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Posts posted by Evets

  1. Billfisher,

    Interesting set up.

    Can you explain how a pulley rig works?

    What is the trimmed and opened 1/0 hook for? What do you attach your main line to (one of the swivels ?) What is the breakaway part?

    Just cant quite figure out how it all fits together :wacko::wacko:


  2. Wantingaboat,

    How fresh is the fuel? It wouldn't be the same age as the outboard (5 months old) would it ? If it is, the octane rating has changed which means under load the motor will run very poorly.


  3. The best advice I was given by an old marine mechanic is to start the motor up fairly regularly if its not being used. Supposedly keeps all the important bits oiled up, stops the rubber bits from becoming brittle and keeps corrosion in the water galleries down to a minimum.

    Kinda makes sence.

  4. Hiya,

    Over in NZ they catch monster kings at night.

    And Ive seen some massive kings caught way way down deep - and it must be dark down there.

    There a number of FR posts a while ago (from Rzee I think) where he caught heaps of kings reeeeeally early.

    So Im not so sure that Kingies are a day time only proposition.


  5. Yeah,

    My mates cleaned up on inshore snapper using the pink version. They caught fish up to 5kgs down near bass point a few weeks ago. They basically dropped it to the bottom, wound it up a few cranks and let the rocking boat do the rest.


  6. Seagoon,

    Yes, the tubes are to keep the slimeys alive while hooked up.

    The tubes are designed for a slimey to be caught, rigged up and then placed head down into the tube. A water pump is attached to the bottom and pumps water into the tube through the slimeys mouth and out over the top to keep the slimey alive. Once you are ready to use the slimey you simply pull it out of the tube (remembering you have already rigged it up) and feed it out. Used quite lot in switch baiting and when cubing for YFT


  7. Scotty,

    It depends on how fast your downrigging speed is and how high (above the waterline) the pick up tube has to push the water.

    Roughly speaking you would need to travel at 5 knots to raise the water 330 mm above the waterline.

    At 10 knots the height would around 1.3 meters. At 20 knots the height would be about 5.5 meters.

    There is a formula that you can use to work it out. If you want me to dig it up let me know.

    The short answer is that at down rigging speeds the pick up probably wont keep a bait tank refreshed unless you can make the highest point of the pick up tube very low to the water.


  8. I find the change of tide is more important than the time of day.

    When I am estuary fishing I like following the tide as it moves up the river from low to high irrespective of what time of day it is. I also follow the tide on the way out as well :secret:

    Similarly when I am Jewie fishing at night the hour or so before and after a tide change seems to get me the best results as well.

    So for me, I am more influenced by the tides than dusk / dawn.


  9. Hi guys,

    Last week when I was fishing off the breakwalls and trying to cast a heavy sinker + float with 20lb mono + 40 lb fluro trace I managed to snap the line twice, losing the entire float/hook/sinker/starlight.



    Hi fibbo,

    Nexus is right. Easy to snap your self off. Especially if you have a heavy sinker and try to get a world record for the distance you cast each time :1prop::1prop:.

    Or maybe the problem lies in the rig ? Why do you have a heavy sinker and a float on the same rig ? Maybe using a smaller sinker and weighted float is your answer?


  10. Hello mjacd,

    Welcome to fishraider.

    We have a site sponsor (Huey from Huett marine) who I would have a chat to if I was you. He can point you in the right direction and give you heaps of good advice.

    Not sure of brands to avoid but you should try and stick to well known brands like Haines, Savage or Seafarer.

    I picked up a seafarer venus for around $5 k a few years ago and something similar would fit your criteria quite well. Seafarers are good entry level boats and the venus is the 1/2 cab cousin of the famous v-sea.

    Do yourself a favour and get a copy of a magizine by Jeff Webster called 2nd hand boats from your local newsagent. He lists heaps of boats with a brief description and a price guide that you could use to get an idea of how much you could expect to pay.

