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Posts posted by Oscarthebeagle

  1. Catching a new species on blackfish gear and Green weed last weekend got me thinking, what species have i caught/ seen caught on this set up?

    My list:

    Blackfish 43cm





    Leather jacket


    Small black spikey scorpion fish thing???


    Flounder (not by me)

    Estuary perch 35cm (not by me)

    And now silver trevally 41cm

    Not all big fish but all caught targeting blackfish

    All caught fishing in estuaries, interested to hear what other species Raiders can add to this list.



  2. Fished the last 1.5hrs of daylight on Saturday, pretty slow ended up with 2 just legals and half dozen throwbacks.

    The interesting fish was my first down of the day. Cast close to the structure float just settles then shoots down, hook up solid on something lock the spool with my hand as the fish dives at every bit of structure he can see. Doesn't feel quite right, flash of silver as the fish dives again for the next structure get it back to the surface and can id it before it dives again (at least if I lose it now I know what it was) get it back out of the structure and into the net with some difficulty, these fish never give up.

    A Silver trevally, 41cm. Amazed the #10 hook held as most of the fight was with a few meters of line out and locked drag.

    A new species to add to the list caught on weed.

    Had the blackfish for dinner last night, one of my wife and kids favourite fish dinners.

    Thanks for reading


  3. Cheers for the replying

    SRW is a great place for a holiday, very lucky to have free accommodation there (just have to do a few chores while I'm there).

    Yowie the fish was probably a snook, it's just called Pike locally, to confuse things more if I said snook to a local they would assume I'm talking about Spotted Mackerel.

    Dad/hookerbruce should read this, he is caravaning somewhere near 1770 in nth qld currently.

  4. Just got back from a weeks holiday at SWR. Trip was more a family holiday with my wife and two young kids, but still managed a little bit of fishing.

    All fishing would be land based, with the boat left in Sydney. First trip I fished at Jerseyville boat ramp at first light. Having zero experience at land based SP fishing for Jewfish I thought I would give it a go. 8lb braid, 30lb trace and 120 red rum wriggler.

    Cast from the ramp down to the bridge for no hits. The first pylon can be cast to from shore so this was going to be my target area. After 20min got first hook up reasonable weight good flash of silver thought maybe it was the target fish, got it back to the surface and its a nice tailor 43cm. Not the target but a good start on the fish dinner I promised. A couple of casts later and another hookup, this time more weight and a fish that holds deep swimming up and down the oyster covered rocks at my feet, with the occasional big head shake. A couple of minutes of this than it's beaten and on the surface. Grap a wrap of the trace and swing it up on the shore. A Jewfish, 61cm, not big, but my first on SP so it counts. A quick photo and it's released.

    A few more casts result in a bream 30cm and a Pike 42( different species to down south looks more like a barracuda) this finishes off dinner.

    Tried fishing up stream of the ramp which looked good for flathead but only managed to spook a few red belly black snakes. Back home in time for breakfast.

    Next trip was to back Creek with the kids little girl manage 5 fish ( bream, tarwhine, sweep, butterfish and a wrasse) before she lost interest .

    Next trip after that was family fishing at main river boat ramp. Fishing off the new pontoon, bread burley and and unweighted baits drifted on the current result in 20 or so bream with a few legal size all released before the kids lost interest. Another family turned up and as we were fishing I could hear their kids getting annoyed at catching no fish while we caught. So as we left I offered our spot and explained to the dad what I was doing and by the time I reached the car they were on to fish.

    As a final trip I went back to the bridge again but only caught and released a 42cm flathead. And cleaned up the mess some other "fisherman" had left behind line, bottles, plastic bags, bait, hook packets lolly wrappers and more.

    The rest of the time was spent at the playgrounds, beaches, eating ice ceams, whale watching (saw heaps) and all the other holiday things you do.

    Thanks for reading


    PS Dad the holiday house now has two fan heaters, a kiddies table, kiddies toys, a pram, a filleting knife in the draw and I replaced the broken runner on your blackfish rod you leave at the house.






  5. Went on a lnshore reef charter a couple of years back off port Douglas. Half day, $90 a head, 6m plate boat fishing within s few km of shore. Caught a few red throat, a school mackerel, a coral trout and a heap of undersize reef fish. And a couple of bust offs. Fed the 15 people I was traveling with. Just make sure they use rods I wasted the first half hour on a heavy handline before I convinced the skipper to give me a rod to use.

