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Posts posted by happypaintball

  1. That looks like a nice spot and seems to be pretty good would it be a good spot for someone who is learning rock fishing. I am looking for spots to watch and learn with out being to dangerous. Any help would greatly be appreciated




  2. There is a group on Facebook called Painting Squid Jigs its an Australian group mostly South Australians from what i can gather, any way maybe one of them could build you new Nemo jig and paint it similar to the one you lost. Just thought i would suggest it 



  3. I went to Fish On at Kings Park looking for some and was told that they can no longer get it. Like you I was told the same thing around Christmas. I was thinking of trying Red Lea chicken at Blacktown just off the Highway maybe they might be able to help you.



  4. 4 minutes ago, PaddyT said:

    You could at a pinch but honestly put it up on the wall- old gear like that can be pretty fragile and if it has sentimental value for you then dont take the risk of it breaking. Modern gear is lighter,stronger and more versatile. The length is probabaly a bit short for a "proper blackfish rod". 

    Thanks mate appreciate the advice I wasn't sure as I have another rod for Black fish but just thought it would be cool if I could use it 


  5. Hi Raiders,

    I was given my Grandfathers Fly rod which my father had for years after he passed but as I am the one interested in fishing he passed it onto me. My Uncle tried to buy it off me as he is a fly fisherman but also stated that it could be used for Black fish. My question is can I use it for Black fish and what line etc do you recommend setting it up with.

    It's a Slazenger genuine tubular fiberglass rod approx 2.7 meters long whippy as hell and never been used. It's  in really good condition and I would love to catch something on it I think would be pretty cool

    thanks for any info or recommendations





  6. Always good to Christen a new rod I had the chance the other day with my young bloke catching some small bream in Parra river and similar thing happened only it was a person walking a dog and they threw the stick in the water right where we where fishing. After exchanging some heated words and the fact that it was just rude they were in fact risking their dog if it got caught up in the lines or a hook into them that i would not be covering any Vet bills due to their stupidity.

  7. On 12/1/2016 at 6:49 AM, Mischief said:

    Hey Raiders, they were caught using tiny green hooks like the ones for blackfish with no float or sinker, i did put a larger swivel on to get the bait just under the top of the surface. All caught on my xfactor squid rod with 8lb leader. I did put one out as a livey but no takers yesterday and last night fried about 4 for the wife and i, now i think my wifes found one of her new favorite fish to eat.. they were beautiful, soughter kinda like whiting.. yummy 

    thanks for the info

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