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Posts posted by pmak

  1. Congrats on the 40cm bream and whiting. Were you fishing the run-out tide? Always thought the high / rising tide was best but maybe its your skill eh?

    Whereabouts in IC were you? I was fishing near the bridge along Hawthorne Canal with the kids on Monday afternoon and it was dead slow. Things picked up as the tide got higher and the light levels were getting lower but I could'nt stick around.

  2. What about getting some of our ABT competition anglers to do a workshop on SP's,

    with new lures and techniques coming about all the time it's hard to keep up with trends.

    The mags are at least 6 months behind by the time we read about "new" tips.

    Just a thought.


    Count me in for a lure workshop!!

  3. Night fishing again? Looks like you're after some serious challenges. Your lure collection must be huge.

    I actually tried some late evening fishing last night at Iron Cove (under the bridge over Hawthorne Canal) on the way back from work and saw lots of surface activity. 1 small bream and mid-sized flattie. Did not stay long - was hungry and had to help #1 son with his homework. Tide was a bit low too ..

  4. :1welcomeani: to the site arif.

    Not familiar with Pittwater and the surrounding areas but I'm sure other Raiders will be able to help out. Hope you'll be able to put up a report and share the experience. I'm a land based fisho and have been toying around with the idea of hiring Darren's boat one of these days so I'm keen to see how you go.

  5. dazzassj6 - jewies from that spot? First time we've fished there actually. Seems quite an active area

    fishy fingers - 4 kids fishing!!! I'm having trouble with just my 2. Hats off to you man. Must feel like a charter operator with 4 demanding customers to attend to :074: In these hectic times, one must try to maintain a balanced life - so I use fishing to keep things balanced at home!!! :1prop:

    Ronald - just following your lead and fishing the area. Hopefully I'll get to your level one day

    Blood Knot - that was probably us you saw. How did you go? Hope we did'nt scare the fish away for you with noisy kids and all that.

  6. Just thought I'd post an update on our latest fishing trip following on from last week's trip in this thread .

    My eldest was itching to get back to the Gulp worms and was practising the twitching/jiggle retrieve at home with a stick and some discarded fishing line he found (my kids are good scavengers and pick up all sorts of hooks, lines and sinkers each trip out). I was thinking to myself - if only he'd show the same amount of enthusiam for his homework ....

    Anyhow, at 8.00am we were at Rodd Point again at the same spot. Out comes a Gulp worm (Natural) on a 2gm #4 jighead. This time, he's using his own rod with a little Shimano reel I had spooled on some braided line and set him off. He picked his own spot on the southern sandy shoreline and began to do his thing. The tide was rising but the waters were still a little shallow where we were. I noticed a couple of serious fishos in waders in the water fishing the deeper sections and made a mental note to give it a go sometime in the future.

    Anyhow, within a few minutes of reports of nibbles and missed strikes, he pulls out his first fish on SP - a little whiting :thumbup: .


    He proceeded to pull another two more out from the area before I made the call to move to a different spot so that my youngest could access some deeper water.

    Spot 2 was a short drive away. We parked at the UTS Rowing Club and walked towards the footbridge over Hawthorne Canal, casting out from the shore along the way. When we reached the bottom of the bridge, my edlest says - 'Oh - look, pylons Dad, we've got to work the structure.' So they did, hitting the bridge pylons with their casts, letting them drop to the water and then retrieving them. This I did not teach them but kudos to Adam 'Mad Dog' Royter in the Berkley Soft Plastics DVD which my kids love watching (and obviously have picked up a few pointers too).


    My eldest was rewared with 2 chopper tailor under the bridge while the youngest had nibbles and bites which kept him interested. I was rewared with a 29cm bream which fought really well. My eldest was getting chuffed at this stage having had success with his SPs - until my youngest upstaged him again with another flathead caught a short distance away from the bridge.! Smaller one this time probably around 33-35cm.

