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Posts posted by happypaintball

  1. Hi Raiders,

    A quick run down

    I have been interested in fishing ever since my father took me to try and teach me patience when i was kid, Its funny that now the only real patience i have is when I am fishing. I have not been terribly good at it but have enjoyed having a go and the thrill of catching something even if under size is better than nothing. As my son gets older and realizing the fact that he is more an academic than a sports kid and my hopes to go Motor bike riding or coaching his soccer team are fading, he has shown an interest in fishing with me. This is an oportunity i wish to grab with both hands and improve my abilities so that i can teach him and we can together catch bigger and better fish more regularly which leads me to the Question How to make a good Berley. I understand the need to get a good trail going will increase my chances and that its primarily bread in the Berley but what else do people add.

    Our fishing will be land based mainly and I guess the usual species being targeted will be the ones around rock walls and jetty's.


  2. Coles prawns and chicken breast has caught me everything there from bream to flathead, trevally, even salmon!

    Bring a bit of bread and mix it up with some water and little pieces of bait and throw a small handful in every 10 minutes or so. Should get them going.

    As far as rigs go a running sinker to swivel and 40cm trace should get you on to most bread and butter species there.

    thanks for the heads up will take my young bloke there and give it a try over the next few weeks

    Thanks Mike89

  3. Balmoral Beach is just by Clifton Gardens and is also a nice place to bring the family with the beach and some local shops for take away lunch and/or coffee. Fish off the jetty. It's my go-to spot for just about everything so highly recommended!

    Just wondering what sort of bait you would recommend and maybe rig set up would you recommend.


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