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Posts posted by FFM

  1. FFM. Have your third place prize pack. Beautiful day last Sunday. Can't really blame you for staying out fishing and missing the presentation. Your numbers only came out of the lucky draws a few times anyway.

    FFM. Have your third place prize pack. Beautiful day last Sunday. Can't really blame you for staying out fishing and missing the presentation. Your numbers only came out of the lucky draws a few times anyway.

    Well thank you very much, an excellent run fishing comp. Your sponsors were so helpful and everyone was so friendly. I will encourage all fish raider to go there next year. I used the on line registration so easy, and we got accomodation with Winnings and the boat was looked after at d'Albora marine, just mentioned the comp and got a discount on everything even our fuel which was fantastic. I will advise our self appointed captain Ahab to contact you for our price. Thank again for putting on a great comp, it must take a lot of effort.
  2. Ffm, me swordy and des were fishing next to you all day on Saturday on board "my sanity". You should of said hi. I'm sure you stole our drift a few time! Lol

    Cheers scratchie!!!

    Ffm, me swordy and des were fishing next to you all day on Saturday on board "my sanity". You should of said hi. I'm sure you stole our drift a few time! Lol

    Cheers scratchie!!!

    How can I get to know you if we don't steal your drift, I hear that Sunday only three fish raised and two landed. Long day for nothing. We trolled back to Port that evening out wide saw so many birds and dolphins (100-200) nothing on the sounder, no fish raised but what a sight. Sunday we went to the fad then headed to the car park, halfway to the carpark the short rigger went off a great stripped marlin tagged it, looked at the watch 11:45 no time to get back so we keeper on fishing. We are out most weekends in Sydney, I will listen out for you on 21. I listen on 21 up there but heard no raiders talking.

  3. Excellent weekend, went up with a few mates got three marlin for the weekend one small stripy at 50kg one black around 60kg and a stripy on the last day around 80kg shame it was too late for us to get back to register that one.Most fish were caught live baiting north of port Stephens with a million other boat in the same area, we saw one boat release 6 small black marlin in half an hour then nothing till late afternoon.

    Excellent run comp, excellent prizes well worth going to. Hats off to the guys for putting it on. I be going back next year.

  4. I went yesterday with my 16 year old son, went to 12 mile then trolled to browns. There were 10 boats at browns water temp 19.1. Went then South east of browns for 5 miles noticed a lot of those small birds sitting on the water also noticed the water temp dropping to 18.3. This was only in a small area of approximately 2 nm then went back to 19.1. So we worked that area. Then bang the shot gun went off. I gave the rod to my son. His first tuna still to get mine, about 10kg, (I did put a call out on the radio that we caught a fish in that area). We then worked the same area for about a hour longer and got nothing. We then returned to Browns as we passed to the south of all the boats when the longer rigger went off for a long run, however we dropped that one. We worked that area for 1/2 hour but nothing.

    Well that was our day. My son now has a caught a bigger Marlin than me and now he caught his first Tuna, note to self must stop giving him the rod. We are still debating which tuna it was, after looking on the internet we conclude it was a Blue.

  5. Very average day yesterday listening to the radio.Heard about the fin lost at the boat and there were a few albys caught south of Browns. We trolled from 12 mile to about 7 miles east of Browns looking for the current line and then back into the shelf and home for zeros. Out past 100m Water temp was 20. 9 most of the way with only minor variations. No bird activity wide. There were only 6 or 7 boats at browns and some of them, were bottom bashing. We were back by 2.30.

    Not too much radio chatter apart from the few people going a little crazy through lack of fish..............as a good friend once said..."thats why they call it fishing, not catching."

    On the positive side it was a glorious morning (tad cool) and great to be on the water.

    Hopefully the front will stir things up.

    Very average day yesterday listening to the radio.Heard about the fin lost at the boat and there were a few albys caught south of Browns. We trolled from 12 mile to about 7 miles east of Browns looking for the current line and then back into the shelf and home for zeros. Out past 100m Water temp was 20. 9 most of the way with only minor variations. No bird activity wide. There were only 6 or 7 boats at browns and some of them, were bottom bashing. We were back by 2.30.

    Not too much radio chatter apart from the few people going a little crazy through lack of fish..............as a good friend once said..."thats why they call it fishing, not catching."

    On the positive side it was a glorious morning (tad cool) and great to be on the water.

    Hopefully the front will stir things up.

    Excellent report, we found it very similar. Apart from a few whales that popped up in front of us.

  6. My mates rapt with the etec and he got it for a steal from craig at huett's.

    His range will be fine for the mount but heatons is limit on only real good days (not many like sat)unless he wants to take a jerrycan for backup.

    Cruisecraft, nice , once you get all that sorted you may be fine but time will tell. Might need 2 prop sizes down to get range you need.

    Good luck with it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I have the New Mercury 150 on my Surtees 6.1 HardTop, i think the New Mercury 150 is really worth a look as I did. Really impressed with it done over 40 hours in it. We went browns for the day and approximately 10 miles south east. Motor was only off for say an hour and half while we cubed and fought a Mako, the rest of the time we either trolled or travelled at 25knt. Used 73 litres for the whole day. Boat has a 200lt tank and was full.

  7. Hey guys went out today left botany bout 6 am at browns in no time , put a spread an headed to 500 fathom line north east brown s . Trolled for a good 2 hours best water was 19.3 . Trolled back to browns which was a car park . Wishing I took bait to bottom bash as lots of gems been caught ! Trolled back to 12 mile in afternoon for nothing ! All in all great day on the water an expiereneced travelling the widest I've been in my boat . From 140 liter tank still had about 30 liters left !

    Well done, sound like it was nice out there.

  8. The boat is a 6.1 Hard top, with a 200 litre tank with a 150 Mercury 4 stroke on the back. I am very pleased with it. There were two of us on board. We started at 6 am got back at 4:30, motor was only off while cubing say and half the time fighting the mako say 1 1/2 h. We travel to the shelf at 25 knots and on the return trip. We trolled the rest of the time.

  9. We went Browns last weekend from Roseville in a Surtees 6.1 Gamefisher. Trolled around brown cubed, caught a 150 mako. Then trolled south east for about 12 miles then back home, a few mac tuna on the way home. The boat was great no problems, felt really safe used 73 litres for the whole day. So you should be ok.

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