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Posts posted by BOB_SMITH

  1. Arnt we all keen to see the pros :thumbdown: subdued....

    id like a bit more of an explanation too... not really into politics but im into fishing...obviously....

    Matty, Grant

    Sorry about the WAFFLE but there is really 100 pages so far, so 17 pages is probably not so bad.

    TFP believes in the "Rick Stein master seafood chef approach" in regard to extraction and use of our resource i.e. Catch and use locally rather than massive extraction for export dollars. The main aim of all this is to give recreational anglers the proper government recognition it deserves instead of being screwed and held to ransom. TFP realises the necessity for commercial fishing and will not deny the general public access to the resource so looking through the waffle, others (UK, US) have arrangements with the wild fishery where they(the government) pay for the retirement of commercial operations (legislation just the same as recreational fishing support be legislated) You now have expenditure committees who are supposedly suggesting these ideas and we have suggested that we need similar but not necessarily the same political support here in Aus. Checking the US Waffle there are many state recreational bodies/committees/joint groups that promote sustainable fisheries, so why could not that happen here.

    You will note that TFP is calling for public ideas on this so we welcome any questions or comments. If the idea of this change of portfolios comes up with overwhelming evidence that it won't work or is not accepted by our anglers then TFP will have no choice other than to forget the idea, but at least the pro's and con's will be exposed.

    Bob Smith :1fishing1:

  2. One question Bob,where does the continual rants against the RFL leave anglers who support a RFL? Is the Fishing Party party or not,leaving aside the incompentence of the buyouts the fact is many anglers fought for the reintroduction of the RFL .

    Regards Charlie


    I guess if you felt strongly enough you could donate $25-$200 to the grants and donation income file of the trusts. It all goes into the one bank account and the interest payments on the 20 mil could be paid off quicker. 12yrs instead of 15 yrs. Marine Park buyouts coming up, Marine Park Offices will need funding and compliance needs to be paid to keep you out.

    Funnily enough not many survey respondents said there should be extra taxes to prop up the police force, why would that be do you reckon.

    Bob Smith


  3. Having a look around the Fisheries Web site came accross the Trust Fund Report 2003 / 2004. Would be interested to have pointed out where the "Misappropriation of this revenue" has occured. Perhaps there is an argument for misdirection but misappropriation ??? ..


    "True expenditure from License trusts is hidden." Where is it hidden , the list & accounting appears quite comprehensive.

    Firstly I believe that anglers were hoodwinked when the statement “Administration costs would be capped at 10%” were blasted out.” Now that is interpretted as only collecting the money and nothing else. Headings were invented to disguise ‘Normal Administration costs” that most would believe as par for the course and were thought to be incorporated in the 10%.

    Secondly, the statement that funds could be used to retire commercial fisherman was misleading AS no mention of borrowing $20 mil from treasury and anglers paying back interest for 15 yrs out of the trust was promoted. We had Blue Papers and White papers if I recall that did not mention the extra interest payable. I cite more Minister Obeid misleading statements>

    To achieve the necessary reduction in commercial fishing adjustment to benefit recreational fishing, affected commercial fishers who have most of their fishing entitlements in a proposed recreational fishing area, and have catch history in that area, will be offered a compensation package. If too many fishers wanted to take the compensation package, then the fishing businesses bought would be those that offered the best value for money for the trust. It will be necessary to buy back sufficient businesses to ensure two things: firstly, that each recreational fishing area is implemented in full within the nominated time frame; and, secondly, to ensure that commercial fishing effort does not simply transfer from one area to another. For this reason the Government cannot guarantee that there will be no compulsory buy-backs of fishing entitlements, but we do guarantee that fair compensation will be paid for any fishing entitlements cancelled as part of this process.

    The Government is proposing that the relevant fishers will initially be offered compensation at twice the value of the fishers' catch history, averaged across their best three consecutive years between the beginning of 1986 and the end of 1999. A fisher who wanted to accept this compensation offer would need to exit the fishery immediately, and could not continue to fish once they had been paid. An amount of up to $10,000 would also be available for retraining or relocation, and a further amount of up to $10,000 would be available for accelerated depreciation of their fishing equipment, such as boats and gear. Alternatively, if a fisher decides to continue fishing until the date when the changes are due to come into effect, the sunset date, the compensation package would be based on the market value of their fishing entitlements, along with the retraining and relocation, and accelerated depreciation payments. Where entitlements are cancelled under this part of the process, there will be a right of appeal relating to the amount of compensation to the Valuer-General and the Land and Environment Court. Hansard> 2/11/2000

    The list and accounting shows a figure of expenditure. Looks fine because of the heading. Lets have a look at the breakdown of those expenses and see how much has gone to fund the department or better still lets see an audited statement of how much the department no longer has to find money for because anglers are now financing fisheries. I reference our question in the survey that points to there being 88% oncosts> that is the hidden expenses I refer to. My source on this is reliable that is why TFP has unsuccessfully called on the audited trust be made public with the breakdowns, not the internal/external departmental staff audit that you see.

