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Everything posted by tc1151

  1. I've watched a few squid videos myself and the way he does it is instead of using the handle to wind, he uses the rod to wind the handle and whilst doing those 4 quick flicks,some line is taken in an allows the jig to move again but probably with less action than the 1st flick Correct me if I'm wrong guys
  2. Hey, So recently i bought some hard body lures because i wanted to try them out, but i don't know when to set the hook. One of them is a 3B fat dog deep and the other is a metal spinning lure that looks like a bait fish... how should i retrieve these? and when do i set the hook? would using mono prevent me from feeling the bites? Thanks In Advance
  3. Thanks for the info guys! You're all very helpful !!!
  4. What about casting the hand line?
  5. Thanks Guys! I think I have a pretty good understanding of it now! Going fishing tomorrow so I'll try and see if I can improve my hook up rate! Thanks NaCIH2OK9 for the offer, but I'm afraid that my parents won't let me as i'm still too young.. sigh.. I guess I'll have a try of hand lining in the future~, but in regards to that.. how would you set the hook when hand lining? Wish Me Luck!~ Again, Thanks!~
  6. Hey Everyone, So... It might sound like a silly question... but i don't know how to fish. Usually I use a float to fish which makes it a lot easier to detect if you have a fish on, but how do you fish without a float? Like sometimes i feel there is a pull when i don't fish with a float and just with a sinker and a hook, when should I set the hook? and how? What are the little taps as well? do i set the hook when there are little taps?or just the large ones? Sometimes i would leave my rod on the railing and i would see the tip bounce a little should i set it then? also, with circle hooks, when do you know that there is a fish on? do you just lift the rod up slowly and reel? Sorry for the questions.. but it gets really frustrating when you just don't know how to fish properly and don'y get the results at the end of the day Thanks in advance guys!
  7. Well, did end up at the western side of palm beach where i caught my first 2 flathead! which was pretty awesome, but that was all i caught for the day. Great to add another species to my list though! Thanks Guys!
  8. Thanks Guys! um.. probably wont be going there this weekend as its raining :/ sigh, but maybe next weekend! hopefully it will be sunny ! Thanks again
  9. Hey Raiders, So, being stuck with land based fishing, im wondering if the area around the western side of Palm beach is any good.. like wading out from the shore as its quite shallow there.. what can i expect to catch if fish there? are there any other spots that you can recommend that's close by? Thanks in advance, Tc1151
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