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Posts posted by Tag117

  1. Drop offs can be found by sight,areas of darker water near light water usually around the mouth of bays, can also drop off straight from the shore, ie, a rock ledge with deep water at your feet. Another way to find them is to buy yourself a good nautical chart of the areas you fish or plan to fish a lot. Itll give you a great idea of the topography and help you find more good spots once you know what areas work for you.

    Good luck mate, feel free to ask more questions

  2. Hey bobmarlee, i agree with scratchies recommendation, target smaller more common apecies first, they are a lot of fun and it is so rewarding when you finally get a good one.

    If you do however want to chase kings, there are plenty in the harbour at the moment, blues point, and pretty much any wharf or pier are good spots to try.

  3. Cheers for all the comments guys, i can see why they attract so many, ill definitely be back out for em soon!

    And fragmeister i totally agree, it always seems to be there the fish are busting up

  4. Hey Raiders,

    I recently set myself a goal to try and catch my first kingfish. However, i have been getting distracted by bust ups, ended up using my livies for jew instead and just overall not succeeded. I headed out wednesday with a goal of just chasing pelagics in the harbour. We launched from Roseville Bridge around 9:30 and headed into the harbour looking for surface action. On our way saw a penguin who let us get within 2m of him while he preened his feathers, great to see our harbour in such a good condition!

    We found our first bust up round Taronga zoo, however, all that seemed to be busting up were undersized tailor so we head deeper in the harbour in search of better things. We then came across an insane bust up right behind the bridge. We started fishing it and pulled in big tailor and salmon almost every cast. While reeling in a tailor, i noticed a huge silhouette underneath it, thought it was a shark but as it got closer we realised it was a huge king (probably a bit over the metre mark). Chucked out huge lures to immitate the tailor for a while but they yielded no success so we went back to what was working.

    Next cast, i hooked something a lot bigger. The fish dove straight for the bottom and i struggled to turn him. Must have been onto him for a good 10 minutes when a sailing boat came metres away from us and cut off my line :ranting2: . I was absolutely devastated. Oh well, no use crying over lost fish. I rigged right back up and cast again. After about 20 more minutes of fishing, i finally hooked another bigger fish. Took me a while to bring him in, i'd called him for a big salmon but when he got to the boat and i saw the bright yellow tail, I absolutely stoked. Netted, in the boat, my first king! As i went to unhook my lure i realised he'd busted somebody else off before me, bait still on the hook lol. I removed both hooks, took a quick photo and released him back into the harbour.

    All in all, a tonne of fun and a fish i'll never forget!


  5. Hey raiders, heading out to target gamefish (dollies are the prime target but would be stoked with anything) off sydney tomorow, plan is to fish the fad early then do some trolling. Apart from one fluke marlin catch ive never targeted gamefish and would be happy to take any advice. Planning on using livies, a small green skirt, some big shallow diving halco lures and a magnum deep diver.

    Cheers in advance!

  6. Hey mate, i havent fished JB but there are plenty of great spots around currarong which is only a short drive away. Currarong beach is excellent for pretty much all surf species from whiting to salmon and even jew and bronzies. The rocks near abrahams bosom reserve are also abundant in flathead and salmon. You can also brave beecroft for big kings and other pelagics but itll probably be packed this time of year. Good luck mate have fun!

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