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  1. My parents live up there so I have done all the charters and I have found Noose Blue Water charters the best....as for landbased and river fishing in Noosa, you just have to know where to go...there are plenty of fish up there and I always get a feed everytime I go fishing... I can easily walk away from Teewah with 10-15 Whiting averaging 30-33cm, the frying pan has wayyyyy to much boat traffic and the fact its sooo shallow means the fish spook easy, your better off upstream.
  2. I use pliars, its heaps easier, yeah the worms dont last as long but they certainly last all day and I get enough to use for the next couple of hours and they are still very lively. Only fish I have ever got at Maroubra was a 38cm Bream North Cronulla is the spot for worms....top spot, heaps of em
  3. They have some big worms at Maroubra, I have caught them up to 60cm approx and fat too....only problem is they are patchy at best and sometimes real hard to find
  4. anyone can park, but its only open from 6am - 7pm I think, they close it off after that to stop the "fully sick" blokes doin dougheys. You can access from the city just go through the tunnel dont turn left onto M5 but its a left turn only 10 or 20 meters past the M5 turnoff.
  5. yeah thats the spot...on the photo you can see the drop off from the green to dark....you really need to be fishing off the drop off...so either you have the ability to cast a hundred + meters or so....OR go at low tide and wander out in your boardies to the drop off (its no more than waste deep) or get a boat (I wish !!)
  6. Yeah I have tried under the bridge and in the river and only nailed two small ones...the beach is heaps better..just requires getting a little wet unfort.
  7. Went down on Wednesday morning about 11...tried for a while off the pier and nothing at all..... went down to the grassy area near the old wooden boathouse and nabbed two....one quite big. I also droppped about 4....wil have to get down earlier next time hooray for squid dinner !!
  8. I find the only place where I get em is the little beach immediately next to the runway, basically you park in the old control tower parking lot, north of cooks river. On a sunnny day you can see the drop off about 10-20 meters out. I find the only way to get em is to get there at low tide and wear boardies and wander into the water to the edge of the dropoff....at low tide it will be about waist deep and basically just cast into the blue water. You can wander to the edge of the runway and the sand bar goes out a bit further and you can cast at the yellow bouys. I usually take a pair of pliars in my shorts cause you will get heaps of small ones too and its a pain in the bum having to wander back to the sand to get the fish off. So I de-hook them while in the water. Best of luck, might seeya down there, gonna head down on Thursday arvo at low tide for a fish with a mate. BTW where do you get the squid at Warumbul ? Off the wharf ? I tried left and right sides, tide was pretty low which probably severly hampered my efforts as there wasnt a heap of water over the weeds but it was calm and clear and I couldnt see any squid from site.
  9. cheers guys, yeah friggin choppers might have to sort out some sort of stinger arrangement next time to get them!!! Def likin' Brighton for land based these days, and the fact I live there now makes the trip that much easier !!! ahhhhh one day I will have a boat
  10. Dropped down to Warumbul on Wednesday morn for a bit of a fish. No luck on squid jigs, (couldnt see any either) tried some SPs for a while and the most annoying thing, numerous times they came back sans tail !!!! The SP was cut directly off just behind the hook !!!!! After wasting 6 or 7 odd decided to call it a day. God knows what was doin it, but whatever it was HAD TEETH !! (first assumption tailor) Went down to Brighton on Thursday and started flicking some of the new Zooms I got in Baby Bass and Arkansas shiner colours. Immediately onto a 35 cm Flattie, over the course of the next couple of hours I landed 10 flatties, 6 legal up to 45cm, also got two tailor at 25-30cm and the funniest thing caught a squire that was the same length as the tiny fluke !!!! Talking about its eyes being bigger than its stomach ! In the end I was hookin a flattie almost every cast, eventually just got too tired ! All in all took 4 flatties home for dinner....yummmm tempura flattie ! Another bloody succesfull day courtesy of Zooms.
