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Posts posted by GregL

  1. Hi Scienceman

    I havent fished Yeppon but have fished further north. Just look for the bait! Plenty of longtails and mackeral tunas up there.

    this is a great morning option before the wind picks up.

    afternoons are great for fishing the beaches. Again just look for the bait. Otherwise look for rocks. Any rocks big or small, fish will be around them.

    Take poppers with you!!

    Tunas queenies and trevas love em.

    Metals, take heaps and if you can put on 10cm of single strand wire on them to save lures. Near everything else eats metal if it wont eat the poppers.

    There are plenty of options, baits plastics and near everything else, fish eat them all up there.



  2. IFS

    If you really like the paddle tail style try the lunker city ones in the 4-6".

    These will work with big heads to a couple of ounces.

    I have fished them in 80m and hit the bottom with a 4kn southerly current.

    Next would be to go more stream line plastics like flukes and minnows on the same big jig heads.


    Fish a normal snapper patternosta rig but put on a couple of sluggos that have been covered in Megastrike!!

    This has worked for me and more than a few times it's out fished baits.


  3. Yeah Greg nice work.

    Mark told me you guys had a ball and something about blue swimmers as well :1clap:

    Love the cigar shot ha ha ha ha ha



    Oh I forgot about the crabs! mmmm just thinking about that lunch, I'm hungry again!!!

    After a big lunch like that nothing beats a Cohiba number 2 to wash it all down hehehehe.

    Oh and welcome to Fishraider dude!!!



  4. Great bag there Greg. The vibes seem to be a hit this month... Did they have a noticeably better catch rate than the gulps in the dirty water?

    cheers, Greg

    Greg there were 2 of us on the Vibes and only 1 on the Gulps but considering the Vibes still definately out fished the Gulps. Personally I went the vibes cause of the dirty water. The rattle was the key ;)

    Fattieman yep they sure went hard but the funny thing is last week they just swam to the net! Strange???



  5. Thanks guys for your kind comments.

    It was a pretty good day once that tide was running.

    Pat and I fished vibes most of the day with the dirty water and Mark persisted with the Gulp shrimps in lime tiger.

    In the morining we fished our usual areas for the dudes that know and then black wattle areas and back towards putney in the arvo.

    Further towards the heads, the clearer the water was, pretty amazing how quick it clears considering the amount of rain we have had.

    Breaming is exellent in the harbor at the moment with 2 weeks in a row of good good fish, so get out there guys and dont miss the fun!

    Here is one more pic.

    3x 40+cm bream in a row. Total bag was estimated 5+kgs




  6. G'day raiders.

    My first fishing report post! Yipee

    Short and sweet.

    Good company today with usual fishing partner Pat and first time on the Skeeter Mark, we fished the harbor, ate some fish, prawns and lobsters from the markets :thumbup:, caught some great fish, what more could you ask for ;)

    We all got a stonker today which is always nice to do on a fun social day.

    Here is a couple of pics we took.







    2 of the biggest


  7. hehehe you blokes are funny! :biggrin2:

    Im off to Cape York again in November and then due east out to othe northern parts of the barrier reef on a mother ship operation. This will be the 5th trip with this group but only the second time out on the reef. Usually it's down the western side of Cape York into the Gulf area fishing the rivers and a few Km's off shore.

    Last reef trip I lost some great fish on 80lb casting poppers over the reef edges so that's why the "bigger gun" :thumbup: Casting was hard with such a short rod of the Diawa jig rod which is only about 5ft long, thats the reasoning to go to a 8ft rod.

    So hopefully with longer casts, bigger tackle I will hook more fish and get some of tho's lures back!!

    Well I can only hope! ;)


  8. Hi Raiders

    Anyone out there been pulled over board by a fish before?

    Reason why I ask such a weird question, apart from entertainment value from someone elses pain, I just bought a new rod out of a catalogue for poppering GT's. What a beast!

    It's a Smiths Tokara 60. It's rated at 120lb!

    I have matched it up with a Diawa Dogfight and 90lb sensor braid.

    I think Im going to die............

    With me on the rod and a person on the tip, both leaning back we can get an ok bend in the rod, Like rolling a deep diving chubby on a bream rod.

    I have fished 18-20kg drag on my Saltiga 80 jig rod but now with 8ft of rod the leaverage is starting to go back in the fishes favor.

    Oh well it's going to be fun pulling it tho's pesky bream with it! ;) lmao

    Anyone else with one of these or have tried one before?


  9. I use a drive on trailer and now I can run a 20ft boat by myself. Works a treat!

    I have to sink my trailer to top of the guards and almost float the boat off.

    This way the boat stays flat and then you wont clip the prop on the ramp, thats and expensive stuff up from experience....... twice........