    "The RFL has done bugger all to enhance fishing" So what are you saying the buy out have been a waste of money???

    No. I want to see how much of angler money has actually enhanced rec fishing compared to how much is collected. Following is what can be spent from the trust>

    235 Recreational Fishing (Saltwater) Trust Fund

    (2) There may be paid out of that Fund:

    (a) the costs of taking measures to enhance recreational estuarine and marine fishing, and

    (B) the costs of carrying out research into estuarine and marine fish and their ecosystems, and

    © the costs of management and administration of recreational estuarine and marine fishing, and

    (d) the costs of ensuring compliance with recreational estuarine and marine fishing regulatory controls, and

    (e) the costs of consultative arrangements with recreational estuarine and marine fishers.


    "it is the small percentage of funds collected" . I would not call $10,000,000 PA a small percentage.

    I believe the trust fund is propping up budget shortfalls. Trust funds are supposedly invested to give a return to use in ongoing expenditure or maybe offset interest rates!!

    The breakdowns of expenses will show how much of that 10 mil enhances recfishing.

    "same funds allocated from say the GST." Perhaps your correct but unlikely we would have the same expenditure visibility or perhaps the same ammount of income available annually

    Why not. If angler revolt at the ballot box occurred or stand up for your rights prevailed there is no reason this could not happen. Now anglers have shown weakness they have got you by the proverbials.

    Why dose the Fishing Party have policies on tax and education? TFP are a SINGLE ISSUE PARTY asking for my primary vote and as such they should ONLY become involved in issues specifically relating to fishing and stay the hell out of everything else.

    Iain I agree

    As I have proclaimed Fishing is the main platform and there are many who disagree with your beliefs. Time will tell and I’m sure that as we grow this will either be the case or we will have to expand what core issues we would support.

    Sorry for being long winded but you ask the questions and I will answer them when I can

    Ask Joe about being a one issue candidate and whether there is enough support at a electorate level on fishing or are other core issues valuable. He has been there in the spotlight

    Bob Smith

  4. What a hot topic. The good news is were all on the same side. Its this type of passion that will ultimately get a result.

    Dont know a great deal about TFP except what ive read here, but I do know that its great to have a group who is prepared to do something and the efforts of Bob and our own Jocool need to be recognised even if huge results cant be seen yet.

    I agree with Iain about the survey though, it was pretty loaded and lost a bit of credibilty to me. It was a good read with a lot of info but not what I expected in a survey. More like an information pack.

    Can you honestly answer any survey that doesn’t give you any prior information

    I only need to be asked one question. Do you want your licence funds to be used to buy out pro fishing licences as the main and first priority ? The answer is yes.

    Now that is a loaded question

    What about what TFP originally proposed. Do you want the State Government (not anglers) to offer ALL the NSW Commercial fishos a buyout (and then place a TAC on the remaining)

    When our main NSW coastal waterways are protected from the slaughter i'll be happy.

    I know im over simplifying the whole thing but this seems to be the biggest problem.

    Yes, there are many other factors that affect our fish stocks that everybody including anglers are avoiding (except TFP) Where was the angler outrage when all the big fish kills of ALL stock occurred on the north coast? Bugger all, forgotten about and will occur again.

    Bob, how can TFP help solve this issue. How do the funds get properly allocated so the pro's get bought out ? Whats the game plan ?

    There needs to be an honest Government commitment that gives a fair deal instead of this divide and conquer and hold to ransom tactic that is going on now. Iain said we are being conned, anglers recognise they are being conned so why is there not a revolt. I don’t believe that recreational species are under threat and I would go as far as saying there is evidence of plenty of stock. See any fishing mag that has a commercial interest in rec fishing. I believe that all this rhetoric and spin is just to get the angler voting attention and is governed by political agendas rather than any science or sense. As I said above why is it the responsibility of less than 50% of the recreational angler users to pay commercial fishermen compensation. It seems that there are a lot of benefactors from recreational fishing expenditure that are winners without any financial commitment to it’s management WHY?? In my opinion the pandering to the bureaucrats with the acceptance of this license just gives them more leeway to drop budgets and get more fees. What happens next review. The Government coffers are growing at your expense all the way to the bank. TFP promoted a game plan over a 10 yr period (would be 6yrs to go now)which had the latent licenses removed first at a cheap price (no room for deals or misdirected money)

    Iain remind me never to get in an arguement with you.

