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Fishing Guru

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  1. The people at the restaurants at La Pa watched it chew through bait schools. The big bitch would have been chasing salmon and tailor most probably. Lol i was there at La Pa while he was swimming around... that was stupid haha. I didnt know about it until the next day. It was around 4m and is one big fish!!
  2. Try in the deeper channel on the left side when your looking out to sea. A few weeks ago, i had fun with bream, flathead, flounder and tailor! all good fun! Good Luck!! The Guru
  3. Ill make sure i write it on my forehead next time haha!! I went fishing there sunday, hence the load of people there... Bad luck about today... Might see you around if i try there again! Cheers, The Guru
  4. Hey guys, Headed out for a underwater - fish at Bare Island only to be greeted by a 4ft sea The water was murky and I could not see past my nose The only thing left to do was try for a line fish... With all the reports at clifton gardens for kings and good fishing, me and a mate decided it was worth a shot! Made our way to clifton without bait... only to find that there were no bait shops on the side of the road... To the SEAFOOD SHOP!!! We bought 1kg of fresh Calamari Rings for bait and we ready to go. Headed down to the wharf to be greeted by hundreds of people, and about 10 other people fishing. Action was slow and didn't get a bite on SP's, squid or squid jigs. What time do you guys normally fish the place and what spot on the wharf is the best? Cheers, The Guru
  5. Dont rule out tailor if they are in your area. Using SP's at the Entrance I was loosing my tails to tailor every second cast lol. However, if there are toadfish around, they are pesty bastards. Gl with it all, and the cod are great for soups. At least your not going home fishless!! hehe Both SGT Baker and Cod in my own opinion are THE WORST FISH ON THIS EARTH!!! Dont you just hate it when u get a good bit that turns into nice weight, only to bring up a rock cod with its bucket mouth wide open filling up with water, or a bloody SGT Baker stealing your flathead baits.
  6. Nah its definately a grinner of some sorts. I caught one last year at the drums fishing for livies, trevs and leathers. They live in a hold and come out to feed. I put the bastard in a bucket of water and it would come up, start jumping around at the top, then sit back on the bottom. It kept doing this for hours. Stupid thing.
  7. Hey bud, I do have a salt-water fish tank but its got more tropical species in it and those typically not recreational fish, aswell as corals. Actually you are allowed to keep these types of fish in a fish tank for your own usage, as i emailed fisheries about this months ago and they said that for personal use, the capture of fish is permitted. However im not sure about whether the legal lengths are applicable, but im pretty sure they would be. To keep bream and flathead you would need a very large tank with vigorous filtration to keep them alive, as they get very large, produce lots and lots of waste and are normally always swimming, moving and looking for food. Good Luck with it all!! The Guru
  8. Thats a very nice sambo! Where did you snare it? The Guru
  9. Hey everyone, I was thinking of going out of sunday to the fads and the shelf for marlin and dollies. Is anyone else going out for a hit? The weather doesn't look too bad and im dying to get out with my new ballyhoo spreader bar and lures!! Has anyone been out to the fads and beyond lately? Whats the water temp and colour like? Cheers, The Guru
  10. Thanks for the help bud! One lure is a 9 inch and the other three are 7 inches but i was worried about it sticking out more! The Guru
  11. Okay thanks for the help guys! IS there a particular spot in Yarra Bay or anywhere around if u berley up enough? Thanks again, The Guru
  12. Hey everyone, I just came back from Hawaii and got some un-rigged trolling lures that are 7 inches long. Yesterday i went to the local fishing tackle shop to get rigs for them and bought Black Pete custom rigs. Today I rigged up there lures but i noticed that the second hook on the rig stick out about 5 cm on one and 3cm on the other three. Will this affect the way the lure runs or the overall look of the lure and minimise the hits? Thanks, The Guru
  13. Hey Everyone, I was just wondering if anyone can share any spots where they can find livebait in botany bay? I normally try to drums for yellowtail and slimies but this is the only spot i know where i can usually find a few baits hanging around and if anyone has any others that they care to share i would extremely appreciative. Thanks guys, The Guru
  14. Yes mate, this wharf that you guys go to catch these trevs, bream, bonies and kings. Thanks, The Guru
  15. Hey guys, I am normally involved in the game and reef fishing aspect of our wonderful sport, however occasionally i do some land-based fishing. I have only found one spot that consistently holds fish and was wondering where this spot is actually located and how i can get there to give it a try? Thanks for the help, The Guru
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