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Everything posted by SgtBundy

  1. With the afternoon free I decided I wanted to try a spot where I could have a chance at a kingfish (remote as it is), so I picked the rocks around Dobroyd head seeing as it was going to be low tide and I knew I could get around there. I set off with some fresh squid and pilchards from the fish shop and got to the car park around 2:30. Last time I went there I started at 40 baskets and worked my way around. This time I thought I would get closer and go via reef beach. However I seriously underestimated the hike down from the top of the headland to the beach (1.5Km according to google). Not that difficult but with a bit of gear it was a fair decent, and I knew the climb back was going to be a challenge - I just hoped the effort would be rewarded. Got down to the rocks and made my way about half way round the headland where I found a good spot into deeper water. After some poking around I also found somewhere I could jam in a rod holder into the rocks as the plan was to put a full squid out under a float with my heavier gear, and fish near the rocks with my light rod with pilchard cubes. I had a burley bucket going near the rocks too hoping that would bring in some action. The lighter rod was getting hit constantly - but mostly pickers. After about 45 minutes I got my very first silver trevally - a tiny one but still a first. Sent him back and whatever I put out (pilchard cubes, squid strips) just got hammered at, but very few hook ups. I also kept loosing gear to kelp snags which got a bit frustrating. I am not sure but I think some of what was hitting my light gear were leatherjackets - very thick school but they looked a brown colour rather than silver. They were pretty thick whatever they were but I just could not get a take, just picks. The whole afternoon north head was busting up - I could only watch from afar as flocks of birds went nuts over there in several big groups. I am guessing salmon chasing bait fish up but it went on for ages, two big lots for about an hour. Between that and the hiking I really am thinking hard about a boat but that might have to wait on a possible job move soon. About 6pm my heavy rod finally sprung to life, which took me by surprise. The line took off and it went for a short run, but but the time I got a hold of the rod and tried to set the drag whatever hit it was gone. The bait was destroyed, most of the large squid was gone and clearly bitten through, but it either just missed the bottom hook or it came out. I would like to think it was a king, but really no idea what it was. My last squid was set out as the light started to fade but nothing touched it. Knowing I had about a 30 minute hike back I packed up about 6:30 to make sure I had enough light to navigate the rocks back. A decent climb back but at least I got some exercise. The days lesson - make more pre-made rigs and look at some broader hook options.
  2. Ideal = wind behind you. Fine = you can still hold onto the rod Poor = unable to stand up Do fish feel wind? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I have been invited to fly to the US for a job interview. I just noticed the dates I gave them fall on the weekend that would be the best jewie fishing this month. If they had not already booked the flights I would have moved it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Good job guys. I have noticed on my walks around walsh bay at lunch time that the bream have really come on in numbers in the last few days, more so than I have seen in the last 6 months since I have been going around there. They of course all hang around the no fishing areas but there are some massive ones in there.
  5. I didn't think to check the surfcam, when I got out of the car I realised I should have. The other part of the trip I also got to test out some new rigs I made up that worked a treat - put a snap swivel on to connect my star sinker and it stopped the line twisting about so much on retrieve, spent a lot less time untwisting it from the hook line. All the little lessons, adding up.
  6. I am an hour from a beach whichever way I go, so going north or south or east doesn't make much difference. The wind got pretty crazy right on nightfall so not the best time to be out, but why waste a free public holiday afternoon on wishing I could be out
  7. I have some cancer council ones as I tend to destroy them somehow about every 18 months. Something I noticed last time I was at Clontarf was while the polarization helped see some reefs in the water and cut the glare, I could not actually see into the water until I tilted my head to about 30 degrees. When I did that I could see reefs much further out and much clearer. I am guessing the direction of the polarization was on an angle for some reason. Are the proper fishing ones better aligned or is the only difference the price tag. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Fresh bait is one thing that I would love to work on more - I usually don't have the time to arrange it though unless I grab it from a fish shop (well, semi-fresh anyway). I have tried catching livies a few times too but usually only when I happen to spot them while I am doing other fishing. I guess I need to find ways to work that into my sessions. Yeah, the braid took a good chunk out of my finger, mostly skin, but its healing already. I already figured out I was holding the line in the wrong position which was half the problem. I was pulling it right back into the stem of the reel, but if I instead hold it so the line is perpendicular off the spool, there was a lot less pressure on the finger. Holding it also on the tip of my finger rather than near the first crease also seemed to have a lot less impact. Just habits from lighter gear that don't work once I start using 3-4oz sinkers and braid.
