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  1. Hi, I was just looking for some recommendations on a spin rod and reel setup for live baiting Kingfish off wharves and jetties in the harbour. Some things that I've considered when looking around are: - Length of rod (not entirely sure what length would be best, maybe 8" - 10"?) - PE 4 or PE 5 braided fishing line? - Size 6000 - 14000 Shimano reel or 8000 - 14000 Daiwa reel? From this, I've pieced together a setup which is the Daiwa Saltist Hyper Heavy Rock Special S96 - PE4/6 Spin Rod and the 2020 Saragosa 8000SW. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this setup, a setup that you've come up with or things I could change to make it better. Also any recommendations for rigs to use with live yellowtail, squid and prawns would be great. Cheers guys, Kevin
  2. What I found the cuttlefish would do is, they would grab the jig from the side and wouldn't go for the end with the prongs so it made it hard to hook them. Cheers, Kevin
  3. Thanks guys for the advice! @DerekD Went out today after reading one of your previous posts and caught some cuttlefish
  4. Hi everyone, I've been fishing for a while and have been visiting places like Botany Bay, Port Hacking and Port Kembla. Just started trying to catch my own bait and was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on how to target Slimies, Squid and Yellowtail e.g. burley, rigs, techniques? Also, where would I be most likely to find them? I am fishing land-based so my access to certain spots are limited! Kevin,
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