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Everything posted by fishwish

  1. Check out HaberVision glasses from the US, I've bought a couple pf pairs and have been very happy with them. There about US$87.
  2. For something Tropical, check out Sinalei Resort in Samoa, or Bokisssa Island in Vanuatu. A little bit more exy but well worth it. I think both resorts have deals at the moment. Both are great spots for blue water and reef fishing. Caught this doggy at Bokissa. cheers
  3. G'day all, I'm trying to organise a charter near Byron Bay in a couple of weeks? Has anyone been on any charters up that way ? Any suggestions would be great! thanks Fishwish
  4. thanks for the welcome. heres a better pick of the bigger one I caught. I shared a charter out of a resort in the south side of Upolo, Had a great 5 hours. The guide was a local who just seemed to know where the fish were and would predict a strike 5 seconds before every fish. The boat caught 10 fish, 6 dollies, 2 skip jack, 1 YFT 6kg and a barracuda. Lost quite a few fish, at one stage we had a 4 way hook up when I pulled in the small YFT, One fish almost spooled a Tiagra 50W only to break the 200lb mono after the drag was tightened. He reckoned it was a big 35kg + YFT I'll post some more pics when I get them off the camera. all reports I had heard that week about the blue water fishing were pretty good with lots of Dollies and the odd marlin around. There are some good deals on at the moment for Samoa with Virgin Pacific doing cheap flights.
  5. Caught these Dolphin fish in Samoa last week. Great fishing if you get the chance!
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