  6. Spent a few years in Lismore about 10yrs ago. Used to fish for bass in coopers creek access from greengate rd out near bex hill. Old quarry in bex hill was a great swimming hole. fished a place called boat harbour, its where the coopers and wilson join. Used to target sharks here using live herring only small up to 5kg and a couple of bust offs, locals never believed us there was sharks in the river.

    For salt water I used to go to evans head, took woodburn rd nice drive took about half hour. Fish the swallows with sp and nippers for flathead, bream and whiting or the breakwalls for bream.

    This was all 10 yrs ago so access may have changed and watch out for brown snakes along coopers creek.

  7. Greenwell point or crookhaven heads 2 hours south of Sydney. Close in reef, flathead drifts for a feed, banks and blockncheese for kings and gamefish and good river fishing if the wind blows. Also good Chinese at the Greenwell bowls club.

  8. Thanks for the replies

    The poddies were caught on a rod and reel, 1kg line and #14 hook. Bait gathering is my little girls (3 years old) favorite part of fishing I think.

    The poddies were slow trolled on a simple rig. Main line, short double, swivel, 50cm 30lb fluorocarbon trace, 4/0 suicide hook. Short cast behind the boat, idle speed, holding the rod in my hand with the bail arm open holding the line, feel a tug release the line for a few seconds put reel in gear and strike.

    Didn't mean to target kingies on light line it just kind of happened. I'm in a tiller stear boat so I find chasing fish easiest in reverse facing backwards sitting down using one foot to steer the boat. I was just lucky that this fish allowed itself to be led out of the moorings on light line.

    Lilli Pilli sand flat is a great place to take the family. Big expanse of shallow clear water, that gets warmed by the sun, exposed sand towards low tide and a good chance of whiting and bream. It was my wife who took the nippers and a rod to wade the shallows while I built sandcastles with the kids.

    All in all a great day on the water.

  9. With a RDO today and low tide at 11 decided it was a good day for a family boating trip, lots of exposed sand to play on. Launched from Grays Point at 10.30 with my little girl, collected 6 poddies for live bait and headed off to pump some nippers. After stopping for a swim and a play on the sand it was time to pick up wife and the one year old from lilli pilli. Stopped for lunch, cast out a couple of lines while eating caught a nice long tom (released) and undersized bream. Of to the sand flat for another swim and play on the sand, wife took a rod and the nippers and waded the shallows for a few small whiting and a nice bream. Ran out of nippers and fed the burley and bait to the pelicans and it was time to head home, dropped of wife and youngest and headed for the ramp. Mouth of yowie bay was alive with surface fish, which disappeared before a got there. Flick out a metal slice on 2kg outfit (chasing tailor), hook up first cast and it screams off into the moorings chased in after it and was able to lead the fish back out into safer water. Settle into the fight and next problem occurred, little girl was hungry and needed food she didn't seem that excited that I was fighting a fish. Managed to open the esky one handed and get some food out for her. After another ten minutes got the fish up and first shot with the net in it go's, kingfish 67cm on 2kg line.

    Regretted not bringing a heavy rod with me, but had a go slow trolling the poddies on a 4kg rod. Hooked up three times almost instantly and got blown away each time, light line, kingfish and moorings is never a good combination. Have to try again with more suitable tackle.

    Ran out of poddies, so headed for home having enjoyed a nice family day, had lilli pilli sand flat to ourselves and a kingfish in the esky.



  10. Your boat, with various crew, also managed to catch 40 plus keeping sized fish over the weekend. A mixture of flathead, bream and salmon, (kept about half). The shoalhaven is a very productive system especially when you consider its still commercial fishedand has heavy recreational fishing pressure.

  11. Well done, you didn't get many fish for the weekend but they where certainly quality fish. I had the dubious honour of being net person for both the 1st & 2nd placed estuary fish and putting my hand into the esky to get the flathead out.