  9. I concur with the aerowave. I have the 12ft with a Fin Nor Lethal LT60 reel. Only thing with the graphite rods, look out for rock impacts. I snapped the tip piece on my aerowave when I slipped on rocks and the rod pieces slapped a rock as I fell on my butt. Fortunately a good tackle shop chased it up with shimano as warranty for me and sorted out a replacement for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Ducked out to Narrabeen to catch the high tide on dark. I know the weather had it blowing 25kts but when I checked the app it was only reporting 7kts. The original forecast was right, it was blowing but not that bad when I got there at 5pm. A lot of kite surfers about taking advantage of the wind. Couldn't pick an obvious gutter but found some darker water that looked like a hole so setup there. Not long after setting up I managed to snag a wind surfer who came in straight through my line. He almost took off with it then untangled himself. He came over to give me a word, but as he did I realized it was a guy I worked with a few years back. Small world. My surf rod was setup with salted pillies but got no interest in it. My light rod had a twin hook patternoster with a prawn and some worm on it. A few casts in I had a 38cm flathead landed which was my only take for the session. About that time the wind went nuts and just howled. Between my two lines and a large kelp plant I got an almighty tangle, which got impossible to undo as the wind kept whipping the line around on me. I ended up cutting the heavier rig out and leaving the lighter one to untangle at home. Fished up to 8:30 and even though the wind backed off conditions were pretty miserable. Had nothing hitting the pillies I was offering so called it a night and saved the bait for next time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Yeah, I know I have a lot more to learn so its a dialing in process. I am trying things as I go and trying to pick up on what works for others. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Do the collapsible mesh nets work as well as the clear plastic ones? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Bottom dwelling filter feeder in the harbour mud? I think giving it a pass was a good call, as bitter as that would have been Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I could only find them from US stores off eBay. BCF has some crappy ones which I have yet to test out, they are nowhere as nice as Crossfire's. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. That would have been an entertaining afternoon. Good work Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. That area was occupied while I was there. I thought it might be better because it was about where that gutter along the beach ended but a couple of guys were setup there before me up to about 15 min before I left Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. On my current scorecard its a long way off
  18. Ok - I was on the north end just in front of the lagoon exit. Pilchards on a gang hook and star sinker.
  19. It seemed like it was good conditions - there was a fairly clear gutter running the length of the beach, big break out back, plenty of foam on the gutter and a fair chop to the surf. Others obviously found a few fish, not sure what it was like at the south end of the beach but there were a few guys setup there and I noticed them casting regularly.
  20. Thought about trying to catch the morning high tide today at 5am, but my nocturnal habits put that out of play, so instead went for the afternoon high tide while I had the time available. Picked Stanwell Park to try as a new place to explore and got there about 2:30pm with the high tide about 4. Setup some bread/sardine cat food/pilchard burley in a pot for the first time - can't say it made any difference for me but that isn't saying much. Didn't really get anything I would call a bite, had a few pilchards that could have been chomped on, but nothing I noticed as a bite so probably just broke up in the surf. There were fish about though - a guy 30m to my left got a decent salmon, and another guy about 150m to my right got I think a pair of solid salmon as well. There were even a pod of dolphins doing acrobatics out the back breakers (launching out the top of the wave, getting completely airborne and doing what could only be called barrel rolls). Managed to take a small chunk out of my finger trying to cast with my straight through braid setup, it dug into the cut I got the week before doing the same thing. I had meant to find a pair of gloves to use but forgot until I was on the beach. You can bet that will be sorted soon. Fished up until dark (7pm) and called it quits for yet another donut (about the 5th in a row without any bites - starting to take it personal).
  21. I put up an idea in a previous thread about a fishing tote on wheels - livebait tank, tackle trays, rod holders, cutting board, lighting, rod holders etc. Bundle it all together on something with some decent sand wheels and can be stowed in a car boot. Turn up at fishing spot, wheel all your gear down, setup and fish. Wheel on to the next spot etc.
  22. I had a small go at north Narrabeen this afternoon but didn't really have the time to set my self up properly, just swished a few pilchards around to see if I could spot them rising. I was planning to have Dad teach me on the weekend with the kids as I thought they might get a kick out of it, but if there is a social event I would not mind taking part. I remember how easy it was to catch pipis as a kid up at south Ballina - pretty much pick a spot, dig your feet in there they are. Are they in numbers down here or is it just dumb luck?
  23. Sorry, ignore me - I had the map wrong in my head from when I last looked up that marine park area. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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