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Posts posted by GregL

  1. Saw this on the news last night, The seas were HUGE!

    We pulled the pin on taking the boat out Saturday after seeing the sea reports friday night and went trouting instead. Good call!

    I recon the white water went a couple of hundred meters out to sea! I cant see how it was fishable off the rocks.....


  2. Sorry been away with work this week.

    Nah I havent been in the 21, only the 23,25,28 and the 32.

    The contender people usually get the wide load permit and then they tow them everywhere. I know Steve the owner of the 32 takes his up the coast near you alot!

    It's just a material flag across the back with wide load on it.

    MInes in the water on an airberth and no trailer.


  3. Sorry guys, a very short one. Off to a work conference now for the next few days but wanted to share our glory

    2 trout virgins can now tick them off the list.

    And it didn't even hurt! lol

    Taken on good old faithful Banjo Minnow out at TCD.

    These were our firsts and returned to swim another day.

    post-3563-004359900 1304288191_thumb.jpg post-3563-065919500 1304288241_thumb.jpg

    Thanks Rich for your company on another fun fishing adventure, so what's NEXT?


  4. Just get the Contender Boats guy to take you out for a water test. If it doesnt impress nothing will. Just make sure you take a second pair of undies when he drives!

    I own one and he still gets mine puckering in 3m swells driving at warp factor 9!

    Dry, Ive been in wetter cuddy cabins! lmao

    Coffs is snapper heaven, chucking plastics in a centre console you just cant a get better platform to do it out of.


  5. Hate hearing stories like this!

    Yep I love near everyone of my outfits the same way. Each have their own little stories but it seems older the better with more to give or have given to me.

    I think the worst thing that I lost last time I got broken into was my personal fishing photo album!

    Why they took it?

    All my fishing photos from 5-24 years old....

    Pix of my first marlins and YFT to fish fish on a lure and many others.

    Oh well have fun shopping!


  6. Yeah oyster cuts suck, specially on the bottom of the foot!

    I have a cut mark about 6cm long across the bottom of my right foot. Big crease/valley there still and that was over 10 years ago.

    Wading now and the cut still is the first thing to open if I'm not careful when I have pruney feet from being in the water to long!

    Always wear shoes wading!


  7. Hi Greg ,

    JM rod and reel , nice :thumbup: But what about JM pr bobbin , JM jigging hooks as there stainless and dont rust , JM jigs totally awesome , JM jig bag , JM gimbal to match the rod and reel . They make some great gear :biggrin2::biggrin2:

    Cheers Dogtooth .... :1fishing1: John.... :beersmile:

    Yeah DT I went a nice yellow JM gimbal, I'll try one first as gimbals are a very personal thing in comfort.

    FG knots for me all the way, no need for bobin!

    NOt to sure on non rusting hooks, hate to be smoked and know that the hook won't rust out in the near future....

    The rest of the gear like jigs and stuff, hope to hit overseas later this year on a work trip, fingers crossed I get a japan stopover! :biggrin2:

    New gear to play with shortly, so exciting! It's been ages for me for new cool stuff!


  8. Go the Tcurve Barra stick, cheap and fits the bill perfectly.

    30lb braid 50-80lb black magic.

    Use a FG knot so you can cast the leader threw the guides or a short 40cm leader that never goes into the guides.

    Last time I fished the lakes we fished slickrigs down the edges off windy points fast, like bonnie spinning speed. The bites were nuts, almost pulling rod out of hand on the take. It was a total reation bite and worked a treat!

    It would be worth checking out the Boyne still. With all them Awoonga barra in there it could be still going off if the pros haven't got to them.


  9. Winter I use to find less numbers but better quality of fish.

    Summer I use to throw topwater, winter is blade time.

    Deeper usually fishes better as water is more stable in temp.

    Places like marina walls and boat moorings were my favs.

    Another good place to try is the washes near the ocean. They usually run to sea to breed during the cooler so you might find some numbers there.


  10. Jigging master reel pe8 and Jigging master rod , Big silver jigs are the go, before knife jigs were around 2 large nat nats joined with a split ring , or 2 200 gram silver raiders joined was deadley combo at wreck ,cato , fredderick , Kenn reefs. even when trolling out if guys hookup and your in the middle of nowhere drop a jig :thumbup: . problem years ago was gear as stellas were not around neither were high end rods . Best trolling lure is the yozuri bonito 10and 3/4 inch in Blue run long . Live baits trevally 3-4 kg at night anchored on the big boat.