    I also will argue till the cows come home on this one

    What about a public debate on camera and lets bring it all out on the table

    Bob Smith

  5. Single Issue Party

    You’re confusing two mutually exclusive issues. One is how you get support (i.e. votes) and the other is how you use your position to best effect once elected.

    I would like to test that out with a public debate ( if these questions are not loaded )

    1) Would you vote for a single issue party i.e Fishing or 4wd.

    2) Would you vote for a party without having a rough idea of how it stands in the community on other general issues.

    3) What would expect from a party once it was elected

    Bob, take me through your thought process when you say that by diversifying your policies you will somehow grow your support base. I have never seen a pastime with a more culturally, economically and socially diverse following. Most fisho’s can’t agree on fishing related issues let alone tax or education. By having crackpot policies on unrelated matters your will only serve to fragment and marginalise your support base not grow it.

    Firstly, don’t confuse TFP as not primarily and firstly being about fishing.

    Every argument I put up is about fishing or associated spinoffs. I challenge anybody to identify interviews or TFP documents that contradict that, other than having some policy wording in our statements and a few answers to other areas of core political nature in some radio interviews.

    You hit the nail right on the head about getting rec fishos organised. As I heard somebody say “it is like herding cats”. My thought process is about fishing, fishing and fishing and I have never swayed from that. I live and breathe fishing and have done so for 40 yrs. My thought process also believes that by not showing our standing on issues other than fishing, people values of everyday living outshines the value of just fishing, even though they support the fishing ideas they give you a miss. Yes fishing is a culture but unfortunately other priorities prevail in the majority. Out of the supposedly 1 million anglers in NSW (I believe that is understated) less than 4% are organised and fully informed other than the purposely directed bureaucratic spin.

    I have previously made election statements that if TFP was elected here in NSW, then the first priority was to set up a stakeholder advisory committee that would decide policy direction to be presented to parliament. Fishing or other.

    Once elected the single issue party then prostitutes it’s Parliamentary vote on unrelated issues in exchange for favourable policy outcomes on the party’s core issue. It's about using the balance of power you hold to your best advantage. I never said you would abstain from voting on non core issues.

    That surely works and imagine if TFP were in a Barnaby Joyce position in NSW parliament and with the above commitment of direction. The reference to not voting was more directed at the idea of having supporter backing on prior non-fishing statements.

    Media Exposure

    I don’t care how many press releases you put out, I read the two major metropolitan newspapers every weekday and you are invisible. You might get a run in the Northern Star or the Bullamakanka Examiner but there’s a metropolis called Sydney which contains 25% of NSW anglers that don’t know you exist.

    Yes as a new tactic it has been suggested we sign up Kate Moss now she has some free time, and her half dressed might get us some attention. Does not having TFP on the front page of Sydney media (or even the back page) indicate anything other than fishing being politicised doesn’t warrant the attention or maybe other factions are in play. I don’t seem to be getting any sure-fire solutions on how to get that media attention from anybody. Anybody prepared to walk down Macquarie St naked carrying a rod (fishing) and a Fishing Party sign let me know.

    Incidently, the Manly Daily Newspapers have had many articles on TFP with photos and most stories for as far back as 2003

    Fishing Questionnaire

    It is terrible and I clearly stated why. If you wanted objective feedback from individuals why did you load the questions so strongly? If you were after qualitative feedback why so many yes/no answers? Yes/No’s are only useful for quantitative measures.

    Exactly. You still get to say yes or no which is binomial and this is what counts

    Is this a loaded question? 35) Do you consider that the creation of recreational fishing havens is a pre-cursor and a payoff to reduce and soften the backlash from affected recreational anglers when massive coastal no fishing zones are created. Yes _ No _

    Definitely not because you have the chance to say yes or no as the survey has shown. Saying and referencing the Marine Park/no fishing zones is fact not fiction. To me a loaded question would be > Do you want to pay a)$20 for an RFL or B)$50 for an RFL, NO AVENUE TO SAY NO TO ANY OF THEM.


