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Everything posted by VViCKiD

  1. Hi all, I've currently got one of those bimini covers that clip onto the window of my boat and is stretched by a cord backwards. I've added rocket launchers to this bimini as well. The problem with this is - the cord that stretches the bimini out wastes valuable fishing space at the back - u can't hold onto the bimini or rocket launcher for support - u can't troll with the rocket launchers I was thinking of purchasing one of these: http://www.biasboating.com.au/Boat_Arch_Rocket_Launcher_p/6322.htm And some how attaching the bimini to it. Would anyone know how I can achieve this? Or is there an off the shelf solution that I can purchase? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi obey1, It occured when I was tilting the motor downwards. I'll try greasing the rods too. Thanks !
  3. Thanks testlab. I'll take a look tonight
  4. By the way testlab, which fluid level r u referring to?
  5. Yeh it's on happened once. And its moving through full range. I'll give it a try again next time I'm out. I flushed the boat again at various angles. So I'll try it again. I did hit a bit of soft ground last week (sand) at low speed. So maybe that has something to do with it. I thought if I was getting cavitation probs it'd happen at high speed too. Really weird
  6. Ok I'll give that a shot. Do u mean tilted up ?
  7. Hi all, I took my boat out yesterday and noticed there was an odd crunching sound while the motor was being tilted down. Once I stopped tilting, the crunching sound went away. This only seems to happen while the boat is moving. It doesn't happen on land. Has anyone ever had this ? And if so, what was it? Also, any tips would be much appreciated! Cheers
  8. Thanks Dave. In terms of wind, what would be the worst that you'd head out in?
  9. Thx db. Do u think 10-15 knot would b too rough? I think willy weather reckons it'd b about that
  10. Hi guys, BOM says the swell will be about 1m with 15-20 knot winds this Saturday. I was thinking of heading to the fads off botany bay. I have a Haines 530 with a 115HP on the back. Do you guys think this will be too rough ? I'm most worried about the wind. Thanks in advance !
  11. Thanks Leo ! will give it a shot this weekend
  12. Thanks Leo ! so does the barrel sinker go in front of the squid (ie at the nose) or does it go into the body of the squid ? Cheers
  13. I forgot to mention that I'm targetting king fish around botany bay
  14. Hi guys, I've recently start to attempt trolling with skirted lures. My question is, how do you rig these guys up ? Are you supposed to use a sinker at all ? Cheers
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