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Everything posted by Hammo2809

  1. Hey Raiders, Can anyone tell if there is anything to catch at Bretti Reserve?? Either in the Barnard River part or the Manning River part.... I'm new to freshwater fishing and am going there in a few weeks & wanted to have a go. Any advise would be great or any spots nearby.. Cheers Hammo
  2. Hey Raiders, I am thinking about going to Pearl Beach for the fist time on Sunday arvo/evening to fish of the beach. Can anyone give me some tips on baits, rigs etc?? It's going to be a low tide would that also be an issue?? Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks Crossfire63, I went out this morning but was unsuccessful. Had a good time though. Cheers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hey Fishraiders, Could anyone give me their opinion on beachfishing tomorrow morning?? Are the tides right etc for an early morning session just before dawn?? I checked out Seabreeze & it looks okay. I was thinking of Wamberal/Terrigal. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
  5. Well you wouldn't believe it!!! I turned up to Avoca at about 5.30am casted out a salted pillie, after waiting quite a while with no action I changed over to a frozen pillie and still nothing not even a bite. I changed location twice to better my chances but to no result. At about 8.30 I packed up and went over to Terrigal where I'd been on other weekends and there were a few guys leaving with there catches of Salmon. I gave it a go with a fresh one one but not one bite. Bugger!!! I think I might try Mullet strips this weekend. Cheers
  6. Hi All... Thanks heaps to all your advise, I'm going to Avoca in the morning with salted and fresh frozen pillies & hopefully a good report to come home with. Cheers
  7. Sounds good Mate!! I'll be trying that when I get myself some Tailor. Cheers
  8. Hey Raider's Do you have to freeze the pilchards after they have been salted?? I have had mine in salt for a couple of weeks now and all the juices have stopped coming from them. So do I leave them in the bucket in the garage or do i freeze them again??? And if I do re-freeze them can they be thawed out and then frozen again after that?? Thanks for any advise. Cheers
  9. Nice catch mate!!! Just out of curiosity do you eat the salmon or use for bait?? I only ask as there is so much bad press about the taste of Salmon and I am yet to catch my first one. Hopefully this weekend. Cheers
  10. Hi Fishraiders, Can anyone give me some advise?? I have recently decided to take up beach fishing and have been spending my time at Wamberal/Terrigal generally at dawn with an incoming tide fishing with a whole pilchard on gangs (3 x 3/0). I have tried to find the channels hoping to get a Tailor or Salmon, however so far I have only landed 1 x 46cm flathead which I was happy with but still no Tailor or Salmon. I am thinking about venturing to North Avoca on my next trip and was wondering if anyone has been catching the Tailor or Salmon there or am I too early for the season yet?? I have all the gear for beach fishing ie 3.8m Snyder rod with 650B Alvey so casting isn't a problem. Any friendly advise would be very appreciated so I can catch my first Tailor and Salmon. Cheers
  11. Hey Warnie100, There should be a small sticker/tag stuck to the clamp bracket that states a model and serial number. It is the model number that they (OMC) uses to identify the year model. If it is prior to 1980 the model number will generally contain the year in it, post 1980 they use a system they called Introduces. If you can post the model number I can let you know what it is. Cheers
  12. Thanks Mate, We were just south of the opening to the Basin. Cheers
  13. Still learning how to post with pics. Excuse the date & time it was on my sons camera.
  14. stayed overnight on Pittwater on Saturday with my son & mate and picked up a good bag of Bream just on Dusk and another the next morning before the southerly picked up. The largest measured 35cm which my son caught. Looking forward to getting back out there for some more action.
  15. I keep them them in a bucket and keep an esky in the boot with a couple of frozen water bottles in there ready to chill..
  16. I would empty it out and rinse out with some metho as this will pick up any traces of water left in it. Its generally a good idea to keep the vent closed as when it contracts it draws air & moisture in that will stay in the tank. The tanks are made to withstand the expansion and contraction with the vent closed.
  17. Hi Roylo, I cut my squid open so it becomes one open piece then slice (not right through & after cleaning) a thin chris cross like pattern over it. The cuts about 1/2 cm apart. Then I cut it up into small pieces about 5cm x 3cm (roughly)& mix lemon pepper seasoning through it & then cook it on a hot bbq plate with just enough oil to prevent it sticking.
  18. Hi Squidgy99, Thanks for your advice mate, I'm already looking forward to next weekend as tides look good for the morning. I have the gang hooks but will get myself the 3/0 & 4/o suicide hooks as well. Hopefully Wamberal will pull through with the goods, just got to get my gutter finding skills sorted out. If not I might find myself at the other beaches. Cheers.
  19. Hi All, Just wondering if anyone give me some pointers on surf fishing at Wamberal?? I'm new to surf fishing, I already have an outfit for the surf and would like to go for Tailor & salmon or what ever is going at the time. Is there any particular tide that is better than the other?? Or any part of Wamberal that is no good or better?? Generally I would be going early in the mornings and using pilchards on gang hooks. If anyone can give me a bit of extra info to help me out that would be great as I need all the help I can get. Cheers.
  20. Hi John, I was curious to know if you have been surf fishing back at Wamberal lately??? I have recently decided to give surf fishing a crack and was at Wamberal yesterday morning but had no luck. I arrived at about 6.30am, I did my best to locate a gutter in front of the surf club, used pilchards on 4/0 gang hook. I called in to ********** on the way home and they told me 3 days either side of a full moon also doesn't help. Have you had much success there since you started fishing there??? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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