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Posts posted by alluring

  1. I've been told at huskisson they get good flatties around that river mouth there, and I assume the beaches would produce fine for other species. Been there a few times myself and checked it out, but yet to actually fish it..

  2. I fish off a spot called snapper point down on the south coast off a town called kioloa. Is this the same place you've been broken into? I know theres another spot that shares the name. It's a few hours south of sydney but might be worth the drive down. Jervis Bay offers some great fishing too, being a rock fishing I'm sure you've heard of it, but if not check out 'the tubes'. Another great spot round the Jervis Bay headland is Mermaid's Inlet. Haven't been there personally myself but a few of my mates are always down that way and are constantly sending me pictures of great shark and pelagics they pick up down that way.

  3. Cheers for the info guys! I don't think I'll have access to fresh stuff before I head out but best I can do will be to head down to the fish market and grab some frozen squid, gars etc to take down with me. Haven't been in a few years but certain they sell all that.

    curious too do kingies take those trolled christmas tree SP squid things on the wire trace? I have a smallish sized one that might be good to spin if it's worth a shot?

  4. Hi guys,

    just wondering how kingfish go on dead baits - and how you would fish with them. would it be a whole fish (mackerel/pilchard etc) under a balloon float?

    I tried properly targeting them for the first time last monday, but couldnt get myself any species worth using for live bait to start off with, and resorted to spinning slugs and minnows for the rest of the day. They've taken me a couple of times off lighter gear intended for salmon (all ended miserably for me), but i've got a heavy setup now and want to try some different ways to get one on the line!


  5. thanks for the tips guys. I ended up using corks for my baitfish rigs, it worked really with the multiple hooks cause I set them around the top, although I'll use the zip locks for my paternosters! And any suggestions for strong knots for my 60lb leader which I'll run my livies out on?

  6. Gonna wag a day of uni and head out for a fish with some mates this week for the first time in a while.. Got a heavy new setup I'm keen to try and going to pre tie a few rigs as a backup. Just wondering how people store them? I was thinking maybe wrap each around a cork and set the hook in it? Or are there more efficient ways?

    I'll have a couple of rigs for catching livies, a few to actually run the bait out on, and I'll tie a couple of paternosters up to run the bottom for snapper or grouper on my other rod if livies don't produce.

    On that note as well, what knots would hold well for my live bait rig? I know the setup of the rig (balloon floating) but not sure what knots are strongest. Targeting land based kingies for the first time. 50lb braid and 60lb leader on the big one.



  7. Alluring,

    how did you get on , did you get to Jindy and have a fish?

    we got there Friday and met some great weather on the weekend but no fish, Monday would have been great with the rain likely stirring them up, but we had a big Goulash and Spaetzle (and plenty to drink) on Sunday night so a sleep in was in order before we headed home

    we fished hatchery bay late Friday arvo into evening, creel bay late morning sat and early Sunday we fished immediately below where the Thredbo runs into the lake, all for zero results - conditions were great for walking the banks with a big high pressure and windless days, should have been good for polarioding but we only saw a couple, maybe they did not like the barometer of 1020 and over 1030 at times. I had a good chat with a local fly fisho on sat arvo, nice guy scored a 5lb brookie on Friday ! He said fish were there on the edges but flies had to be scratching the bottom, and big was good size, i.e buggers, streamers etc,with the nymphs not the current favourite. So i added a sink tip for the Sunday and lost many flies to the timber, but at least it that got the heart going a couple of times thinking wood was a fish

    beautiful part of the world, i captured what i could .. and that was the scenery - i worked out how to get the lighting right on the iphone 4

    Also heard the fish are deep on daphnia, tiny little larvae of some sort hanging down deep in huge swarms, so maybe a black size 16+ nymph with bead head bugger on point with might be an idea. Other current local advice was to concentrate on fishing the change of light and or change of weather. It was a men of the family +_+ friends weekend with kegs of home brew, other crafty beers and homemade spirits so it’s not really that surprising we blanked.. my ego is still smarting though lol



    Hey Grant, yeah I definitely got out to jindy on monday, zero results though.. :((

    Fished all day, through steady rain mainly spinning devils, spinners and those little blade-fish shaped things that apparently look similar to the goldfish they have in there. The spots I was at was across the road from the first run of shops in town, and spent the arvo walking along the small bays from the boat ramp next to the holiday park just out of town. My mate brought along his fly rod and gave it a shot too, with no luck, and considering we had four rods in the water most of the day we were a bit bummed nothing showed up. Completely killed the excitement of catching trout for the first time, might be a while before I can psych myself up to give it another crack! Definitely went home feeling like a drink hahah. You got some nice shots though, and at least you scored better weather than me..


