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  1. Where can I buy this rod? I have been looking for a 3-6 kg slingshot. I currently have 1-3KG slingshot, bought it for squidding, but was very impressed with it. I got ripped off on this rod, paid $100 including crappy brownings reel. $55 for the rod is a good buy.
  2. I haven't tried the Yamashita, only have few cheapies. I might get couple of Yamashita jigs and try it out. Thanks.
  3. I guess I just got lucky with the bibbed minnow. Maybe it was the just colour of the minnow, but I definitely got more hits with it. I have heard about squid jigs with bibs, and I think it has been talked about in this forum. Is there anyway to modify a bibbed minnow and replace the treble hook with the squid hooks? Are there any small squid hooks that I can attach to the minnow?
  4. I am newbie to fishing. Been trying to catch some squid around palm beach. I don't own a boat and I get sea sick(real bad), so I do my fishing from the shore. I have caught some off palm beach rock pools, but the weather has been pretty bad with big swell so I have been going to palm beach wharf. I have been going there for few times without much luck. I keep getting bites on the squid jig but can't pull them in. I have been reading up on bibbed minnow baits, and thought I might try to catch some bream from the wharf. This was in the evening low tide about 10pm - 1am. I used a white 6cm 3.3g bibbed minnow and to my surprise I was getting bites. It didn't feel like fish, and was quite weak. This being the first time jigging with minnow lure. I really didn't know what I was doing. To my surprise I got a hit and it felt like squid, and it was squid. I caught 2 squid about 25cm using a bibbed minnow at night. Looks like the treble hooks are more effective at keeping the squid hooked than squid jigs. Anyway after catching couple of squid I put on the size 2.0 squid jigs to see if it is more effective. It wasn't. Anyone have experience with squid on bibbed minnow in the evening? I am thinking I should just use the bibbed minnows and throw out the squid jigs.
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