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Big Bob

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Posts posted by Big Bob

  1. Great Flattie Lance.

    Lake Macquarie is starting to fire.I was there after some Blue Swimmers last week but no go.

    I fished around the pots for a nice Flounder (Dinner Plate size).

    Ill say hello if I see your boat out there.



  2. I dont know about backing practice however when looking in your rear view remember which ever direction the back of the car is going the back of the trailor is moving in the opposite direction.

    Once you get the trailor turning in the direction follow it round with the car.

    The best bit of advice I can give you when on the ramp is TAKE YOUR TIME its your turn now.

    Get yourself a routine happening mine is:

    Before backing to the ramp

    1/Take off strap

    2/Put Bungs in

    3/Prepare Motor and fuel connections

    4/Take safety chain off front of boat

    5/ Tie on Painter (rope to front of boat).

    When its your turn back your trailor and boat down to edge (If its not a large boat like a tinny try and keep your wheel bearings out of the water and get someone to tell you when the water is just below the hub).

    Launch your boat and get someone to hold onto the rope(Painter) or secure it out of the road of incoming and other boats.

    Drive car away from launching area so the next boat can start his or her routine.

    The first time I launched a boat I had a few smarses offering me advice and sarcasm so get your boat ready and this will limit the time that they have to offer you any of the above.

    Most of all be courteous and it flows on.


  3. Hi,

    I need to service my 30hp 4 stroke Honda for its initial 20 hours.

    I live on the Central Coast near Wyong.

    Could any Fishraider members recommend a Mechanic.

    Must be able to comply with warranty terms and conditions.

    I have had a few new motors before but never a 4 and need someone who is familiar.


  4. Caught on a shrimp.

    Also caught a bass of about 45cm on the same bait.

    The Lake does not have Shrimp in it so youll have to collect them elsewhere.

    Havent seen a lot of larger Yellows but my parents who fish here regularly say they saw a 9 lb one.

    The fish in the photo is betwen 4 and 5 lbs.

    I usually fish with bait but have seen the locals throwing lures near the edge of the weeds for Bass.

    PS If anyone tells you that Catfish are good to eat offer it to them to see there reaction.

    People eat them but they need to be skinned first.

  5. I use bearing buddies and a couple of pumps every so often keeps the bearings in good order.

    Use of a good grease like OMC Tripleguard helps as well.

    I always change my bearings each season and give them a good check when travelling any distance.

    Hate to be on the side of the road broken down.

    Regards :D

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