    I happen to know something about this and you can set up a payment gateway for a few hundred bucks and a monthly charge in the region of $50 which includes your first 300 transactions. $5k is bullshit.

    Our Quote for front end development at mates rates was $5000 (secure gateway) Understand that the other SEO requirement slows the whole process. The handwritten form has to be received anyway so the only advantage would be quicker deposit and clearance. We can overcome the deposit part if we supply the account number for direct deposits or transfer of funds might be an alternative.


    I understand that the license is a con, just like petrol excise and the road levy in your rego. Despite this I maintain that the majority of fisho’s (including myself) will put up with that con IF the money is effectively channelled into worthwhile initiatives. This also explains why I currently don’t hold a license.

    Of course it is a con. Any other business that tried that on it’s customers would be investigated for possible misleading solicitation. That’s why there should be a better and fairer system. If it is a user pay system then there is something drastically wrong. (further explained in reply to Geoff below).

    I have no doubt you and others in TFP are working hard, I just don't see the results. Jon Jenkins/Outdoor Recreation Party has been successful, I'm guessing as a result of a focused, strategically sound and results driven plan.

    I do not intend to have a blue with Jon Jenkins but I challenge your statement. Firstly Jon has not been elected into parliament but rather slipped in because of a vacancy caused of shrouded ICAC investigations. ORP only gained election from masterminded preference deals from receiving only 7,000 odd votes, that no longer exists. Jon or ORP success will only be measured after the 2007 election. Also being in the system advantages any player.

    The coming 2007 election will see most minor players going fishing and chasing fishing votes (any bets)

    Bob Smith :thumbup:

  6. Reply to Iain

    My criticisms of TFP are made in the context that at least they have got off their backsides and done something to protect our pastime but I’ll openly question their approach and execution.

    Iain. Seeing you write so well what about rectifying things by

    a) Donating money

    B) Provide organisational skills

    c) Contributing your obvious literary skills

    d) Generally helping out

    e) Convince 20,000 dedicated fishos to pay just $22.00 for a 3 yr membership

    f) Help pick up all the rocks thrown, from the safety of the bar stool politics

    Now lets all be critical and present the facts:

    You have the right to say and do what you please Iain. Anglers of this Nation are mostly common folk who hate getting screwed. The approach and amateurish execution is what started TFP off and that was the fishing tax final straw on a mismanaged resource. The Fishing license stinks and it has been like that since it’s inception and the 120 people that attended the very first TFP meeting in Newcastle deplored the idea and created the mandate to oppose it. You can rant and rave all you like but if you get your head out of Sydney and consider the whole concept of the process of getting this thing off the ground you will see that f% all support or ideas eventuated from Sydney and still does. This project was an idea started by a bunch of mug amateur fishos who were sick of getting screwed by politics and smart arsed so-called angler representatives who made money from the media commercial interest in fishing and are still doing it. Everybody criticizes and boo’s from the grandstand but nobody wants to play the game. The first initial period, TFP could not get any support because it was a ONE ISSUE PARTY about fishing. TFP was a hotly debated item on other chat sites long before it started here AND I MEAN PAGES OF ARGUMENTS. Don’t give me any crap about nobody doing anything or trying to be noticed, TFP was promoted everywhere by piles of press and news releases which I have to say was not picked up by Sydney media but most other areas have supported us. I am sorry you were asleep as many others were as well. Mostly as it is stated here “nobody was prepared to get up off their arse” But the supporters acknowledged the reasons behind it all. You are right when you say it’s all-political and I would even go as far and say underhanded if not conspiracy based against recreational fishers because it is all about votes.

    As much as anyone I'd love to see our cause defended but I simply don't reckon TFP are up to it. Here's why:

    Is this a case of “as long as somebody else is trying to do something” we will just condemn. The ‘FUDDYDUDDIES IS A BIT MUCH Iain don’t you think. Our blokes have never said they could walk on water have they.

    Fishing Questionnaire.

    Again, it’s a noble intent but the execution is terrible. If research is to be objective, credible and valid there are strict principles and techniques that need to be adhered to. This ‘questionnaire’ is biased, amateurish, poorly formatted, poorly executed and the questions are loaded. If this were to be subjected to any form of scrutiny it would be torn to pieces.

    Please enlighten the readers on how “terrible this is” because there have been many good comments in the survey responses

    It is damaging to the credibility of TFP and the recreational fishos they claim to represent. The results and the exercise as a whole is a complete waste of time and will accomplish absolutely nothing.

