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Posts posted by f1shen

  1. I used to live in Tempe when the ban was on. I was of the understanding that it was the heavy metals build up from all the industrial sites along the river that was the real health concern.

    I had a google and found this : http://www.sciencealert.com.au/news/20112510-22760.html

    I noticed Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are on the list of chemicals found in the river? At least the fish wont have headaches.

    But generally it mentions pooh. Lots and lots of pooh.

    I can tell you know that when I did environmental science at Uni, we did field work at the Cook's River and it is *nasty*.

    We also used to trade horror stories about it - my favourites are that all the pollutants in the river caught fire in the 1970s and burned for several days as they couldn't be put out (this one's a bit apocryphal).

    The other one was that, when excavating for the airport rail link, tests done several metres down into the sediment were still revealing levels of heavy metals (mercury in particular) way in excess of any safety regulation.

    I always found it quite sad that this river was more or less used as a chemical dump for years with no concern for the fish or any kind of concern for the environment or future use of the River. The sewer overflows STILL run into it and straight into Botany Bay - a disgrace in my book, but I don't think the Government has any incentive to change it. Really, I'd be wary of fish in Botany Bay, too, but you have to draw the line somewhere. As long as you don't eat fish five days a week from there, you should be ok. We've all gotta die of something!

    So I guess the moral of the Cook's is: catch, but always release.

  2. Went out early today to drift on the bottom of the low tide. The was was still incredibly dirty, visibility was less than a metre. Lots of action on the surface with small tailor chasing baitfish.

    Didn't catch a single thing while drifting and gave up. Went back to the pontoon and decided to have a few casts to use up my bait. Caught a few little tailor, and was absolutely floored when I pulled in a nice kingie on a piece of prawn! Caught a yellowtail and used it as bait - got two trevally - both keepers.

    Turned my day right around!

  3. I went to Garie beach the other day, and saw some people wetting their lines, as well as surfers, it looked like a great spot.

    I think I may have been bitten by the beach fishing bug as a result. Has anyone had much luck at Garie? Any tips or species to target?

    Also, is there any etiquette regarding fishing where there are surfers? If you're fishing in a rip, I guess there wouldn't be too many surfers there, but I'm wary of doing the wrong thing and whalloping some poor surfer with a pyramid sinker to the face.

    Any thought or comments would be great!

  4. Not too bad, you managed a few fish.

    Mainbar has some larger nippers, but there are plenty of small one there as well. Shows that they are breeding well.

    A couple of years ago, one of the greenie dropkicks at Sutherland Shire Council proposed an idea that the taking of nippers be banned at Mainbar, as is the case in Gunnamatta Bay. Fortunately the idea has been dropped so far. Where else can you find them in such large numbers? I've pumped them out of there for many years, and the numbers are still high. You only need 30 or 40 nippers to catch a feed of fish.


    Having said that, I've seen guys who are obviously pumping them for commercial sale - a dozen 25 litre buckets each half full of nippers and two guys in the boat. I think that's a little more that 100 each for the bag limit. If I'd had my wits about me, I'd have got their registration, but they obviously weren't in the mood to stick around at Wally's Wharf to chat while I try and memorise their rego. Give them a wave if you see them - two guys in a blue 6m runabout.

  5. a few guys in kayaks have been catching bonito,kings,jews i donno where abouts in the hacking the water looks dirty in the videos

    The first one is just the northern side of Great Turriell Bay, and the second is near the end of Gannon's Bay. Both in the same general area.

    I've seen these guys out before, always wondered if they caught anything!

  6. Great to hear :thumbup: Were they busting up at all or chasing any baitfish?

    Yeah, they were chasing small whitebait-looking things, 1 - 2 inches long. Not too much surface action, though. I caught them about 2 - 3 metres down.

  7. Are you sure they weren't bonito? It isnt unheard of from time to time but Striped tuna in the hacking would be awesome,

    I assumed that they were bonito, but the old man insisted they were striped tuna. We took it online, and, whaddya know, they were striped tuna.

  8. Also try squid and yellowtail strips. Anywhere from the baths up to Yowie Bay and Gymea Bay, also South West Arm. Fish the deeper water where it drops off the slope out from the bank to the flatter bottom sections. In saying that, at night time sometimes the jewies will be feeding on the surface like tailor, if there are bait fish cruising in the shallower water near the surface.

    Yowie, thanks for the tips!

    Went out early today using pilchards, caught two striped tuna and some slimies off Lilli Pilli Baths.

    Had a handline out too with just a big suicide hook and half a pilchard which hooked up with two nice yellowfin bream. Something big grabbed it twice and busted me off quickly as well, got the cuts in my finger to prove it. Might up the breaking strain next time.

    Lots of yellowtail to be found right next to the blue MSB buoy in front of the baths - got some bait for next time.

    Thanks again!

  9. I have fished Port Hacking for over 50 years, and it can be difficult at times, a good feed one day and not much the next.

    Hey Yowie, any tips for where to fish in the deep water around Lilli Pilli?

    I've often tried the deep water just off the baths (seems a popular spot) but never had much luck aside from little reds.

    Gonna have another go there this week with some pilchards for something a little different!

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