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    Sydney's Eastern suburbs

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BREAM (4/19)



  1. Chef


    Also try varying your retrieve each time. They work different on a fast or slow wind, stopping or jerking the lure. You can also try combinations of the above. It's all about practice.
  2. Well done Andrew on draging him out of the shop or office, that got to be a bigger feat than any Bream catching. I don't know anyone who works as hard as he does, and yet he still smiles.
  3. Well done. Any bream is a good bream, but a PB is tops.
  4. Only ever use SP & some hard bodies. Will send you a PM re help.
  5. I think the smile on the kids sums it up.
  6. The Bay can be really hard, if not dam near impossible, in weather like what we had over the weekend. I heard that the ledge on the Sth side of the heads, as you head out but before you go round, was producing for some of the boys in the tournament this weekend. They figured that as it was out of the wind the bait fish may hold up there as well.Worth remembering for next time if the wind is up again.
  7. No worries Shant, no offence taken at all. It is a really weird pic. Just for the record, all our sizes are to the fork, not the tail length. This makes it easier when doing ABT comps etc as it becomes a habbit and you don't forget how the different sizes effect your catch as per their rules. The one thing you don't see properley in the pic is Billy's smile. It was ear to ear all day.
  8. Great company, good fishin and something to take home. Not too mention your three PB's. Awsome fun.
  9. Your not kidding about the bait in there. At one time we saw enough small poddy mullet to fill the entire Pyrmont Fish Markets. Ok, a little exaduration there but you get what i mean, there is heaps. Anyone who has live poddy's is in with a HUGE shot at Jew's.
  10. Had a couple of hours to kill this morning so Jason ( Known as Stafford to many ), and i went up the Cooks river to get out the wind. Found most of the river to be like glass and the fish must have loved it as well because in just four odd hours we boated about 25 Bream from just on legal to about 800 gr. We also got heaps of undersize as well as heaps of lizards and a by-catch of a 3kg Jewie in the same spot the Swordfisherman catches his. Love that bridge. Funny thing was we found them to be on the bite almost the whole time not just in a particular section of time. Hardest part of the session was having to go home for lunch and leave with fish still on the bite. Also had a great time at the ramp releasing the catch, after we weighed & inspected them, and watching the faces of the astonished onlookers who could not believe we were throwing them back. Watching them is almost as much fun as catching the fish. It's funny how many don't understand the concept behind catch & release.
  11. Well done mate. Hope you bring that good luck on Saturday.
  12. Well done, a nice catch. The Bay is working so well now it's a pleasure to hit the water.
  13. It was really a day for hunting. You had to move around alot in order to find them and even then they were usually on the move and so the search continued. We started off on the flats in Iron Cove where we must have got 20+ flatties and just as many taylor. We picked up two legals, one kicker of about 900gr. We then moved to some flats up the river where we found a nice little sweet spot that saw three legals come over the side, again one of about 900gr and another of about 800gr. We kept on the move but apart from upgrading on flatties, taylor, whiting & undersized bream (lots of undersize bream) we didn't see another bream of legal size. Our bag went 3.108 and saw us take 7th place. As good as it was there were some cracker fish taken. The 3 biggest fish taken on the day were 1.47 1.43 & 1.42. Not bad when i think all of these came from the same area, LC river boat hulls, as best as i found out. All in all it was a great day, even with all those flatties. As for the prizes, i can tell you we got some really cool team Berkley shirts, rolls of vanish leader, heaps of power bait lures, stubbie coolers, gift vouchers for Gabes Tackle, Berkley & Gulp hats etc etc etc - really nice stuff. If i may take the liberty, i should also say a quick thanks to Tony at Fishfinder for all the help & support he gave the team. His rods made all the difference in being able to lock & load a fish in when you had to or go the opposite way and have it run with soft drag and let the rod do the work. It made it sooooooo easy to bring in the bigger ones in any water conditions and not have to worry about the rod go bang. Cmon guys we need more Raiders at these gigs. They are alot of fun and a great way to catch up with others. If your keen to learn plastic fishing you will not find a better venue than these events as you can ask the pro's questions, listen to the conversations and sometimes even get out on their boats. Apart from that you have a really good time - they become a little addictive.
  14. Top work Ross. At some point us bearded ones need to make a stand against these rebels and show'em who's boss. May help to see Tony and get some more line.
  15. Hit Rose Bay ramp around 6 this morning to see Flightmanager putting in as well, hi Ross.After a brief g'day we headed out in an attempt to give one of the regular Fishfinder customers a lesson on breaming with plastics. This is as usual a no bait day. Got out some of Tony's 1 - 3kg rods and started showing my passenger how to work the lure when the reel exploded and just kept running & running & running. We chased it down with the electric to find it was a 70cm king, not bad on 4lb line with 4lb leader. Restarted our bream lesson again only to hook up on anther king and get smoked. We hooked up many times over the next few hours with kings and huge frigates being caught. All the kings were on the 4lb combos and credit must really go to Tony for some fantastic rods that took the load with such ease. The Sustains & Stradics also had something to do with it. The next few hours saw a quantity of flaties brought up that even amazed me. We threw back anything under 45cm and still bagged out. By this stage we have a full load of flatties, all kings released except for two and same for the frigates and a single flounder that was about 45cm. GO THE PLASTICS. Decided to head into Watson Bay for a break and cold drinks and again bump into Ross & his son. Discussions led to some donated plastics & directions and soon we were both fishing back at our little hidy-hole. On arrival more flathead were found and Ross's son was delighted to have got a 50cm flatty to the side of the boat, unfortunately only to lose it, but that's ok as the fight is half the fun. As the wind had come up we left Ross to the flatties and moved to a new hole i had been wanting to try for some time. On arriving we found it to be out of the wind and full of bait fish just sitting there resting from the conditions out in the main harbour area. Within 40min i had bagged 4 bream of around 1kg each and a 5th of about 500gr. Now i ask you, why can't we do this in a bream competition ??? WHY ??? Headed back to the ramp having released heaps of fish & with enough supplies to fill a Saturday night bbq with flatty beer batter pieces and kingy steaks. I even got a thankyou pack of bourbon mixers to wash the salt out - how much better can it get ?
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