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Posts posted by Stapo

  1. Hello Raiders

    I had a few days off work after Easter so this report is first hand.

    Blackfish are slowly appearing off the walls but only on the run in tide, wire weed the best bait.

    Flathead have been biting well all week but not good sizes, today we would have had 20 throw backs with 8 keepers,still there was plenty of action. Best spots were between the Bridge and Pelican Island.

    The water is still a bit murky on the run out but the flatties are still biting well early in the mornings.

    The locals are smashing the Perch on the jetties using live prawns, I seen 7 prawns catch 7 EP's all good size, they know the bag limits and kept their 2 fish.

    I also heard the professionals caught 400 kilo of prawns so I went down and had a scoop, yes they are still running 2 kilo every night of good size school prawns, yum

    cheers Steve



  2. Well done Roberta

    I like the bit about you can eat your own bait

    We catch a lot of mullet at The Entrance, mainly Lano mullet not the big Bullies.

    An old bloke at West Gosford makes these burley cages that fix to your line just under your float which is stuffed with bread then you can bait your hooks under the cage, works well and a lot of fun, they do put up a good fight.

    Thanks for the tip I'll try it out next time.

    Cheers Steve

  3. Hi Raiders

    Well what a great weekend, no rain, plenty of sunshine and great fishing.

    The reports on the flathead from my local fishing buddies is still very hit and miss, like 6 on Friday, 9 on Saturday and nothing Sunday.

    So just when you think you have them all worked out with tides ect it all changes the next day.

    Still the best place is Eastern side of the bridge and early, most fish were caught at sun rise, all over by 9am.

    I thought I'd start my Luderick season this weekend, weed has been very hard to find due to all the fresh water. ( wire weed that is )

    After tramping through mud, Throwing hooks in dams, driving from one end of the coast to another, I finally found some fair quality wire weed which had just started to grow.

    Got the bait now lets find the fish. You can nearly always catch Blackfish down the front all year round in the run but I prefer the wall which is more comfortable, but it is a different set up and they're not there all the time.

    But I did manage a few, 4 on Saturday 8 on Sunday Land based say 3 hour session, run in tide clean water the best time.


  4. No, the water has not cleared up as yet, will take a couple of weeks and only if we get no more rain.

    I got mid week reports of poor catches of flathead it's very hit and miss at the moment.

    It does clear a bit like I said on the run in tide but only around the bridge area.

    I'd suggest fishing around there if you have a boat.

    The dredge was a waist of time, It's back to what it was just after he left.

    But look, there has always been heaps of sand down around that area, as long as it stay's open to the sea is the most important thing, in my view anyway.

  5. After the recent rain The Entrance is slowly recovering,the water level is dropping and the water quality is a bit better up to the bridge on the run in tide.Past the bridge is a different story, it's still very dirty.

    Not bothering to fish for the past few weeks due to weather and bad reports we did get some nice flatties on the weekend.

    Good size around the 50cm a couple around 65cm but only on the run in tide which only lasts about 2 hours.

    The bridge area on the ocean side is the best spot as the water is better quality, work the edges of the sand bars using soft plastics.

    The South Channel is a waste of time, the water is still a mess.

    The Main Channel to Pelican Island does clear a bit but still has plenty of ribbon weed and very messy.

    Some nice bream have been caught in the North Channel near three ways using chicken fillets, also the boy's have been getting a few bream on the jetties early in the mornings.

    Being a weekend fisherman I have to rely on others for information. Word has it that nice whiting are being caught on the beach using live beach worms.

    No perch and no prawns, been a great season though, so can't complain about that.

    Getting close to Black Fishing season but there is no weed it is all dead at the moment, but will grow soon if we don't get any rain.

    Cheers Steve.

  6. If I dont get out for a fish soon I will go completely MAD :ranting2: I get very shitty when it rains and makes all our waterways look like crap

    Haven't fished for a few weeks myself, Tuggerah Lakes was just starting to recover but now the water level is high again and the colour looks like crap.

    Met the boys down there this morning for coffee, we were thinking about getting the Monopoly board out for something to do.

  7. First of all I'm not sure if prawning is classed as fishing and I do apologise if I have posted this in the wrong spot.

    Mpala yes this weekend could be worth a go.There will be only about 20%moon and low tide is around 7pm so you add say 3 hours for the difference in the lake and you should be able to prawn till around 10pm. Hopefully the water will clear up.

    The hot spot for a boat would be on the Northern side under the bridge near where the steps run off the bridge to the water. The prawns come out of the weeds and it is a bit protected from the North Easterly winds, also you could have a fish where the lights of the bridge reflect on the water.

    Chris, I have spoken to a couple of pro's and they cook the prawns on the beach where they catch them using the lake water and the secret ingredient, brown sugar. The sugar caramelises the shell for easy peeling and sweetness.

    I keep the prawns alive till I get home, put the prawns in a bucket of fresh water to drown them ( to get rid of any sand etc. ) add a handful of rock salt and brown sugar to the pot. When the pot boils add the prawns ( don't overcrowd the pot ) when the prawns rise to the top and float just give them 1 more minute then take them out and cool them in ice water or in the sink. If you don't cool them down they will keep on cooking. Add some more salt to taste then eat them.

    Do them in small batches, change the water if it gets dirty, wait until they completely cool before you put a lid on the container and refrigerate as they will steam and the heads go black

    cheers Steve

  8. Hi Raiders

    Haven't posted a report for a while as over the holiday period my wife broke her leg and I done my back,well that's another story.

    The Entrance was fishing well before we got all that rain,there were nice flat head and plenty of prawns.

    At the moment the water level is dropping but it might take until next weekend before it get back to normal,on the run out tide as expected the water is very dirty and lots of weed.Saying that there is still some nice fish around.

    The run in tide with the cleaner water from the ocean seems to be working the best for the flatties from the bridge to Pelican Island.

    Floating Poddies in the run to the sea on the run out tide will also produce some nice fish.If you can get right out past the rapids near where the run meets the ocean is the best spot.

    Some big fish have been reported in the North channel under the bridge late afternoons

    No prawns at the moment the water is too dirty.Here's some photo's of what we did catch.



  9. I find if the ducks and sea gulls are a problem I use bread crumbs.The no name ones work fine and they last a fair while.

    After placing the trap in the water the crumbs form a milky trail for the poddies. Works on the bullies and lano's. But saying this sometimes they just wont go in the

    trap, I think they get a bit trap shy late in the season, don't really know, can be a bit frustrating at times but also good fun.

  10. Yeah sometimes I think my boat is, because when I go in my mates boat we always seem to do well, I take my tinnie out to the same spot, do nuts.

    I can even anchor up beside him and he still gets more. On the other hand if I go in his boat well we always seem to share the catch.

    cheers Steve

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