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  1. I'm heading to garie beach some time soon and I'll probably be targeting salmon & tailor and I wanted your opinions on what rig I should be using. Also some people say its better to use a light sinker on surf beaches to let your bait drift along the gutter is this true. Paul
  2. Thanks mate I've got a 6 foot rod will it be ok to use that?? What about long shank hooks?
  3. Hi I would like to fish along the beach somewhere along the sand between Brighton and ramsgate and I need help with the what size rod I should be using, the rigs and the bait, etc. I would like to target whiting bream and flathead all at the same time. Can anyone recommend anything for me? Paul
  4. I am new to whiting fishing and I would like to know some of the best rigs and bait for them. If this means anything I am fishing off Brighton le sands beach and have heard and seen some nice whiting caught off there. Any advice on Rigs and bait will be appreciated
  5. I have just started using soft plastics along Brighton le sands down to dolls point and I have had no luck Every time I use them the wind throws my line horizontal to me. I've asked for advice from my mates who have had lots of luck on S.Ps but They are not much help. I am really losing my patience using them. Can anyone give me advice on where I could use them around Sydney and also some techniques using them. Which type of plastics do you have much success with? Thank you in advance
  6. Hey I am going fishing off Brighton le sands beach tomorrow and I haven't had much success fishing there. Can anyone please help me with rigs, bait, etc. the fish I am targeting are, bream, flathead, whiting, snapper, and possibly tailor. Help would be much appreciated thanks Paul
  7. Can anyone give me advice on fishing on the beach in botany bay like the rigs and bait I should use. Thanks in advance
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