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Posts posted by rooster

  1. mate,

    I used to fish out of a new 30 odd foot express

    quite a few years ago out of the islands in southern florida

    and in my humble opinion. . .

    1. punching straight into swell sent a lot of vibration on landing (to much) , we were pushing it to test after innitial running in and tuning

    2. The gelcoat chipped to easily- I think this is too much hardener or dried too quick this is a half educated guess

    the boat had been purchased new to the specs of a weopons purchasing officer for their navy

    This was quite a few years ago, I think they started early 80's

    I would also strongly suggest these problems have been rectified

    if they are still in business today

    Target species were, sailfish, mahi, king mackeral, tarpon, cobia, grouper

    and was a good platform in varying conditions and backing down in chop was comfortable and dry

    felt safe and comfortable 60 miles offshore in the gulf stream, the weather patterns are different there

    compared to sydney however which I think overall are harsher offshore

    would i buy one - yes

    does any of this help - i don't know

  2. g'day kel,

    great to hear a report from the mountain lakes, dramatic pictures

    they really give you a feel for the area. nice country. probably a nice fire going somewhere.

    I heard the yellow wings were consistantly working the best up there.

    the last couple of times i have been after trout . have had to work hard and chuck everything at them


  3. I heard oberon was going well too

    on lyall theres a right hand turn 700 metres before the wall that runs down to a small inlet

    thats good on the fly early morning and late afternoon.

    I have no idea how to fly fish but the old fellers throw their wooly buggers

    around there a bit and take the piss out of anything that isnt fly related.

  4. Hi mate,

    try the little bay on the north east tip of coal and candle opposite cottage point an hour before high for a jew.

    waratah bay under the schools of tailor for a king, they seem to be moving through the system at the moment

    little jerusalem for frigates and rats

    berley hard

  5. if I row flat out with the wind I reckon I get about 4.5 kph

    good to see the " anti inflammatories " are working

    mr jewgaffer always look forward to your posts

  6. what about filling it with lobster,

    that way after a hard day throwing lures around the place

    the lovely wife can whip you up a quick lobster mornay

    that you have just selected from your own tank

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