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Posts posted by SgtBundy

  1. Good to meet you as well, Ryder.

    Sorry for your daughter Crossfire, one of my boys did the same thing a few weeks ago running around at school.

    Hopefully we get another chance soon and can have some jewie pics to show for it :)

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  2. Last night I had both. Up to the high tide it was running down the beach fairly heavily and a ball sinker did nothing to stop the large fillets being dragged away. I switched to a star sinker for a while but at the top of the tide the side run stopped and there was no issue keeping the bait in front of me.

    It reminder me I should really premake some more paternoster rigs to switch over more easily, not yet proficient with enough knots to make some rigs in the dark while I don't have a line in the water

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  3. The plan was Ryder and myself would meet up to be tutored by Crossfire63 on hunting Jewies, but as Crossfire could not make it Ryder and I went it alone.

    Setup around 4pm in front of the surf club. There were no gutters to speak of and the entire beach looked the same so there was as good as anywhere.

    All very quiet up until around 8pm when I got what I thought was a hit but was not sure, there was some weight but it was hard to be sure it wasn't just he drag of the mullet fillet. Surprise, I had a nice 31cm bream attempt to pig out on a mullet fillet and took a 6/0 hook just in the mouth.


    After that it was all quiet up to and over the high tide. A few possible hits later on but nothing that could be confirmed.

    At one point in the night I had a lumo bead jamb and break my line on a cast and send my rig off into the surf. About 15 minutes later a new rig seemed to be hit as soon as it landed. As I hauled it in I found I had actually found my lost rig, still with bait and a 20cm crab attached.

    I managed to repeat the trick later when I hauled in one of Ryder's rigs that got busted off on a large hit.

    A pleasant enought night but no sign of the Jewies. The hunt goes on.

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  4. I regularly spend my lunch times wandering down to Walsh bay. Every time I go I see bream bigger than any I have ever caught - fat blue nosed ones and plenty of other decent sized ones. I have watched kingfish come charging through and scare crap out of the bream. I am also fairly sure I saw a cuttlefish swimming around with what appeared to be a lure stuck to it. Yesterday I saw a salmon darting in and out of the pylons. Today I was firing up a school of about 40-50 bream throwing some fish and chips to them making them bust the surface and fight over it.

    Now, if I was down there with a rod, you can bet my chances of getting anything are between 0 and buckleys :)

  5. Sambo came up alright for lunch as well - prepped by removing all the blood flesh and pan fried with some spiced up flour.

    The flattie was good for a laugh, he would have doubled in size if he swallowed a bait that size

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  6. Had the afternoon available for myself to go fishing and so took the opportunity. Decided to avoid bait and had some new squidgys to try out. Picked a new place to try out and headed out to Castle Rock beach.

    On arrival I was not so sure, the wind was coming straight onto the beach and the wind and waves carried across the water so it was pretty messy. Tried out the bloodworm wriglers and on the 3rd cast I was on.... To the smallest flathead I have ever seen.


    No further action so I looked for somewhere north facing to get out of the wind. I headed over to 40 baskets beach to have a go there. Hooked up on possibly a decent bream but dropped it when I got distracted by a wave stealing my bucket. Tried various vibes, SPs and hard bodies but no luck. Also if someone finds a leather man out there I would like it back.

    By that time it was 4pm and figured I would give one of the surf beaches a go. I headed up to Narrabeen but the tackle shop was closed so I decided to continue my baitless run and headed to North Narrabeen. The lagoon entrance looked ok so I tried some lures across the run out but no hits.

    Switched to my surf rod and put a shimano waxwing on it I got for my birthday. Started casting across the wash out in front of the lagoon entrance and after about 4 minutes hooked up on a 53cm salmon.


    Tried a while longer with the lure but no further action. I took some fillets off the salmon hoping to tempt a jewfish but the weather turned it up and switched to a stiff easterly which made casting a challenge. The surf looked promising but it was just plain nasty out, dark and some lightening off the coast, plus I had to get home for dinner. I offered the salmon carcass to some other guys who were out but they were happy with their livies, so I just hurled it out for them as some burley. Took the fillets home to try later.

    Happy to finally get a hook up after a dry spell and get my first salmon.

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