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Posts posted by cruisecraft

  1. Well done Blairy on your catch,Sat and Sun.I had planned to go out to Browns on the Sunday but the BOM prediction of 20-30knots NW wind put me off and I did boat maintenance instead. How did you find the conditions on Sunday? Did it get up as windy as predicted, out wide( 12 mile)?

    Regards Kit

  2. Hi Mark

    I recently bought a Miya X8S and a 37kg bent butt with Pacific bay rollers for all up $2030.00. The Miya with the bent butt is awesome at Browns, winching up from >500m. The pacific bay rollers help overcome risk of braid getting caught and the line getting cut.

    Regards Kit

    pm me if you want details.

  3. Manganui

    Fancy that, the same reel. I got mine on the net when the Aussie dollar was at 92c to the USD, and it cost me ~$350 delivered. So it is not worth repairing, its only use now might be as a sinker(it weighs a "tonne"!).Even though I have had it for more than a year, that was its first outing and the first drop! :1badmood:

    I will buy a new reel with a winding handle to take some of the load off the motor.

    Regards Kit

  4. Hi Mangonui

    Same thing happened to to my electric reel 1 month ago at Browns. It was on the first drop and the rod was doubled over and after 20-30 mins of the reel winching this fish in from >1700 ft, the motor burnt out :1badmood: . We were only two thirds of the way up and so we started hand lining it in. It was hard work and diificult to maintain the tension with braid(we had to wear gloves) but 30ft from the boat the fish broke off and we were gutted :mad3: . My reel was a second hand Miya Epoch 700, it does not have a handle to wind the reel.What brand reel was yours? I am thinking of getting a new Daiwa Tanacom Bull TB 1000. There is another model which is a Daiwa Tanacom Bull 1000Fe.Any one know the difference between the 2? Is the Tanacom Bull TB 1000 capable of handling the fish(gem and blue eye) and the depth at Browns without burning out the motors?

    Regards Kit

  5. Hi Wantingaboat

    Squid will squirt ink if you touch them . Try holding the jig only and then turn it nearly upside down so that the squid falls straight into the LBT. Well done on the kings.

    Regards Kit

  6. Hi 1 obsession

    Personally I would not have ventured outside on Sat as the wind was up to 30knots plus at times.(Do I get a speeding ticket mods?) or is my comment fair in view of safety for Raiders/fishos. Besides at that wind speed it is near impossible to drift fish.You did good to score the cuttie.

    Regards Kit

  7. Hi Kit

    Mate haven't really done a huge amount of snappering, really only been doing it for a year or so on plastics.

    Years ago I use to anchor and drift bait reds down burley trails. Caught heaps of nice fish but nothing like these days. The quality of the reds we now catch by just fishing plastics is amazing. We drift fish as we want to cover ground. It's more of a numbers game, the more area you get your lure threw the more bites you should get....

    It's not really worth burleying when drifting as we fish new ground every drift. I think boat noise puts them off so once you go threw an area we move slightly to cover new ground specailly in the depths we fish.

    The depths I fish are usually all less than 35m just so I can fish light and we are getting fish here.

    I have pulled some stonkers out of washes in 6m of water so don't ever think it's to shallow!

    On 5" J/shads in 10-20m of water I usually use 3/8-1/2oz heads in a 4/0. Cast as far forward of the drifting boat as you can, pull some slack line into the water so the lure drops straight down on loose line. 80% of the bites happen here on the drop! Watch the line and you will see a bump in the line from either a fish or the lure hitting the bottom. If it's a fish strike HARD! They have hard boney mouths and it's amazing how many drop the hook so really jam it home!

    Ever fished for flathead with a double whip retreive? same thing here. Half way back I burn the lure back and recast.


    I use my sounder for snappering to either find new ground, see depth or find bait. Drop offs are nice and broken scattered stuff is what I usually target but it must have bait on it or I usually wont even stop.

    The GPS plotter is even more important IMO.

    It must have a good detailed mapping card in it. This is how we find areas to hit. I can sit down at the boat before even moving and hunt out new spots by scrolling and looking for tight packed contour lines that show steep drops and reefs. We have even found areas in past posts 4-5hour drives away and go in blind and smash em every trip. It works that well!

    Theres heaps more to the puzzle but that's the few points I can give that I know make a big difference to my catch rates. Next is to just get out there and leave the bait at home!

