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Everything posted by Davemmm

  1. make sure all the air comes out and have a bit of gravel, a rock or lead sitting in the bottom of the bottle
  2. Cant do it when it is this hot though
  3. mick your bottle is pretty much identical to the one i use. Ill duck over this arvo with a new bottle, soap, microwaved bread and maybe a magic chrystal and see how I go.
  4. A mate of mine has an old cement laundry sink that is the ideal tank for mullet etc. I have kept them alive for three weeks in a large esky with flyscreen over the top and an aerator. You have to regularly change the water and I have found that if you have poddies for a period you cant feed them bread as they seem to bloat up and die. You can drag a bit of weed out the flats to feed them on. They seem to eat the weed that is black, flat, about 3-5mm wide with serated edges.
  5. Cheers guys every little tip helps with these buggers. Ill give the soap a go. Just hope no one sees me and asks what the hell the soap is for.
  6. Long time reader, first time poster. Ive just come back from another reasonably unsuccesful attempt at hunting poddies (four in an hour). In the past i havent had too much trouble getting them to trap but lately they have been extremely timid. I use an old cordial bottle 1" X 1 1/2" hole in the top with 1/4" flaps folded down on an angle and i was wondering if anyone has a u beaut patented option that might work better.
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