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Posts posted by Andy_from_the_CJ

  1. G'day lads,

    a friend of mine sent me this by e-mail today, and said I could post it on Fishraider. Hope everyone finds it interesting, cheers to all, Andrew



    Got an early start yesterday morning and met my mate, Evan who owes a Marlin Broad-bill with 4 stroke Honda twin 90s and almost as much gear as (another friend of ours.)

    After loading up the bait tank with yellow tail from a sea wall just east of Sydney airport we headed straight out to a FAD about 23kms wide of Botany Bay.

    On the way out we noticed water temp in the late 21 degrees category and touching 22 degrees out wide. We were the only boat at the FAD and were catching good size dolphin fish on live bait at surface and larger "Dollys" down to 30 metres. Had some good hook ups, and then ET showed up with camera crew in his flash Haines Hunter pulling plastic. So... maybe I'll be on TV because we were the only boat catching stuff.

    About 10am we pulled stumps and headed to The Peak where all the usual charter boats and trailer boats were congregated. Not much happening there so we when moved to the Water Board buoy just wide of Bondi Beach and caught small Kingfish on live bait. Larger Kingfish below the surface were not interested.

    Moved onto The Colours and had no action. About 1pm moved back to Botany Bay South Head and dropped a line for a quick bottom bash and had a good result almost immediately when I hooked onto a 3kg Snapper.

    All in all a good day, and as the water temps gradually move up I am sure we will be in for a great Kingfish/ Marlin season.


  2. G'day Fishraiders,

    number two son and I planned a brief offshore trip yesterday morning. First stop West Head, for some yakkas, which failed to co-operate. Mados and sweep were the only bait on the WH grounds, and that's been happening a lot this summer. The Joey bombora was pumping hard and once we got outside conditions were pretty bumpy, with a few rain squalls around to liven things up. By the time we arrived at the 90 metre mark the skies had cleared and things were looking up. A couple of small skirted lures went over and a striped tuna hooked up quickly. We bridled him up on the new Shearwater 24 kilo and slow trolled him around for an hour without incident. Number two son was getting a bit bored so we pulled the bait in, and scooted over to a nearby FAD where plenty of mahi were in residence. Constant hookups on 3 kilo baitcasters provided plenty of fun, with a couple kept for today's barbie. Later in the morning, on the way back in, we saw patches of birds wheeling over what appeared to be big bait schools but nothing breaking the surface. The bait was scattered and about 20 feet down, we dropped down a jig hoping to score a few slimies for trolling but no dice. We had run out of time anyway so fingers crossed that the bait is still around next week. Cheers to all, Andrew



  3. Where you been Andy??

    Looking forward to catching up on the water soon.

    Great fish btw mate!! Good work on the catch and release side.

    Is it just me, or do many of our members get pissed off with The Sunday Telegraph's Mr Swinburn publishing shots of giant flathead being killed each and every week??? Surely a more responsible approach could be encouraged by someone in his position.




    Hello Byron

    100% in agreement mate. There's nothing wrong with killing fish for the table but let the big breeders go if you can. I've been out of action for about 9 months with health and biz probs but everything's come good now and I'm looking forward to a big summer and autumn of fishing. See you out on the water champ, all the best, A

  4. Thanks very much for those kind words Fishraiders! Yep, I was pretty impressed with how hard this fish went. I was lying on my stomach on the marina arm with the rod under water as she charged off, thought she was a decent jewie.

  5. G'day lads

    a mate and I went down to the marina last night after a bream or two and had a few bust ups on 6lb line, which I figured were jewfish. So I went back for a solo session tonight, with some pilchards and a ten kilo outfit. Two flatties caught, this one at 95 cm, and a smaller one about four pounds, both released. Cheers to all, Andrew


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  6. Good one Naked. Yes, that's a very interesting creek at Appletree. I saw a whopper mudcrab swimming up it a while ago and it would probably be a good spot for a witches hat trap. There was a Chinese bloke down there throwing a cast net at the bream too, but they're too smart for that. Regards, Andrew

  7. hello Heckendorf,

    we were fishing off the back of a boat down there, which is OK with the management. Regarding the restaurant, I've seen a few blokes spinning there at the crack of dawn out of a 12 footer with an electric outboard, but I haven't seen them land anything. I think the go is, burley. Cheers, A

  8. G'day lads,

    well the Ku-Ring-Gai parkies have done it again. The new speed restriction for Smith's Creek will force wakeboarders, waterskiers, ski tubers and jetskis out into the main arm of Cowan Creek, making that waterway even more congested (and filled with boat wakes) for everyone else. This has always been the Parkies favourite tactic, on land or water- force all the recreationalists into smaller and samaller areas, then claim that the new area is being over used, and so further restrictions are required. In the case of Cowan, I won't be surprised to hear of a tragedy, where a skier is run over by another boat- simply due to Parks-enforced over crowding. Regards to all, Andrew


  9. G'day lads,

    a mate and I went down to Bobbin Head on Thursday night after a bream or two on the turn of the tide. Six pound line, size 8 snecks and unweighted bonito strips produced these four keepers. Two bigger bream broke us off on the pilings. Cheers to all, Andrew


  10. In summary, I am attempting to shaft Labor in this electorate like they have shafted us. I will be giving my number 2 spot on my ticket to Liberal, and Greens and Democrats will be the absolute bottom of my list.


    Well said, Joe! As well as Labor's sea closures at the Solitary Islands, Fish Rock, Byron Bay etc, we can add their ban on trout restocking in Kosciusko NP, the new plan of management for Cowan. I note that, in the UK, plans are well advanced (on animal rights grounds) for a ban on the use livebait. The Libs haven't exactly distinguished themselves (I'm thinking of the Great Barrier Reef closures) but Labor (and their greenie mates) are one hundred times worse. Wouldn't it be great if a poor result in NSW on Saturday, costs Labor federally? I think if that was to happen that Labor would finally get the message that their contempt for the working man and his sports is costing them votes. All the best, Andrew

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