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Everything posted by ParraRiverFisher

  1. Went to Rodd Point again today, caught two bream, PB!!! 30cm+ . And i little flattie, missed a heap though!!! Sorry forgot the camera:)
  2. I must be pretty lucky there then!!! I've caught my pb whiting, bream and flattie there in the past couple of weeks!!! Use soft plastics on the sand flats, like z-man soft plastics or squidgies. Seems to work for me . A morning or arvo high tide seems to get them active. Good Luck
  3. Hi guys, I haven't posted much, but i have fished rodd point a few times with limited and disappointing results, can anyone give me tips on what lures? when to fish there? high or low tide? Basically anything that will improve my catch rate, mainly for bream.
  4. Thanks, that really helps, i know that i have a general idea on bream fishing with lures. it seems that i can catch a few species of fish on lures other than the fish i really want to catch , but i know with persistance i can catch ONE!!!
  5. Hey guys, i'm new to this forum, but not fishing! i'm 15 and i started fishing ever since i was born!!! i have been into soft plastic and hard body lure fishing for a few years, and have caught whiting, flathead, tailor and a few others, BUT NO BREAM, can anyone give me any tips, spots on how to fish the parramatta river
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