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ilk fish

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Posts posted by ilk fish

  1. I love to fish more than any one can imagine, And I detest my freedom to do so in being compromised.

    But reality is that the fish stocks are not in the greatest situation

    Marine parks are not the best answer. but they are some sort of start to rectifying the situation.

    Personally I would like a total ban on all pro fishing within 40 kilometres of the coast line.

    I really feel that fish farms and importing fish is the answer. for instance if someone can

    fish farm luderick, then you would mainly need weed for feed, which shouldnt be too hard.

    I am sure that with a nice sauce, that fish farmed luderick would suffice.

    Enough is enough, people want to much seafood choice,

    stuff em

    we must protect our wild fish,

    (that way we can have great recreational fishing prospects)


  2. was out there today myself with Brett & Sammy fishing out of Bretts boat ended up with pretty much FA :(

    Possibly its because the moon rose in the morning. I have a feeling that this slows things

    quite a bit. Has anyone else noticed this. ? ? ? ? ?? // /??? ?? ?

  3. I don't mind getting into a bit of carp bashing myself. That's a pretty lightweight outfit you're using on them ilk, what size carp are you landing with it?

    I can't quite understand how people could eat them though. The smell alone is enough to make me want to donate them for fertilizer. They're nothing but a common pest that deserves to be eradicated using any means possible.



    Hi Shane

    The carp aren't big, they are roughly 3 to 4 kilos, the trace line is platyl strong (dark brown color), its

    exceptionally reliable and even though its very fine (1lb breaking strain) its very wear resistant).

    The main line is maxima 1kg, its the best 1kg line I have ever used , totally recommend it.

  4. On Sunday went to one of the large freshwater ponds in Sydney, and got myself

    a lovely carp.

    Great scenery and sport fishing, as I used a 2lb (1kg) mainline and a 1lb(0.5kg) trace.

    The rod was a Daiwa procaster IM7 and the reel was a very old but unbelievably smooth

    Shimano bantom overhead. This outfit was smoother than silk.

    I guess alot of people would write negative comments in regards to carp.

    But remember, I know of lots of people who once try carp fishing, dont mind it at all.

    Further its a boost to the fishing, tourism and food industry.

    Even the fisheries department admits that other factors such as poor irrigation management,

    livestock grazing near riverbanks, etc etc degrade our water system as well.

    I realise that carp are overpopulated in our freshwater systems. Hence if we have specialist

    interest groups fishing for carp, I am sure that their numbers would be controlled.

    PS I am disgusted with those fertilizer carp companies, you think about it, isnt it in their

    interests to degrade the carp to such a level. Hey they definitely love big numbers of

    carp in our waterways, otherwise how else would they get their cheap source of fertiliser.

  5. hey guys

    would you consider my savage ranger 4.3 tinny a tad small for 2 meter waves in botany???

    Sometimes the wave shape is so sharp, and close together that you can be trapped inbetween

    them and you can be swamped from the front , side or behind.

    Further since the bay is virtually 10km by 5km, its air temp is at times very different to that

    of the land, and some real weird gusts come out of nowhere (and it feels like being hit by

    semi trailer). So its not just wave size that does all the damage. The main thing is to realise

    that all this happens virtually instantaneously

  6. Went to fish the second runway late afternoon. , The wind was around 20 knots

    and the waves were quite large.

    Found that the tide was so strong that it turned the boat side on to the oncoming waves,

    it wasnt an issue as my boat is quite large, but its something small boat owners should

    consider, hence, if there is a large tide, and strong winds, consider the effects it would

    have in your anchoring situation

    I got one good hit, probably a large trevally, but thats about it. so after a short while, I

    packed it in.

    Lately I found that if the tide is raging (with a very high tide coming up), I dont get many bites,

    do you guys experience the same thing ? ? ? ? ? ?

  7. What a great report. Some great fish to match as well!!! :1yikes: That starfish is HUUUGE!


    Incidently, many years ago (over 20) I read an old angling book, it mentioned that starfish

    were great snapper bait, further I also know that a lot of pro fishermen up north place jellyfish

    in traps when bait is scarce, and they too get the snapper in.

    Does any one have any further info on this,

    PS, guys you sure put in a good effort to have an entertaining day.

  8. sighz.... ok i went to san souci's wharf and started there only one nibble and the other guys next to me only caught undersized breams. Ok so i moved out to mollineux point at 9am not knowing how it is like there. Wen i realised that it was the steepest rock wall i've seen i moved near yara bay.