    In all, we had a really good day. The weather was warm and the fishing was good. I've already been asked for a return trip next weekend. 'Only if you've been good for the whole week and listen to your mummy and daddy and do your homework and make your bed and ......'

  7. Pmak

    When fishing along the wall make sure your first casts are along the wall in the direction you are walking;)

    Alot of the fish are right at your feet!

    Get your casts in before you walk there so you dont spook the fish off.

    Fish light and long leaders, finesse is the key for these busy areas.


    Thanks for the tip Greg. Will put it down as one of the 'must do's next time I'm out. Learning all the time ...

  8. Iron cove I usually fished off the southern side wall. Easy fishing, no wet feet, some nice bream and flathead and a great prev! :thumbup:


    Ah, yes. I did notice a lot of joggers in the area :074:

    I've tried the area you mentioned from the UTS Rowing Club to Le Montage and it usually produces.

    Am liking the area a lot - fishing wise ...

  9. I've always fished h&c land based, that was my first time at the bay in a boat and it blows being land based away!!!!! Still can't believe i caught so many big bream :biggrin2:

    as for waders someone told me that the bottom may be to soft for wading but not 100% sure. I have waded out at iron cove and it does give you 5-10m of extra water.

    Pm next time you want to fish and i may be able to join you.


    Billy, - might take you up on that offer though winter is setting in real quick. Don't know if there's much time left to fish the area!

    GregL - thanks for the tips on waders in the area. Any tips on wading in Iron Cove? In the evolutionary scale of a starting fisho, what does one get up to after 6 years on SPs - HBs and poppers?

  10. Great session there 1975, congrats on your bream on HB. Does fishing from a boat allow you to fish longer, well into low tide? I find being shore based that I'm better off fishing the high tide - wonder if I should invest in some waders next summer so that I can reach further when the tide is low ...

    GregL - your Jeremy is one amazing fisho. Well done.

  11. Thanks for all the kind words guys. We owe a lot to the posts you guys put up too so you all had a hand in our fun day.

    lurespinner - I did manage one bream to 26cm and 2 flathead 40 and 46cm respectively but really, that is insignificant compared to my youngest's achievement ....

  12. After sharing my successful day at Rodd Point a couple of weeks back with my kids, I was sternly reminded that I was not allowed to have so much fun on my own anymore! So, this morning at 7.00am I was back in the area to catch the high tide, this time with a different mission - to get the kids their first flathead.

    As Rodd Point was a little snaggy, I took the kids to the area in front of Le Montage, just south of Leichhardt Park. We worked the shoreline with SPs but the action was a bit slow for the kids until we got to the wharf in front of Le Montage. My youngest noticed some activity just in front of his spot on the wharf (little tailor nipping at his SP I suspect) and 'worked' the area. His persistence paid off when he hauled up this beauty to the deck ...


    I was so proud and happy because he was dead keen all week to catch a flathead. This was a few firsts for him - his first legal sized fish (came to 39cm), his first flathead and his first fish on SP. I later found out that he had also spiced up the SP with a pinch of prawn!! That's initiative!!


    His elder brother was not as lucky today so my mission was only half accomplished. I'm sure parents out there have had to deal with the usual 'but why didn't I catch a fish today' scenario. So it was with the eldest. "Life's like that, sometimes you get something, sometimes you don't - you just have to keep trying" I always reason with the boys. And today, the youngest was persistent, hitting the same spot with cast after cast long after the eldest got bored and switched to bait fishing. As a consolation, I did give the eldest a go on my graphite rod + braided line + Gulp outfit and coached him on the jiggle retrieve. He got some nibbles and pulls and was quite happy to have felt some action.

    Yes, he's already asking for his own graphite rod ...

  13. Hey Ronald. Top session there! You've got to be crazy SP fishing at night but look at your 40+ monster! Man, do you like use the 'force' to 'feel' when to strike? Hats off to you, Jedi fisho for battling the 'Dark side', waving your rod 'saber' :074:

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