  12. Congrats mate, I think I trolled past you guys. Were you with another boat that was filming you fight the marlin?

    We where in a beige ally half cabin two people on board, outrriggers( got taken down during the fight) and a heap of rods in the rocket launches. We where fishing alone but when we hooked up a just after passing a blue plate ally boat, a big game boat and white fiberglass half cab all boats must of seen cause they swung around and worked the area.

  13. Thanks dad, the rod that hooked up was on my side of the boat, so my fish. I did ask if you wanted a particular lure on your side.

    The rod bucket could have appeared sooner I now have a bruise in a spot only my wife sees.

    But yes it takes a mixture of luck and skill from all lnvolved to get a fish like that to the boat.

    Thanks and yes it can be our fish, and you can be on strike next trip.

  14. I think you left a couple of things out of your report

    don't think we worked out who was on strike but you were faster to the rod than me.

    The rod bucket was still under the seat in a bag so thanks dad for getting me some protection from the gimbel fitting

    Then had to find the camera and work out how to use it

    The excellent boat handling by the captain was the only reason you landed OUR fish

    And we were lucky to have one strike on a lure rigged by us that resulted in a hook up and a fish to the boat.



  15. Launched from grays point, fishing with dad hookerbruce. Day got off to a bad start when live bait proved hard to catch. Not to worried as this going to be one of our token trolling trips for the season. After a while gave up and took our 5 baits and a block of pillies and headed out to sea. Got to the port hacking fad about 7ish. 8 boats already there didn't appear to be doing much, first drift through produced an under size king and dollie. 2nd drift we got two 70cm dollies after that the lives where gone and pilchards only produced small kings.

    About 9 we gave up and started trolling. Set the outriggers, spread of lures, Daisy chain teaser and did our best impression of a boat that knows what its doing.

    5km NE of the fad saw a swirl behind a lure not believing my eyes I waited for it to appear again before calling fish,Dad turned in time to see a marlin crash the lure then explode out of the water over a body length clear of the surface barely 30m behind the boat.

    From there the marlin did everything you here about. Tailwalking, jumps, greyhounding runs across the surface and a truley impressive run that took 400-500m of line in one go.

    Amazing how news travels within 15mins of hook up we had 10 boats working the general area from the two boats originally nearby.

    Fish eventually settled down and after a solid 30min fight was at the boat. The marlin behaved itself at the trace and a hand on the bill and it was ours. 1st marlin for me, being a short fight and a healthy fish it was swam briefly and released.

    Reset the gear and continued trolling, we come across another marlin south of the peak that was chasing dollies but did not go for the lures, called it a day at 12 and headed home


    -Black marlin, 1.8m bottom bill to tail approx 60kg

    -15kg platypus pretest, Shimano TLD 30, Shimano beast master rod

    -560 Bermuda Ocean Rider, 90 etec.


    Thanks for reading




  16. Hi was there a few weeks back. fished gap beach with beach worms for a mixture of dart, whiting and flathead, fish light casting to the close gutters. Fished "the kink" in the breakwall targeting Jews and flathead for no luck. Casting sp's from the boat ramp up to Spencer creek mouth produces flathead. Had one trip in a boat for 10 flathead on lures, launched from Jerseyville ramp which looked good landbased and about 200m up river was the first place we cast, which you could easily reach from the shore. This was a family holiday so not alot of fishing done, but make sure you get an ice cream cone from the horseshoe bay koisk, cheapest you will get anywhere. Have fun hope you get a feed.

  17. It was nearly 10 years ago I saw the 470 out there, with 4 big 120kg blokes on board, it looked along way from home.

    By the sounds of it your more than prepared for fishing out that wide. It just worries me people heading out that far before they have built up the experience.

    Good luck tomorrow.

  18. Anything under 6 metre is probably a bit small, unless you have a very experienced skipper and ideal conditions. I've seen a 470 breeze at Brown's it looked very small in sloppy conditions.

    I used to work at a tackle store had a new customer come in who had just bought a boat he wanted to know what gear he needed to fish Brown's as the " salesman" had said this boat could easily fish out there. It was a 5 metre runabout. I tried to convinced him to start at the peak and forget about Brown's for now, I hope he listened, but he seemed annoyed that I was trying to counter what the salesman had told him.

    It's a long way out, build up experience with trips to the peak, 12mile , fads in all sorts of conditions before considering a wide trip.

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