel had to out do me on the Sunday with the 41cm fish.

    Amazing to see how fat they are this year too. Must be plenty of food in the river.

    Off to Shoal Bay this weekend. Trying to teach the other half about the dark arts. Might try that breakwall in Nelson Bay.

    By all reports you should brain them on the break wall at Nelson Bay. My info off some of the locals is the place is really firing.

  2. Great thread. I normally bleed and place immedately into an ice slurry. When it is time to clean the fish I fillet and bone my catches. I was told many years ago always only rinse fish in salt water. The next time you fillet a fish wash one in fresh water and the other in salt water. You will notice a huge difference in the texture of the fish. When it is rinsed in salt water the fillet will have silky shiny appearance. When it is rinsed in fresh water it will have withered texture. It also definitely tastes different. Much nicer when rinsed in salt water. Also if you can clean your fish without it using any water it taste better still. You don't wash off the natural oils and fat off the fish.

  3. We have a vacancy on a weeks Swains fishing trip departing Newcastle on the 8th of September. The cost of the trip is $2050.00. There are no dorys it is fishing on the mother ship. The boat is air conditioned

    This cost includes airfares from Newcastle to Rockhampton return. Transfer from rocky airport to Yeepoon return.

    Additional allowances will be required for lunch / tea on the 8th and 15th also any beverages that you wish to consume on the boat. All you require is your fishing gear. Large snapper sinkers are also provided.

    Please PM me if interested.

  4. Head across the water to Hawks Nest as well. Some quality flatties have been caught of late. Try fishing the short cut area and between Barnes's Rock and the short cut. Be careful this area at low water can be sanded up pretty bad. One last word of warning make yourself aware of the marine park boundaries they can be confusing for locals and visitors alike.

  5. The best part about fishing in the rain is most softies are sitting at home and you have more choices. You are not fighting to get onto your favourite spot.

    Having said that when you have wind and rain it ain't much fun.

  6. It may be just a coincident. I was having the same problem with my older Minn Kota. Then it stopped working altogether. I contacted BLA and spoke with one of their technicians. He indicated that there were 2 small magnets that probably had rusted in the foot pedal mechanism. I sent the foot pedal back for inspection and they replaced it with a new one (still under warranty) Oddly enough the excess turning of the motor has now ceased.

  7. I feel like a goose. I took my PB blackfish to my local tackle store this morning for him to weigh (requirement for out of competition best blackfish) . It weighed 1.06 kilos gilled and gutted. No where near that 1.4kg I said it weighed. I not sure how the scales I originally used can be so far out.

    But at least the brag mat tells the truth it was 48cm long.

  8. Today I caught my PB Blackfish. It was 48cm long and it weighed 1.4kg gilled and gutted. I will get the weight verified at my local tackle store. I have photos but I have no idea how to post them.

    I caught her on Susan Gilmore weed at a place called the short cut in the Port Stephens area near Hawks Nest. My main line was 12lb mono with 10lb floro carbon leader on size 6 damaki chemically sharpened hook fishing with a 10 foot leader (from stopper to bottom hook0

    The fish was heavy to reel in and not much fight until it seen my ugly head with a landing net in hand. Then it was game on.

    All up my mates and me caught 34 quality black fish. At the end we were tossing 30cm blackfish back.

  9. Last Friday I too decided to pull apart my Stradic 2500 and give it a service. Slinky's very informative service and maintenance article gave me the confidence to attempt something I would never do. The end result. Every component of the reel is sitting in an ice cream container. I rang the tackle store and they can send it away to get fixed by Shimano. I estimate I'll get it back for around $100. This particular model has come down in price to around $150. I had a brainwave, purchase a new one pull it apart as I do rebuild the one in the ice cream container. I spoke with my mate. He wisely explained to me that I have trouble opening a weet bix box let alone trying to rebuild the stuffed up reel. He is a good mate. He hurt my feelings and cruelly exposed my inadaquencies. But I am going to save the $100. it will cost me to get Shimano to fix the problem. He reckons he can fix the reel by using the schematic drawings. I showed my mate Slinky's article. My mate reckons any dumb arse should be able to follow Slinkys article but as my informative mate reckons my missus opens up the weet bix box for me. He says I should stick to what I do best SFA. It hasn't turned out to bad at least my reel will be serviced free of charge.

  10. I have a 798CI Side Scanner Humminbird I am still learning how to use it. I am interested to see what responses you get from fellow Raiders.

    A few weeks ago one of the site sponsors Huett Marine from the Pacific Hwy at Cowan had sounders on special. Try them for advice.

  11. It depends on what type of fishing you do. I like to fish estuary and ocean rocks. Before you start sit back and watch the sets for about 15 minutes, don't put your self in a dangerous situation.

    The set up I use is a 10'6" Mag Bream rod. A 500A Alvey sidecast reel spooled with 12 pound mono (Jarvis Walker from ******) it has good abrasive qualities and very cheap. I use a 1/0 short shank hook Kendal Kirby pattern hook Mustad 4190. For bait I use stripped mullet, no longer than your little finger, the smaller the better. Make sure you have no scales on your bait the hook will not penetrate scales. A special secret (don't tell anybody) is to soak your whole mullet in water a few hours before you intend on using it. The mushier your bait the better. All it has to do is stay on your hook. Make sure you have no scales on your bait the hook will not penetrate scales.To bait your hook pierce your hook through the skin side on the belly end twist your hook and go through the flesh side twist the hook one more time and go through the skin side.

