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Posts posted by dufmack97

  1. Always had decent success land based but the convenience and potential of kayak fishing has lured me in. I've launched from balmoral a few times chasing kingfish and have failed in catching fresh/live bait which is what I need. I followed other boats baiting around the tip of the island but with no success, I also tried and failed squiding. To anyone who knows the area is the jetty a better start for bait and how catch it there? And once I have where should I head I always think grotto but any specifics about where around the point would be awesome.



  2. Recently getting in to soft plastics fishing due to how fun it looks, my difficulty in getting live bait and the overall hype surrounding them. I fish of the kayak from balmoral and go to grotto point. I just bought a pack of jig heads 1/2 ounce and size 5/0 hooks. I want to know which plastics to use and more specifically what sizes they should be.

    My rod is heavy and probably not ideal for plastics (ugly stick platinum 15-37kg with shimano symetre 4000fl) and I have 30lb fins braid yet I'm sure it's still possible. I'm using 40lb flurocarbon leader is this right for me?


  3. Why not use swivels? Always thought it is easier and I would assume its strong if both knots are solid, and if you're using a swivel anyway wouldn't it be best place to put it as a joiner.

  4. Hey guys new to fishraider and starting up fishing.

    I have a cheap-ish shimano r2000 rod and reel combo, it has 2-4kg line i would guess mono? I always hear about leader when setting up rigs and am wondering how necessary it is for me. I usually fish around bobbin head area but also around balmoral wharf. I target bream but wish to target whatever is possible in these area's. I have never used leader and just attached my sinker and hooks to my line and this usually works yet am looking to improve in the species and sizes I catch.

    I'm wondering what leader i should get if any, also what is the deal with using swivels. i have a bag of small snap swivels yet am unaware if they are good for me. what is a good general purpose rig for these area's? and is my rod gonna hold up going any larger species etc jewfish around greenwhich wharf. Last thing is I've never had success with lures, are they just wrong in these areas or with my rod or do i just have the wrong ones (one small metal chrome one and a small metal pilchard)? sorry for the barrage of questions any answers appreciated.



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