  10. I have the fast net to at the moment, great for when 2 people are on the boat but it has a short handle. When I fish alone I still use my Environet with a long handle so I can just swim the fish into it. The fast net is definatly better tho with hooks and trebles. There is a new one coming in by the Skeeter boys. Similar to the fast net but longer in the handle plus it floats incase it slips out of your hands and you dont lose it.

    Havent got mine yet but others say it's great.

    The weight thing is only a problem when your catching butterflies ;) when in the water netting fish they seem fine.


  11. yeah i will be using it for baitfishing mainly

    is Pat who has lisp?

    if thats the person he's served me a few times and gave out pretty good info and not the typical salesman who just wants to sell.

    Pat's the young short Italian dude, I think your thinking of Sole.


  12. None of that speeding around stuff for me.........and besides ,

    what do you really want oversized engines on a boat for ?

    Anyone would think that the fish will leave before you can get there!...........Hey, that could be my problem! :1prop:

    Hi Stumpy

    I don't know where this term "oversized" has come from but they only run the max HP that the boat is rated to.

    For insurance and warranty you can't run a motor bigger than the stated rating.

    I run one of these boats because I like the look of them, they make a perfect bream/bass casting boat, love the feeling the speed gives me and a boat like this is a great moving billboard for my sponsors and potential sponsors.

    There are smaller reasons like getting to spots first and no fear of super long runs and extended fishing times. Look at the winner, on the Sunday he fished from a friends Skeeter and stated because of the faster boat he got over an hour of extra fishing time because of the long run from Bayview to Berowra. His fish came on the bite very late in the session, with out the Skeeter he would of had to leave before the bite and would have missed them! He won $10,000............


  13. G'day Greg

    Yea watching you blokes fly around you could see most of them could handle them pretty well.

    Got a few questions for you if you don't mind...

    What won the comp on the day? ( A Tabs tinny! fishing boats with baby vibes)

    Are there some websites / forums where you can learn more about this style of fishing? (I'll leave that one)

    There were some massive donks on those boats what is the average HP you guys use?(most of the bigger ones run 150hp-225hp)

    Has this type of fishing developed from the US Pro Bass series?(very similar and uses the same concept)

    Do you only fish SP?(sp,hardbodies and lipless cranks)

    What species do you target?(bream comps)

    Thinking of getting one of those boats to get to the Jewie spots first on the weekends!!!! :biggrin2: (lol, there are multi species ones that would suit that and are rated to 300hp)



  14. For the bestest fishin trip at a semi affordable price check out seafaris.com.au

    Cost is about $5k for a week ex Cairns on a 80ft live a board boat fishing out of dorys around the tip of Cape York.

    I have done this trip 4 times now and our fith is in November this year.

    If you fly fish, these guys have really cracked the permit action and really one of the only groups in Australia where you really stand a good chance to get one.


  15. BUT you forgot the one with bonus points, how freaked out you can get your non-boater!!

    I was there, and a great comp it was.

    I sucked but that's fishing!

    I stayed in Pittwater the whole comp as it was to cold to go further with no gloves! hehehehe.

    Winter and these boats is tuff on the body, I only did a 3min run and it took a full smoke for my hands to defrost just to cast without throwing $2k worth of rod and reel over board!

    Boat drivers in these comps are good, very good.

    If you ever get the chance to drive one take it.

    You will then see another level of alertness!!

    Yes things come up quick and yes there isn't a brake but you do antisapate whats going on around you to a degree of being over causious.

    Personally I went the long way round in fast boats.

    My first bream boat was a 30mph hornet.

    Then a 60mph Nitro

    Then a 68mph Skeeter

    And now a 75mph Skeeter.

    Over the last 2 years I have slowly worked my way into faster boats just so I know I will not do anything stupid. These boats handle like nothing else I have been in. They turn like on rails and handle chop like a cruiser.

    Driving one of these is like driving a sports car. You pick your moments, keep distance from everything and just enjoy.


  16. Sorry not sure on costs as it comes with the boat on purchase.

    I do know they sell it in the country as someone from another site bought some to replace some hatches but sorry I don't contact them any more.


  17. one thing to ask them if it's hookless carpet.

    Dont get the loop pile stuff thats weather proof or when you lay a lure on the floor it will get stuck.

    I've had the hookless stuff in my last 3 boats, best stuff invented!!

    It use to piss me off in the hornet.


  18. you got a tough life GregL :1fishing1:

    lmao Tony!

    Well someone has to do it! :yahoo:

    From the Monday after it tho, it's a different story!!

    Off to set up a new store for work, back to massive hours and lots a work.

    Well at least it will get me out from behind a desk for 6 weeks!


  19. Off to Lake Macquarie to fish a bream classic then Sunday night off to Cairns on a "work" do :) till Wednesday arvo and then off to Narrabeen on Thursday to fish the Super Series Bream thingy :thumbup:

    Now I just hope the body is going to cope with all the :beersmile:

    Have fun all and be safe!


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