    There i tried the sea weed bed, there was a couple of small fishes, no luck on my gang hook as it kept sticking onto the rocks an seaweed. So moved a bit out, and tried the rocks there, so i threw some burley in, then caught some strange i think unedible fish, caught a small crab on my metal lure, and that was it. I couldnt even cast my bait out cuz there was so many rocks and sea weed. so had to find a little spot, and use a running sinker rig with some burley and prawns >_< ok i wasted 6 hours of my life catching nothing!

    heres some photos, someone please tell me if this fish is edible or not and the name of it thankyou





    Yes that is a wrasse, and thet are very good eating, only problem is that they are

    too small.

    Further I would like to warn you that your images or image software is infected with

    marketing viruses

  9. Fished Third runway today at Botany Bay

    A constant stream of bread burley kept the trevally and a few very large slimey mackeral around.

    I noticed that the trevally here have been larger than the ones at Molineux point.

    It also seemed that after the tide peaked at 11.30am, the bite slowed right down.

    On my return towards Cooks river I notice heaps of seagulls scattered everywhere, this

    was an unusual sight.

    Did anyone see them after lunch, and did they indicate any tailor schools etc.


  10. hit the bay early and conditions were perfect so i grabbed a half dozen livies and then decided it was too nice to stay inside the heads so i trolled outside and headed north.

    i came across some birds working their little wings off so i pulled my lures along the edge of the action for zero results but the sounder showed huge numbers of big fish under me. a quick re-rig saw livies going overboard on two outfits and expectations high.

    ZZZZZZZZZZZ snap !!!!! damn not enough drag!!!

    oh well i still have 5 more livies, motor back up and drop them again but this time my lines start floating back to the surface :ranting2: jackets!!!!

    lost all the livies so i trolled lures around for a while for one small stripie (about a kg) and a bonnie then headed in to the third runway and met up with seajay.

    got a nice burley trail going and it wasnt long before the slimies were there in numbers and size. after a few hours of great fun i moved up to moll point for a couple of hours of rest (not a bite ).

    on the way back to the ramp i decieded to give the first runway a shot and it went off big time. In a two hour session of floating bonnie strips and flicking unweighted plastics i boated well over 30 trevs, most of them small but i kept 8 over 30cm.

    while all this was happening i had a bait on the bottom that went off on a screaming run that ended with the line breaking on the eye of the hook (not at the knot).

    so a great day weather wise ended with a lot of action on light gear and a good feed to boot, who could ask for more.

    Hi Brian

    Sure sounded like a good fishing trip.

    Incidently is the first runway, the one next to Cooks river breakwall, and is the third runway

    the one next to the Penhryn boat ramp ??


  11. Arrived there at midday at low tide, and noticed a narrow gutter going

    all the way towards the surf club, emptying out to a significant rip.

    There were scattered schools of mullet.

    A few people were going for whiting with blood worm, but no one caught any.

    The beach waves were relatively soft rolling and I was told that it may not

    be enough surge to bring on the tailor.

    It proved right, as there were about eight anglers in my vincinity and

    I only saw one tailor (just over legal size) being caught right on dusk.

    I fluked an average sized flathead on pilchard.

    A few older locals there told me that the North Entrance beach is

    predominately a flathead and whiting beach.

    So if I ever go back there again, I think that I would probably spend

    most of the time walking up and down the beach flicking flathead lures,

    possibly some soft plastics.

    The reason I mentioned the 12 inch wonder wobbler description, is

    because I reckon that it would really immitate those mullet which are

    abundant there. Hence I am going to try to make one that large out of

    stainless steel sheet (probably from those old kitchen sinks people chuck out)

    and give it a go, it might really work on those flathead.

  12. Fished Molineux point on Friday 5/5/06.

    Small school of trevally worked the area, there were a few boats close together and

    all were berlying, but only one had the trevally school next to it.

    As soon as that boat left, the trevally school moved off to the next closest boat


    Tip, for trevally in that area, is to place a small yet "heavily" weighted bertly cage about

    20 feet under the boat.

    There were also masses of yellowtail, for livebaiting they were a little too big, however worth

    trying. I placed one on and only had one kingfish hit, but no hook up.

    The yellowtail got into a feeding frenzy just an hour before sunset and really got in the way of

    catching trevally.

    Higlight of the day was seeing two large birds that looked as if they were a cross between an

    albotros, sea eagle and kookaburra, they looked massive and dived into the water from so high

    up, at incredible speeds, most of the time you couldnt see them dive through the air.

    They made a very load noise hitting the water, and would have easily dived to 6 metres to where

    the yellotail were working.

    Tip , in situations like this, dont even think of placing a yellotail on your mates head as a joke,

    PS does anybody know of any good beaches that are currently working well with salmon, I am

    prepared to drive 3 hours north or south of sydney. thanks

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