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Posts posted by pacemode

  1. sound advice from mrfemalefisho...sorry pacemode :1prop: where did pacemode come from mate?

    i had a good chat to pacemode (jim) at the social and i can assure you he is a top shelf fisho and is a valuable asset to all on this site. he was very open with info to me and i appreciate it greatly. if i learnt anything from fishing with him is that confidence brings results. we can all learn from each other and James methods obviously work for him to and thats great that we all think a little differntly in how to get results.

    thanks to jims better half for finding this site, she is just as keen and im sure as good as her man-didnt get to find out cause she was busy with their little one- great team you guys have, was a pleasure to meet you both :thumbup:

    as for me, ive always done well on the newcastle side on the runout at the fourth pylon using squid. give all the spots a go, im sure they all produce on their day.

    good luck.

    Ready for the Cheesy reasoning behind Pacemode

    Was a name I had for my design business when I was @ uni.

    I also like the band Depeche Mode

    Pacemode - meant Fast Fashion.

    I used to design cars and spoilers.

    CHEEEEESY :beersmile:

  2. Ilk Fish

    I see nothing coward in pretend fisho. He is not the law - we pay money

    for a governing body to patrol our waters and catch people like this.

    I think you need to understand that this site is to gain knowledge and

    speak to people on a positive level who share the same ideas. I was

    on another forum and I read over and over again immature slugging matches.

    All I ask is what for ????

    Peace Lovin Mumbeens.

  3. mate i think your information was fairly informative but yet incorrect and thats what may be drive you crazy.

    30 metres is not sufficient enough more like 60-70metres.

    don t cast your baits upto the pylon how are you ment to stop the buggers (maybe for bream)

    don t get a bucket because you will have know need to burley as it attracts all the rubbish including eels, and so forth.

    i hope this helps and may not cause you :mad3: know longer

    Thanks James - have tried that also - have never lost a fish into the pilons

    but on boats anchored around me. I do however get my fair share of jew

    with success - I have been told many times to anchor about that far - in line

    with the power cables above. Have had a little more success getting close to the

    pilons. But I guess everyone has there own techniques. And I respect yours.

    Another reason for getting close is that the smaller fish congregate close to

    the pilons and thats what the bigger jew target. Burley helps those little fish

    hang around. I have caught yellowtail and other livies under my boat thanks to

    the burley.

    I have tried not burleying also many time (laziness) and have caught the same

    amount of eels. I do the same thing for all fish I target, and somehow will catch

    fish whilst other people don't. Miind you they are at least 30 - 40 meters further

    away then me from any structure.

    Then again I have heaps to learn about fishing and I am sure others do also.

    So if someone can get something positive out of this post then gr8.

    Thanks mate.

  4. Hey KTD

    Well done mate - i guess now you have the bug - the same bug that has driven

    me crazy fo over 15 years - here are a few tips for your next trip.

    Try the run out tide - last few hours.

    Anchor about 30 meters up stream from the 2nd and 3rd pilon on

    Mooney Mooney Bridge. Sydney side.

    Cast your baits close to the pilons. Fish hang out in front eddies and along pilons.

    They also hang out on the edges of the channels. They scour up and down

    on the edge waiting for food to float into their lazy mouths.

    Use a long trace - 1.5 to 2 meters - pilly fillet - mullet fillet - squid strip -

    yellow tail strip or big hawkesbury prawns.

    Get a bucket - put holes in it a few bricks and burley - throw overboard.

    Hooks - VERY SHARP 4/0 to 7/0 hooks - dont buy cheap brands

    a solid rod holder and keep your reel with a firm drag setting in rod holder. The

    fish will hook themselves. Neat tides are slightly better - Moon does not phase me.

    Finally carry a good gaf on board.

    Negative - heaps of eels around that road bridge - :wife: do my head in.

    Hope this helps - Good luck.

  5. Pretend Fisherman

    Any photos on the flatty - you have beaten my record by a whole 8 cm.

    I caught mine on my anchor - the champion decided to latch his barbs

    on a tyre I brought up - Have heard of people getting flathead over 10 cm.

    Yeh right !!!! Would love to see the real thing (a flatty over 10 cm)--

    Huh winter blues

    Thanks for the laugh mate - liked your post. :beersmile::beersmile:

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