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Posts posted by swansea_fisho

  1. Hey Fellas,

    Couldn't help myself :1prop: . Went down for a picnic with some of the family down at Picnic point. But what the missus didn't know I sneaked my little spin rod in the boot of the car :biggrin2: . Had a meal, sat around had had a chat and then sneaked off with my fiances bro Mike and son Patrick for a quick :1fishing1: . :wife: soon found out were we got too, and got mad at me :wacko: lol.

    Anyway didn't do too badly for about an hour and half fishing with prawns and bits of steak. The young fella landed a nice flounder and snared a nice Sand Mullet, with a few undersize bream being landed as well.

    I think the missus won't be letting me out of her sight for now, couldn't even last a week without fishing :1prop:

    Ahh it was worth it :biggrin2:

    Cheers guys Steve

  2. Hi all

    Been looking at a new combo does it sound okay i think so

    looking for it to do some bottom bouncing and trolling

    It,s a Shimano tyrnos30or a 20 on a Shimano backbone elite 15kg roller tip rod

    price $349

    Or should i get a T-curve rod instead

    What are the Backbones like as a rod



    Gday Johno,

    Sorry to be a bit nosey mate just curious which shop is it, I'd definately be looking to pick one up

    Cheers mate Steve

  3. Gday Guys,

    Just a quick one. Can anyone give me there opinions on Jailor overhead reels, not sure of the model all I know its black. How would it go as both a trolling and Bottom bashing reel?

    Cheers guys


  4. Evening Raiders,

    A very quick fishing outing this afternoon, setting off from Brooklyn and doing a slow drift between the bridges. Only a small whiting and a flattie caught within our alchohol assisted one hour drift... :beersmile: but we saw a dolphin breaking the surface a number of times near the road bridge. Not sure if this is usual, but a great end to a top afternoon.



    Unlucky mate, least you got a couple of fish. Thats unusual for Dolphins to be so far up the system. Must be a fair bit of bait around

    Cheerz Steve

  5. As far as heading outwide mate, either the ramps at Terrigal haven or Norah head will get you out to some fantastic fishing grounds as the Entrance to Tuggerah lakes is dangerous and not recommended. Would be happy to give you a few GPS marks bud, PM me

    Cheers Steve

  6. Noah,

    Mate source tells me quite a few Mowies out there on the reefs and the the odd old man Snapper along with plenty of rubbish, Plenty of small Flatties out the Flatheads drifts and a few Sambos off Conjola beach.


    Ps: Are you doing a beach launch mate??

    If at Conjola?

  7. Gday Marco,

    I know how you feel, I've had a few close calls on that Bar, and its not one of the easiest bars to predict either. All I can say is avoid it on a low tide and in Northerly weather and try to head out early and come back early...Steve

  8. Thanks very much all, your all a great bunch of people and it means everything :biggrin2: , Gonna enjoy a good night sleep hopefully and nice relaxing night :1prop: as the missus and baby are due home tommorrow morning and might be my only good night sleep for a while

    Thanks again all Steve

  9. Hey Fellas, just a quickie last night at 7:27pm my fionce Kaitlyn gave birth to a 7 pound 2 ounce baby boy- Blake. Its a big moment in my life and just thought I'd like to share it with all you guys,

    All the Best Guys



  10. Hey fellas,

    This Sunday isnt looking too great, 3m plus swells on Saturday and 2.5m plus Swells on Sunday

    Not the ideal weekend to make a trip to the shelf,

    Whats your thoughts swansea?

    Mate i will have my net ready to catch them all, discovered recently my netting skills arent the best so i could do with the practice.

    Guys not looking too promising at all, might have to give it a miss for the following weekend :( But will definately keep an eye on it over the next day, and get back you all by tommorrow arvo....Steve

  11. hey mate,

    are all the spots taken? can go out any day of the week and have more gear than i can poke a rod at :P



    Mate pretty sure i've got a full crew for the Sunday as far as I know and if the weather permits, was orginally planning to head out on both days but gotta help out a mate from work on Saturday, would of been great to have you onboard for the Saturday. Mate we'll definately plan a trip down the future within a few weeks

    All the best Steve

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