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Posts posted by tricks

  1. i must be going blind i did'nt even notice it was blacked out :074:

    chill everyone there's always one


    :biggrin2: To be honest i didnt notice either

    Well done Mike :thumbup: two very nice looking fish

    is there a spare spot at the dinner table :biggrin2: yum

  2. :thumbup: well done patrick

    persistance pays off in the end eh mate....

    they should be schoolin up soon and stocking up the winter fat :biggrin2: ...


    yeah i've noticed the difference in size lately

    not a lot of throw backs, if any. jus need to find em

  3. hey guys

    decided i'd go for a fish today, so packed up the boat and set off for botany.

    hit my bream grounds and picked up a couple of little fellas nice and early.

    things were looking good, but spoke to soon. the bites quickly slowed so half hour went past

    and decided to move to another spot, then another and another. things wern't looking good

    it was tuff going to locate the bream. went to try one last spot i know of and was rewarded

    with this beauty, a pb for me. so was happy with the day

    cheers patrick

    post-3161-1207473135_thumb.jpg post-3161-1207473231_thumb.jpg

  4. hey guys a mate has pulled out last minute for a harbour trip so im off solo

    jus wondering if anybody launches their boat on the own at roseville and is it manageble. does it have a beaching area i cant remember. or is their an easier ramp to the harbour somewhere about. i usually fish botany which has an area to beach the boat.

    cheers guys

  5. hi Patrick,

    sounds like you had a great morn on the bay mate....

    they look like nice breambos......

    the ol peeld prawn strikes again....

    have to get together for another kingy bash soon.....

    cheers... steve.....

    yeah thanks steve

    i'll be hitting the harbour this sunday trying to get

    onto these kings again. give us a yell if your out

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