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Posts posted by hottyscotty

  1. yea they fined him during that period 7pm-7am and obviously he parked more than 1 hr becoz he was at home sleeping.

    do you know how regular the "no 3t and over" sign must be placed?

    i haven't seen any signs for the 2km or so, i drove on Railway pde. Can my dad contest the fine on the basis no signs were posted along that stretch?

  2. rang up the council and says they don't give a sh!t about the people. i asked why can't residents have exemptions. i got a stupid reply saying that everyone will park their truck there. stupid moron on the phone doesn't realise not everyone on my street owns a truck. and i ain't even talking abt a semi

    the council then told me to call up RTA...basically giving me the run around bullsh!t

    i thought the people that run our lives are educated ppl? :1badmood:

  3. I live in Allawah and we're part of Kogarah Council who are run by idiots!!!

    My dad drives a 3 tonne and over truck. My dad's truck has been evicted to park on the very street we live in. He's fine with that, so he parks the truck on Railway Parade.

    This is where stupid actions would make anyone's blood boil. He was fined yesterday for parking his truck near our home.

    Where the hell do they expect him to park then???!!!!! If Railway Parade and residential streets are restricted, then there is no where to park.

    Surely there has to be exemptions if you are a resident?

    If someone know the rulings on this issue please let me know.

    Feel sorry for the poor sod on the phone at kogarah council coz they're getting a blasting just for being a moron accepting a job there in the first place

  4. I'm getting a 1200yd spool of fins braid and i'm going to share it with a friend. Are there any cheap line counters so we can split it evenly? we're trying to split 300yd onto each reel. the only ones i've found are industrial which cost thousands.

  5. definitely...nitro innovator rods are graphite. daiwa has them in sensor surf. shimano has them as tirelejo (sp?). but i think shimanos are more expensive.

    I've been looking the nitro surf light rod solely for lure spinning targetting tailor, salmon and bonito. i reckon ideal for chucking metals and heavy plastics

    g loomis has surf rods too

  6. just make sure you don't hit hard surfaces. mines already been chipped. had to put clear paint over to stop paint from further flaking off.its very fragile indeed

    it was heart breaking too. since then i've been tempted to buy another one to put in the trophy cabinet coz its so beautiful. its like the enzo you just don't wanna drive

  7. i'm thinking of getting a second hand tinnie but looking on the trading post, a lot of boats are missing a few things i want. i was wondering was there a workshop out there that modify a boat to your needs?

    or would it be better to get a new one and get the dealer fit in the things i want? i'm only looking at open boats around 5m and the difference between new and old is minimal so maybe the after sale mods will chew into the savings anyway.

  8. they also have some pretty good and durable lures and reasonable prices, but i wouldn't go to the easter show just for this small fishing part.

    thats why i'm hoping someone will have a vid of it. i haven't been for more than ten years. and i don't intend on going until i have my own kid who will endlessly nag me to go, :1prop:

  9. anyone going to the easter show?

    my brother said there was a demonstration on how to use lures in a huge fish tank. he said you can just see the fish follow the lure.

    just wondering if anyone is going would be nice to post a video of it? pretty please...

  10. I was having Pho (Vietnamese beef noodle) today and saw a bottle of fish sauce.

    Fish Sauce - A popular cooking ingredient amongst Asians, particularly the Vietnamese. Stinks like...err...fish. But tasty in food.

    As i was waiting, an idea came through. Don't know why it took me now to think about it and i have bottles of this stuff at home.

    But would it work if i squirt a few drops into my SP packet? I'm sure someone must have tried like trying cheese for bream.

  11. I think you can only order them now.. I got a Beast Buster late last year. it is a nice rod. 3-6kg. Have landed a few Kings on it lately and it performs out of its class!! :thumbup:

    i've sent an email through millerods website and replied back that i can deal directly. looks like my friend won't be getting a millerod but instead he'll be getting a final dimension rod from shimano. should be arriving in a week.

    but looking more at millerods, i'm kinda tempted one myself hehe

  12. Just wondering which tackle store has the most Millerods in Sydney metro? We're looking for one, particularly Blademaster Heavy, as a b'day gift. I've called Otto's as thats the only tackle store i've seen with the rods. Gave them a call and said wait 6 months for it to be made. Unfortunatley can't wait that long :(

    Otherwise, it'll be the Nitro Dominator

  13. cleaned and major parts torn away (ie not whole). steamed for 10min whether its forr 1 or 4 crabs. just use red vinegar with optional pepper. for me thats the best. all their natural flavour is intact and that the flavour i love of a mud crab.

    a popular dish from chinese restaurants is using 5 spice. but gotta dad to know how to make it. i like it but i tend not to get crabs that has a deep frying process because resataurants could give you dead crab and you wouldn't know it.

  14. i've noticed the sw versions have an option for an armless bail. how does that work? how does the line clip back on to the roller?

    i've read its design for jigging so when the fish takes the lure on the way down you can still close the bail.

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