    Before you buy the boat take it for a test run on the water and if you are still keen on it get it inspected by a professional so that you dont buy a lemon.


  11. Im with Mariner on this one.

    Butter is far tastier than oil.

    Heres a tip about cooking with butter - put a splash of oil into it the butter just after it has melted. It will help stop the butter from burning.


  12. Stinger,

    I have a Trinidad 40N. It would suit you down to a T.

    I have loaded mine up with 600m of 50lb braid. Next time I think that Ill go with to at least 80lb because it seems like I could get about 100 m or so more on the reel.

    Excellent for jigging and it has heaps of drag. Go for the N model as it is the narrow spool. I find it a bit hard to lay the line properly on the wider model when I am jigging.


  13. Hastings are the manufacturers of GUSA blanks so there is no difference between them. Having said that though there are at least 3 different types of blanks that Hastings makes and GUSA is one of them. I guess your question can only be answered if you know which hastings blank diawa uses. The GUSA is the most expensive Hastings blank and definately worth the extra cash. Maybe a custom stick on a Hastings blank could be an option as well ?

    I had a few very long discussions with the Australian distributor of the GUSAs before I ordered a beautiful 24kg Jigging blank. It is well worth the money I spent on the blank (over $500). I spiral wrapped it and it is AWESOME!!!

    Havent seen the diawas but if they are a Hastings blank then you will not be dissapointed.


  14. Fisher Jay,

    I have this exact boat and love it. I have fished the Wollongong and Kiama Fads (and well beyond) for years. They are about 16 km out and in 110m of water. Never ever felt uncomfortable or scared whilst outside.

    So I reckon that your seafarer is more than capable of fishing the 60m point.

    Your boat shares the same hull as the famous Seafarer V-Sea. Google it and see what I mean.

    Any chance of some piccies of the interior?



  15. Clem,

    Yes you will still need to change the water. The slime offf the fish will quickly kill the fish if its not changed. I find that the most slime comes off them in the first hour after catching 'em. After that I change the water a bit less often.

    No need to add salt. Just refresh the water instead.

    I usually use 6/0 hooks but could go bigger or smaller depending on the size of the live bait.

    If you cant fillet the fish you catch just cut it into steaks (slices).

    Good luck


  16. Hi Wantingaboat,

    Looks to me like you are missing the 2nd part of the mounting bracket. Contact the manufacturer to see if you can get the part or better yet a diagram of the whole transducer so you can see how its mounted. A few transducers have brackets that pop up if you hit something thereby saving it from being damaged.

    If I was desperate to mount the transducer I would get a piece of flat bar and bend each end to 90 degrees so that the arms fit on the inside of the transducer flange. Drill holes in the flat bar where the transducer mounting holes are and mount the transducer to it. Attach the flat bar to the mounting plate on the boat.


  17. Hi Paul,

    The first thing that you should do is make sure that the line tension is set correctly.

    Once you have baited up and are ready to cast there is an adjustment that you need to make to the reel.

    On one side of the reel there will be a knurled knob that sits exactly where the cente of the spoolis. This knob needs to be adjusted so that when you have the reel in free spool your bait doesnt fall straight to the ground. You should be able to jiggle the rod and the line then comes off.

    Let your thumb juuuust touch the spool as you cast. Just before your bait hits the water put your thumb down on the spool and stop it spinning.

    Dont try and cast it a mile. Start with gentle lobs until you get the hang of the above.

    Soon you wont need to stop the spool spinning when your bait hits the water.

    Good luck!


  18. Hill 60 is the headland at the northern end of Port Kembla beach. Probably not much point in posting GPS co ords as you will get a better idea of where it is by looking at a Wollongong street directory.

    Having said that though to fish off Hill 60 you best bet is to launch your boat at port kembla and head south for about 3 nautical miles once you leave the harbour. Just off Hill 60 is an island which will let you know you have arrived. I have seen boaties travel between the island and the land but it looks a bit dodgy to me so I always travel around the island if I want to fish on the southern side of hill 60.


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