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Posts posted by Crossfire63

  1. 30 minutes ago, Fernando said:

    Yes mate, I have been following his advice. I am just curious why you ,UnderFisher, prefer flatheads over salmon/tailor... Is it because the former does not fight that much which makes all action much easier? Just wondering whether flatheads can be used somehow as bait.


    No mate... Flathead aren't bait... they're food....Salmon are bait

  2. No reason why they wouldn't work, although I wouldnt be using a jighead, just use a normal hook and run them on the top hook. 

    I've used big plastics rigged on weedless hooks with some success for Jewies off the beach.

    Works on the same principal as a surf popper we use for salmon and more often than not they'll hit the popper instead of the bait.

    Never hurts to try something different. I'd also be putting some artificial scent on them if you were going to fish them with this method rather than the traditional cast and retrieve


  3. If you really want to attack your reel I'd be using 2000 grade wet/dry, used wet. An alternative would be to use a Dremel and polishing paste.

    Your spool will usually be aluminium and wont take to harsh abrasives. You could also try wet steel wool.

     What ever you use will remove any anodising on the spool.

    If the nics and scratches are bad enough to have a serious effect on casting casting distance you may be better off to get a new spool.



  4. On 08/01/2017 at 3:48 PM, Flats tragic said:

    Does anyone have feedback on the Daiwa Ballistic EX reels, I'm thinking of getting one in the 2000 size.

    If its half as good as the old Ballistics its a great hi speed spinner. Down side is its mag sealed As such it can only be serviced by Diawa, Contrary to what you may read elsewhere

  5. 1 hour ago, cos said:

    What do you think the half hitches actually do. As far as I can tell their only purpose after the initial locking of the knot is to keep the line straight. Any thoughts?

    I agree on this one, It also serves to put a taper on the knot. If the FG is tensioned correctly it shouldn't slip if it has been tied correctly. There is a method of tying the FG knot without the half hitches, on youtube but its not very clear.    

  6. 1 hour ago, cos said:

    I'vebeen using the FG knot for many years now. I used to finish it with around 20 pairs of half hitches. As I  get older (and lazier) I've dropped that down to 10.

    My question is is there any reason to tie all those half hitches as the strength of tbe knot comes from the wraps biting into the leader? I'd also be interested to know how many half hitches others tie?

    I get away with 8 and have never had one let go

  7. 8 hours ago, exhail said:

    May i start by saying i am not speaking on any case in particular and believe that any death is a tragedy and as a community of fishermen brought together by a common passion we should endeavour to prevent any deaths in our community. 

    I'm quite disappointed in this new law. If the surf is small enough to be safe to fish you should be competent in the conditions you are fishing in to save yourself without a lifejacket. If you aren't competent in the conditions you should be nowhere near the water. Most of the people i see fishing the rocks in my local area are wearing full rain gear which if they went in would put them entirely at the mercy of the ocean. In heavy surf conditions a lifejacket is only going to prevent you swimming under the waves and away from the ledge and be pounded on the rocks. The only upside PFD's would provide is shortening the time in which our search and rescue crews are in danger. 

    Rather than mandatory PFD's, how about mandatory course to demonstrate proficiency in reading/ surviving surf conditions such as a bronze medallion. 

    Sorry if i seem irritated, i see the need for some kind of legislation to protect the people from themselves but i'm tired of being ruled by laws made for people who fail to think. 

    So much common sense in what you say.....I agree whole heartedly.

  8. Hi Mike

    For the money you'd be hard pressed to find a better reel. Yes they are heavy but built to last like the original Black Golds and GS-9's.

    I would think that a 4000 loaded with 20lb braid would be more than adequate for what your targetting.

    You'll probably need to add all 3 shims under the spool to get the line to lay properly on the spool. I had to on my two 6500's





  9. On 14/12/2016 at 6:25 PM, Crossfire63 said:



    On 12/12/2016 at 2:14 PM, cos said:

    Likewise. I'm just curious if there is any advantage to using mono in the surf?

    So many people swear by it. 

    1) Blue bottles stick to braid like super glue which will give you no amount of grief on a beach at night when you handle your line even though you cant see a blue bottle attached to it.

    2) When using braid every movement of your rod tip means a similar amount of movement of your sinker, so unless you bury a grapnel sinker your bait and sinker will at some stage end up out of the fishing zone and back on the beach.

    3) As you get a fish closer to the beach there is less give in the system so you'd better remember to back the drag off to sop the fish from throwing the hook.

    4) Even top quality 8 strand braid isn't very abrasion resistant


  10. 20 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Crossfire63 how about you explain that comment. It is not helpful to anyone. Discuss why you think that statement is rubbish.

    Hi Donna

    Its pretty simple. Big Jewies do not have a hard boney mouth or top pallet which makes it hard to set the hook. Most jewfish will hook themselves with just a bit of gentle pressure or even just on the pressure of the drag which makes the statement by "Gold Member" "Jewhunter" complete rubbish . Violent striking trying to set the hook will more often than not rip the bait out of the fishes mouth.

    He's obviously mistaking Jewfish for Marlin or Tarpon which probably have then hardest mouths of any fish but are not often caught off the beaches of NSW.

    With all due respect members should be encouraged to make statements of fact not fanciful notions.




  11. 20 hours ago, Fishing_Maniac said:

    Hi everyone,

    How much line would I need to stop a big jew off the beach? I am considering buying either the Fin Nor Lethal 80 or the Fin Nor Lethal 100. The 80 holds 300 metres of 20lb mono, whilst the 100 holds 300 metres of 30lb mono. 

    Which reel would everyone recommend?



    The 100 is a completely different reel to the 80. If your set on these reels I'd buy the 100 although they do have a habit of snapping

  12. Hi Bill

    What are we talking here ..off a boat or off the shore.

    Either way the reels the easy bit.....Daiwa BG 2016 5000..........Bullt like a tank...5.3:1 ratio, 6 ball bearing, 1 ARB a Carbon Drag and has heaps of line capacity $229.

  13. I've been fishing off Wanda beach (Sydney) for the last two weekends using salted ganged pillies and have come up with almost zilch caught.

    I've been changing gutters, trying different areas of the beach etc but I'm having almost no bites and have only caught a very undersized flathead.

    As far as I know salmon & tailor should be pretty active at this time of year. Am I wrong?

    I'm going to try fresh pillies next time, but does anyone have any other advice? I'll probably try another beach soon, Garie most likely.

    Thanks in advance


    Be patient. Wanda's not the most productive beach at the best of times and it gets absolutely hammered when the salmon and tailor are on.

    Salted pilchards usually work better than fresh as they stay on the hooks longer.

    There has been a finger of cold water (16.5) stretching along the coast pretty much from Sussex Inlet to the harbour hanging around for about a week which has made fishing pretty hard

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