    Cheers Dogtooth....... :1fishing1: John..... :beersmile:

    Hey DT

    The good old Nat Nat's! they use to be my fav for yellowfin and albacores once you got them up cubing.

    Cool idea re the jointed version.

    What I have done so far.

    Ok I have gone the JM 3 kings H and a L with matching reels. Ordered today so next week delivery :yahoo:

    This should give me good options with my Smiths WRC Mariana 44 300 to cover all jig weights in overhead.

    I have also a couple of Fishermans in threadline coming in , a Monster 2L and a Pascal Short 5121. These were ordered Christmas time as my Christmas prezzy for myself. "Merry Christmas Greg" LOL. They have just been finished and leaving Japan today. These are rated to 700gm jigs and I find my other fishermans nice and easy to fish with and not punishing on the body at all. Thats the reason I went with these babies. Some reason I like to try keep with the same brands, looks nice but it will be nice to try something differnt re the JM's.

    Well thanks all for your input and it has helped alot, specially with a brand I have never seen before!

    With the feedback I have recieved on JM product I cant go wrong really.


  11. I know a charter operator that fishes saltist as his work horses. Jigs kings and chases marlin with them. I have even seen a 300lb blue tagged on a saltist after a 3.5hr fight. Drag still felt smooth....

    If you want to fish them for marlin and running braid, use a long wind on leader for stretch and dont fish huge drags (stop pulling hooks). Softly softly and you'll get them up.


  12. I'd say yes to epirb and approx half hour in nice conditions. Via google earth your looking at a 9nm run each way. So at 20kn half hour....

    Just be careful that you travel threw the south side of the mouth, northern side is very decieving. Copped a nice green one into the boat one day punching threw the northern side. Before we got to point of no return it looked ok. Halfway through, the waves became super steep and had to drive the boat threw one. Great test for the boat but something I don't want to try again!


  13. Thats awesome!

    I thought they love the warm waters???

    Bloody amazing animals, the one we saw on the Barrier Reef was only a baby, would love to see a full sized one.

    The skin was sorta rubbery like a dolphin, I was expecting a rough skin like a shark(whale SHARK) must be more whale than shark lol.


  14. Use one of them white buckets with a lid, the ones that look like the massive paint buckets as they have a good seal on the lid. Drill 2 small holes in the top. One for the aerator hose(take stone off, thread threw and put stone back on. The other is to let air back out, put a small length(5cm, 2.5 each side) of aerator hose threw it, it will reduce splash n spill when transporting.

    Or buy a Plano http://www.planomolding.com/fishing/fishing-products/


  15. And lastly, I like to leave my braid a a little further in than right on the lip of the spool, the reason being the can be a preventative measure in regards cast knots, that little bit if resistance the lip provides might save you a few knots.

    Do 6500's throw wind knots?

    I only ever get them on small reels fishing very light lures. 3000's and smaller fishing weights less than 1/4ounce. Usually caused by flicking/jigging and winding line in thats not under pressure.


  16. i'm knocking off wed traveling to walaby point wed night and hitting crowdy head thursday morning reds early then the fad and troll to the shelf

    friday layed back flatty session with the old man in the manning

    sat back to crowdy for some snapper

    good luck everyone stay safe cheers gary

    Good luck Brickman!

    Trying to organise a snapper run up to crowdy in a few weeks, keep us posted!

    On the Easter front not sure on my fishing atm....

    NOt many marlin reports, few kings out on the reefs tho.

    Jews are on the cards, want to try out the barra technique on them, it's just gotta work!

    The Gars this week, night fishing is going off with the big run outs during the evening. Perfect for my little spot. Got a nice bag last night of em with some nice ocean gars mixed in as well. So that's a given for the rest of the week.

    Hmmm what to do???

    So much fishing I could do with such little time...


  17. If your worried about deep drops while boat fishing, maybe next time use something like 80lb as backing and 50 as the topshot. It will fill the spool up more because of the thicker line diameter underneath. If your going to do this you can use the braid thats on the bottom now as the top shot. Just use another reel of similar size to wind off your line, put the backing on and then connect your old line and fill the rest up.

    IMO if your fishing mega depth where you need 600m of line to hit bottom buy an electric reel!

    300m you should be able to comfortably fish 120m water depth, even with boat drift and line angle, 300m will hit bottom or your sinkers to light!


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