    If you want to crack the code you must be single minded. Put your self a target of say 3 trips in a row with no bait on the boat......

    I take 2 rods and 1 tray of jig heads and a bag of plastics and that's it. Simple and easy fishing!


    Wow Greg,

    Thanks for the detailed reply, and all the great advice(very helpful to all Raiders here, planning to fish for reds on plastics). I will put your helpful advice to practice over the coming weeks although this weekend(Sunday) looks like it might be a yellow fin trip out wide.Thank you for taking the time and the great info.Isn't this a fantastic site!Good onya mate.

    Regards Kit

  8. Thanks all

    Man that was some good snappers, tasted great!

    We tried to release the big one but just wouldn't revive :( .

    None will go to waste so I don't feel to bad.

    Good returns for only 3 drifts!

    I forgot the camera on the trip :mad3: , just got a new Canon D5 as well!

    Then I remembered the phone......

    Not bad for a mobile!


    Hi Greg

    I am new to SP fishing for snapper.So with fishing for snapper with SP, do you normally drift or should you anchor, and if you anchor up what is the max depth you would anchor in. Would burleying help if anchored up. I have had some success with gulp jerk shad 5 inch in camo with bream in the river(Port Hacking) fishing the pontoons. Do you sound for the fish or do you look for structure with snapper SP fishing? I have a furuno 585 with 1 kw tranny.

    Thank you.

    Regards Kit

    BTW well done they are top reds

  9. can anyone give me any info on their experience with charter operators on lord howe, which is best etc.

    also i'm keen to do some rock and beach fishing for kings etc. where is the best spots?

    all info and experiences would be appreciated.

    cheers Alex :beersmile:

    Hi Alex

    Have you been yet? I am off to Lord Howe on 9th April till 13th April. I have a charter booked for Friday 10th and possibly on 12th as well.Will post a report on return. Happy to Pm you any info.

    Regards Kit

    ps weather was atrocious recently :thumbdown: but it is is looking good for the Easter weekend :thumbup:

  10. Hi david88 for your Botany Bay squid landbased.... the Matraville end of Botany Rd anywhere across the side of the last green about two hundred yards back from the paper mill..... the Molineux end of Yarra Bay.... or the sand and weed sections near the groynes near the restaurant and at the far side of Yarra Bay sailing club... or cross over from La perouse to Bear Island.... If your on the Shire side, any of the jetties with kelp or weedbeds in the Hacking... or on the Shire side of Botany Bay along the sandy beach up from the older houses at Kurnell.


    jewgaffer :1fishing1:


    I came across this thread last night, and as I was going to be dropping my daughter off to Sunday hockey practice at Little Bay, and had an hour to kill, I thought about your squidding question.

    I Google Earth Bare Island and I could clearly see all the kelp areas at Bare Island(it is darker than the surrounding white sand). End result I got 2 squid Sunday morning waiting for Hockey practice to finish.

    Regards Kit

  11. Hi Raiders

    Launched 6am Sunday out of Burraneer Bay with Big Pommie Ben as my deckie. Went to Jibbon beach and only one live squid. We(the wife and I) had picked up 4 the night before but the wife requisitioned them for dinner Sunday(salt/pepper/chilli squid.... yum)

    Headed off towards Botany Bay and came home at lunch time with the following results below.




    Pommie Ben used all his chef skills to clean and fillet the kingie


  12. Thanks for the report Bruce. Where abouts did you get your yellow tails? I usually go to near the marker pole at Jibbon beach but lately it has not produced the goods . Shark Island is always reliable but the swimmers on Sunday mornings(thats when I am free to go fishing) are nearly as thick as the yellow tails and I have to constantly keep an eye out for them(swimmers)

    Regards Kit

  13. Ric

    As Fishbones(Hi mike, did you score any on the jig) said send your livies deep(with some lead). I would advise you to get there before 9am. We arrived just after 8am and the fish were on the bite with a fish every cast but they were mostly undersized(70-80% throw back). There were also alot of kings right at the FAD , all under sized but alot of fun on soft plastics and bream gear.The dollies were taking plastics, pillies and livies.

    We left just after 11am and trolled SE and then turned towards Wollonggong and then up towards Cronulla. No marlin and no bait fish but water temp was 24.1.

    Regards Kit

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