  11. thanks again guys I was doing a bit of reading and from what I read Bream are a lot more tentative about taking SPs and to use smaller ones and have a less agressive retrieve pattern. I might try that out. I will have to check out those DVDs to pick up some pointers, its a lot better to watch than to read. I was going to try squidding at Warumbul but I only had my 2.5 jig on me and I just think they are too damn heavy, especially if its not that deep, they sink to the bottom way too quick and you have to retrieve them too fast...may head back with a smaller jig next time. That and the fact is was blowing like crazy when we were there, not ideal for squidding from my experience.
  12. Thanks for the reply guys !! I am curous the sinker bouncing along the bottom would it deter other fish from biting ? I am also just curious if I will ever catch anything else besides bloody flathead, hahaha. Maybe its the color, I was actually thinking in the water they look like baby flathead (the tiny flukes) are flathead cannabals ?? maybe they thinks its a small flathead and bang. Actually while jigging in the cooks river, something grabbed one and bang snapped the line in a second, I was only using 4lb braid but still I had the drag set reasonably loose but still snappd me off. I also use the technique of, have two short jabs back and up and let it sink, real in a little, repeat....I wonder if this condusive for certain fish also ?
  13. Some work mates and I went down to Warumbul on Tuesday to check out the action, armed with some ZOOM soft plastics aquired from fishfinder the night before. I couldnt locate the colours mentioned in luringbreams reports so got a red sparkled watermelon tiny flukes. Upon arriving at Warumbul we were greated by beautiful scenary of an area that just screams fish !! I tried some SP with no success, just a few nibbles. We kept gettin our baits (prawns, squid, pillies) snatched by little guys. Then we saw the pelagics bustin up bait schools, so I chucked me little silver lure on the rod and casted at them, no success until I moved around the cove and got in close. One grabbed it and promptly spat it....dammmnn. We continued for a while with no successs, just lost of small fish who have developed quite a talent at snatching bait. We next moved off to Wattamolla, one of my mates got a small bream in the lagoon just for a bit of fun. It was hard to get out on the rocks because of high tide so we got out about 10 or 20 meters and fished from there, had a few bites...hooked something only for the fish to spit it.....AGAIN !!! By this stage my work mates had to bail and I was in serious danger of not getting a fish all day....something that hasnt havent for a very long time !!! I decedid to try, ol' faithful the breakwall at Brighton Le Sands. I was chucking pillies and prawns only to get nibbled off about 5 second after hittin the water..damn small fish !!! I finally used up all my bait and faced the very real realisation that I was going home without landing one fish..... I decided as a novely to chuck on a ZOOM soft plastic as a bait on a typical whiting rig, long shanked hook, 3/0 hook swivel etc. I threaded the ZOOM onto the long shank and chucked it in and started to real in slowly, about 2 meters out...SLAM, after a small but rewarding fight I landed a 26 cm flattie.....wooohooo first on SP....allbeit in unconventional style. After this success I tried again under the cooks river bridge except this time with a 1/16 bullet jig head and a 3/0 hook behind a swivel to give it some weight. First cast bamm, another 26 cm Flattie !!! Number 2 !!! After facing a dry day I was extremely happy and more satsified than usual to come away with two flatties and even though they werent keepers, just cause I got em on soft plastics after trying for so long !! The next day I went down to the little beach next to the old control tower and waded out to the sandbank (about 20 meters out, waist deep) about 2 hours before low tide. And Landed 6 Flatties on ZOOM soft plastics, ranging from 10cm to 40cm and dropped another 5 or so. I tell you those Flatties love those Zoom tiny fluke watermelon colour !!!! I was gettin them average every third cast. The 40cm was caught on my first cast ! Does anyone else use SPs with a swivel and sinker arangment ??? I need to because a 1/16 jighead doesnt give me enough weight to cast far enough and I dont want to go too heavy for the jighead because the hooks get too large.
  14. Hey guys/girls, I am just wondering if anyone happens to have a good spot, on one of the eastern suburbs beaches somewhere, to get some beachworms....I have tried Maroubra and they are there but very patchy. I have tried North Cronulla and its a goldmine but its a mile away....just wondering if anyone knows of any special spots ? cheers
  15. yeah I tried gordon bay a few weeks ago and nothing...
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