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Everything posted by Hariklia

  1. Sorro, Just curious, what sort of motor was your old one and what caused the damage? Cheers.
  2. If you want to place your vote based purely on your fishing needs, then the way I see it is this: In the Lower House the only real choice you have is Iemma or Debnem. But you must temper this with what your local member does for YOU! If your local member is Lib or Lab, that is an easy choice. But if the local guy that you want in is from another political persuasion, then you must really look at where he is directing your vote. What we, as fisherman, must try and do is not allow any more Greens to get a seat. Or any party affiliated with them. This can be tricky, but you glean most of the information needed of that parties how to vote card. As far as the Upper House goes, there are a myriad of choices. Firstly, you must understand that the Upper House members are selected from all over the state. They won't necessarily be from your electorate. The function of the Upper House is to oversee legislation before it becomes law. They can recommend amendments and ask for points to be clarified or elaborated on, before passing it. If a particular political persuasion has enough sitting members, it allows them the chance of being able to muscle legislation through no matter how unpopular that legislature may be. Again as fisherman, we must ensure that greens, or their affiliates DO NOT get a seat in the Upper House. If they get just 2 more seats, they will literally control the Upper House. We must also try and not let any more seats slip to Labor. One way to ensure that they do not get a seat in the Upper House is to have a close look at the groups that you can vote for on the four foot long ballot paper. They have a range of groups that are posing as independents, or even use other party names. A group of Independents that are TRULY Independent is Group 'M'. They are led by Jack Tait who has a track record of fighting for our rights as fisherman in his local area of Bateman's Bay. He was instrumental in having the no-go zones reduced in the Bateman's Bay MP, and has won the support of all his peers in Batemans Bay. He has banded with a group of like minded people from all over the state to really try and stop the extreme green scourge that has infiltrated our government. I'm not here to tell you HOW to vote...That is something you have to decide on. But I CAN direct you to some information that may help you make up your mind.
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