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  1. Hi all hit Tunks ramp at 5am with Dad and met up with Brett and Benny for some livie gathering Yakkas and Slimies and a cherry popping Red Mowie(Sea Carp) for me, then quick run to long reef and a quick jig for one lonely Jacket which i jagged and a couple of lost Jigs thanks to LJs, heaps of action on sounder but no kings, Bottom bashed Long Reef wide for 2 mowies for Brett and I,My one at 50cm then tryed our luck at various other spots my Dad had marks for, for more Mowies + 1 Snapper for Benny and Heaps of throw back Wrasse, Bakers,Sweep and Cod , Absolutely Beautifull day on water with a great crew. Partners in Crime Brett and Ben.
  2. As per usual Mrs Watto i cleaned up today, left the others for dead. Even with the throw backs. Must be that Wattos special Rod.
  3. Hi All went out with Dad, uncle and mate , bit of late start hit balmoral for 2 hours with heaps of Yakkas around boat but not a single one in tank. Decided to troll some chromies outside North then Bottom Bash outside 40m off Bluefish . A few drifts in some excellant conditions produced 2 x Pig fish and 1 x Pearl Perch at 41cm with heaps of throw backs. Returned to Tunks and on way picked up crab traps deployed earlier to find 5 x baby snapper which were revived with new water and released to grow big and strong. Good weather and good company still made it a grand day.
  4. Mate you just cant help these low lifes to do something this petty and leave you with a possible towing Hazard. They just dont care. Maybe keep are a spare but where do u stop. Theres allways some one out there to spoil your day.
  5. Thanks for the setups, both Me and Dad have jigged up kings with these and have done there job well. PS. U just Got to love them shirts , they will go well with Dads new boat.
  6. I have seen a Samson boated on the xxxxxxxxxx video off Sydney around the same size, man they go hard for there size, Awsome
  7. And next time don't stop jigging when the divers come, they go hard on the end of your line and count as more points Right on Domza , The only problem is netting the buggers , but then again Tag and release would be an option
  8. Hi everyone , my first report with help from Dad (Offtap1) , went out with dad and his mate Joe as per the usual saturday, and headed for his favorite jigging spot off long reef, Livies were hard to come by today at our usual spot and with wind ok headed up to longie. Second drift past wreck dad noticed some activity on sounder and his instructions were to drop jigs, my jig barely made it to bottom and it got smashed , my new rod reel combo worked a treat and after a few hard runs my first king at 66 cm was boated. As per the norm the dive boats turned up and put a hold on our jig session for another day. We decided to give the bottom bashing a go , Dad got a 70cm Flattie and Joe scored a 45cm Samson fish (A surprise for us) as well as a couple of mowies and a few other reefie critters . Oh yeh Dad wanted to add a pic of his new TEAM OFFTAP shirts, we surely wont be missed at Flattie Social, see you all next week. Caige
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