    It takes time to master using a sidecaster but keep persisting. I promise you the time will be time well spent. As you develop your skills you will be able to cast into into wind and be able to consistently catch bream even when they pick up your bait and swim towards you. One of the hardest but one of the most important skills to develop is feel your bait. Think about it; if you can feel your bait you will be able to feel the slightest of bites.

    Be prepared to lose hooks. As a rule if your not fishing where there is structure you may as well be fishing in the middle the road.

    Fish as light as you can sometimes you will have to put a small ball sinker on. If you do use sinker a running sinker.

    Target your fish. You will get more fish in the middle of the night than the middle of the day. Fish the structures. Structure includes wave movement.

    There are many effective ways to target bream. Plenty of baits (and plastics) to use and many techniques fishos use. Many are effective. Have a go and have a ball.

  12. Follow Stuey's set up. I basically use the same set up. Instead of using small beads as shock absorbers I cut up small pieces of the rubber extrusion that it is used to keep window and screen doors gauze in place. I fish the river system at Port Stephens at a place called the short cut. I prefer to fish the run in tide. As the tide comes in it brings cleaner water. Remember Stuey's advice no BURLEY NO FISH. Try and hook up with another Blackfish fisherman it will fast track your skills.

  13. Recently I upgraded my trailer springs for Makocraft boat trailer. I bought a 5 spring set up. Potentially you can put the top 3 springs into the small box piece that the springs sit loosley into. I put 2 springs in. A mate checked out my handy work and reckons all 3 should be placed into the box piece. I went down the local boat ramp to check how others fitted their trailers. Of the the 5 spring trailers about 1/2 had 3 springs in and the 1/2 had 2 springs. Is there a right way and a wrong way? Or does it really matter?

  14. Went up the creek this morning, very windy. It was worth it to see the six year old boys both catch a flathead each. The first one 52cm and the second 50cm. Then a nice little bream 30cm and two under size jews around 40cm each. I know two six year olds that are having flathead for tea tonight. I think they will both be hooked for life.

    I took my Grand Daughter fishing for whiting 3 years ago. She caught plenty but all undersized. Ever since then she wants to go fishing with pop all the time. She turns 10 on Thursday. She can tie a Lefty's loop knot for her plastics and a Kaneit knot that joins mono to braid. I look forward to our fishing adventures.

    Taking your boys fishing with you will bring you untold fun. The joy on their faces when they catch a fish is priceless. Enjoy the moments.

  15. Do you have an iphone/ipad?

    You can get the new Navionics App AU&NZ for $15.99.

    It works quite well as a backup or second chart plotter.

    I have the old and the new App on my phone. What I like with the new app, you pick the map of the area you need and the map will be stored on your phone. so it will work without mobile reception.

    I will have an Iphone as soon as my daughter gives mine back to me or I buy another one. I reckon I'll put my hand in my pocket yet again. What Princess wants.................. The apps may be the way to go.

  16. My name is John.

    I live at Hawks Nest and I am 54 yrs young. In the winter I fish hard for bream and luderick. As the temperature gets warmer I start fishing for whiting and flatties on plastics in the estuary system. I am a keen lawn bowler.

    I work in the rail system in Newcastle and work 12 hour shifts. This gives me plenty of opportunities to go fishing.

    What a great site. I am sitting in front of the computer hours on end learning a truck load.

  17. Recently I had a discussion with an officer from Marine Park Authority about the various Sanctuary Zones in the state. He stated that all of MPA craft had Navionic Cards that showed all the Sanctuary Zones etc. I contacted Navionics and they have a Gold card that costs close to $400.00. The salesman indicated that they would provide updates for 12 months. After 12 months if I wanted any updates I could trade in my Gold Card for a new one and pay a further $200.00

    I am planning a trip up to the Gulf in May / June 2012. I am of the understanding that these Gold Cards have all the Marine Park Sanctuary Zones around Australia. So it makes sense to buy one. At present I have a Humminbird 798CI fishfinder/GPS.

    The question is. Are there any other options out there? Or is Navionics the only mob that provides the coordinates of all the various State's MPA Sanctuary Zones etc?

  18. Hi Raiders, I was looking at some old rods I had in the garage last year, this one caught my eye as it was one that my dear old Dad used a long long time ago.

    Anyway I put a post up about it and apparently these old Sportex rods were very classy rods back in the old days.

    Well fast forward one year and I have finally finished having the old girl spruced up, looks good now with new bindings for the original guides, the winch and cork butt has been cleaned and tidied up to.

    So here are a few pics of the rod which I guesstimate is about 50 or so years old, feels good and solid, I think the (526) on the rod means it is a five wrap glass, so I think she will be able to handle a nice pig..

    There you have it, I'm sure there will be some Raiders out there that may remember this style of Sportex, especially Luderick (Royce) Angler...

    P.S, Click on the pic and you get a better picture..)

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    I believe the Sportex blanks were imported from Germany.

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