  8. Can't help you out with Hervey Bay, but noosa fishes well in winter. Particularly for pelagics. Longtails, Spanish Macks, Cobia and Jew off the rocks around the headland. Haven't fished the rocks there myself much but know people who have to great success. Spinning metals and poppers is probably your best bet, but to mix it up flicking big plastics around will give you a shot at jew and big snapper.

    The estuary itself (Noosa River) fires for trevally (many species), Queenies, Big Tailor and other bits and pieces over the winter months. So while you're there i'd check it out for sure. Flatties and Bream aren't too hard to track down around the river mouth as well. To get the most out of the river i'd be ataking a light bream outfit as well. Should handle the pelagics in the river but expect some good fights. I'm heading up next week. Hopefully the pelagics are on. Always hoping for a winter jack ^_^

    Cheers, Tom

    Woaah thanks heaps for that, this kind of info is golden!! Any idea how the longer diving minnows go? Got a great set of the rapala xraps I'd love to give a spin. But oh man this has just made me super keen. As a kid my dad would throw a hand line or two with me out off the rocks around the national park, we'd get a fair few little reef fish but now I'm keen for something bigger!!

  9. I'm off to spend a week in early July up between noosa and Hervey Bay. Going to be bringing my gear up with me and want to get a bit of fishing done while I'm there. I mainly target pelagics with lures, just wondering what's on the bite this time of year?? And any decent rockfishing spots to check out? I'll definitely be hitting that big pier up at hervey while I'm in the area too, and trying to convince my old man to come out on a charter with me :-)

    As for gear, my rod's only rated up to 15kg, but thinking of getting something stronger while I'm up there. Alternatively I'll push it a little and throw on some 20kgish braid with a similar leader. Any suggestions or info for while I'm up there would be great!!



  10. Hey hey, I've fished the rocky point at Narrawallee inlet before, can't say it's been successful for me, whether it was the time of day, lures/bait etc I've been there I'm not sure. My cousin is local and reckons the channel that's left in the inlet at low tide across the sand flats produces monster flatties though!

    Otherwise for beaches, racecourse around from ulladulla is a great surf fishing beach I hear, and I've pulled salmon from the channel beneath the ulladulla lighthouse headland. It's a pretty safe spot too, as it's well sheltered by another rocky crop that takes the main brunt of the tide, although in rough swells it's not a place to be. Pretty certain people also catch tailor in the channel too, and the harbor also produces tailor and squid if you know where to look! Hope that's of some help :-)


  11. I'm not too sure if you can target them over closed season, and from what I understand they must be released immediately if caught. But even if you're not allowed to specifically target them I guess it's a hard one to regulate, you'd just be super unlucky if a ranger or somebody came along while you're pulling one up and pinged you for it.

  12. Cheers for all the great info guys!!

    Any hints on where they'd be hanging out? Do trout just cruise around or do they prefer shallows/deep water/snags etc? Just wondering if they're are any specific haunts to target from the banks. Also as for the bag limit - 5 of mixed species? Or 5 of each rainbow/brown/brook?

    Ahh this has got me super keen for the lakes, and I have a tuna fishing charter off Narooma this Friday, so if all goes well I'm looking at a top weekend :-)

  13. Hi all, coast looks a little rough for rock fishing this week so thinking of getting away with my mates to try trout for the first time! Just wondering if anybody knows what's best to target trout land based in the lakes, maybe locations or what to look for, and how exactly to fish for them. I have a range of freshwater lures, from minnows, wobblers, spinnerbaits and soft plastics.

    I know season's over now so not planning on keeping any, as I understand it you can fish for them in the lakes but not the rivers, and can't keep them. Are brook trout and salmon stocked in jindy under the no taking rule either? I hear they don't spawn naturally so wondering if they're covered too. Any info is appreciated - been searching the web for a few days with no luck!!


  14. Thanks for the info, regarding the moon cycle and the full moon, would the day leading up to the full moon like 2 days before also be productive? or only on the full moon?


    I assume so, like I said I've never chased them myself but apparently nights where the moons throwing off light, full or not, seems to be good. :-) But listen to the experienced guys, I might just confuse you!!

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