    Lets start on the survey: You filled one in Iain. Why??? Are your answers biased??

    The survey is trying to get the honest opinion of anglers on the RFL and some other basic statistics on the person filling it in. It is not an in-depth fishing survey and never was intended so and is no different in direction to any other survey put out by government/fisheries. How does TFP survey differ from the Fisheries bag and size survey?? How can any survey, not be interpreted by some as biased?? A simple yes or no cannot be biased as long as in an overall program there is information in addition to what has been previously advertised by others is made known. (never known to be done by government spin doctors) Bias is somewhat eliminated. Please highlight a question or questions to prove your point.

    The survey has been formatted to a proven evaluation computer system program that has been used many times before by competent users. As an aside, so far over 90% want a better and fairer financial contribution system rather than the fishing tax (RFL). That is in line with what TFP has been told since inception. The Marine Park question has a varied response so how do you call that biased. Amateurish or not the results will be used and until the ‘NON AMATEURS DO THEIR BIT WE HAVE TO MANAGE WITH WHAT WEV’E GOT”. What are you doing


    My main criticism of The Greens is that they use the facade of the environment to promote their radical left wing agenda. This explains why they have policy position on the Iraq war, education, industrial relations, taxation etc.

    Are you saying that the tree huggers no longer hug trees and have progressed from the rent a crowd hippy status to getting 20% of the vote all in 15 yrs with major parties chasing their preference deals!!!!!!!. TFP in Qld stopped the greens from getting ANOTHER SENATOR IN THE HOUSE. WHOOPEE

    I’d love TFT to explain the following from their mission statement:

    “To pursue the need to lower taxes and make sure foreign owned companies pay appropriate Australian Taxes.”


    “To have educational facilities available to all Australians, with an emphasis on work and social skills and environmental care”

    Why the f**k do a fishing party have policies on tax and education? TFP are a SINGLE ISSUE PARTY asking for my primary vote and as such they should ONLY become involved in issues specifically relating to fishing and stay the hell out of everything else. I don’t want a bunch of antiquated fishos determining policy on these matters thank you very much.

    Wake up Iain and understand how the Senate works. TFP if ever one was elected would not just turn up and vote on a fishing matter out of the blue would it. How would you direct or expect the party to vote on other issues that take up the majority of Senate time. Oh Madame President we can’t vote on that because we are only a one issue party. Your statement is foolish so get real. At some time or other the party would have to discuss other matters that effect anglers other than fishing. Anyway fishing does not just encompass catching fish does it. Any candidate who publicly stated that they were a one issue person would not get much support.


    The ‘temporary’ website (which has been there for years) is poorly designed and pretty well breaks every rule in the book. It would take no time at all to tidy it up and make it look at least half professional.

    Yes I agree here Iain. The website is poor and it has been there too long and needs upgrading. Calls have been put out for assistance on this but after a few nibbles from capable persons it has failed. The one you see is a DYI site based in USA and is cheap and relatively easy to look after. The AGM will have this item on the agenda because our Qld branch have kicked off their website which is more professional. I confess to doing this site on the cheap just as a place for access information for people to read. Here’s the chance for someone to come on board and fix it, ANY TAKERS and who is paying for this.

    Why can’t I join-up online? More to the point, how do you pay your fees or make a donation? Show me the link that clearly explains this. It takes no time to engage a bank to set up a merchant facility and payment gateway to accept credit card payments over the phone and online

    Firstly the last time I checked it would cost $500 per month and $5000 software development, easy for a bank!!!!

    If you understand how the State Electoral Commission wants membership forms filled in then it has to be done by hand in your own handwriting. Faxes. Copies. Emails are not accepted by them and the slightest discrepancy is knocked back. There is probably a method in their madness because it shits minor parties off with the paperwork and makes life more difficult for the volunteer secretariat.

    You can download the appropriate form from the website and follow the directions Is that hard, or I can email forms out on request and simply fill in and return. Donations are simply just sent to the Head Office and a receipt is sent back. Is that too hard to read.

    I would surely like to see the party at a stage of online banking and I would envisage that in the magical future when all the experts come on board.


    Why the fundamental opposition to the fishing tax? The real issue is the misappropriation of this revenue which is criminal. Again TFP has completely missed the point and show a fundamental lack of understanding in that most fisho’s don’t mind paying a modest fee IF it’s spent on initiatives that demonstrably improve the fishing

    No RFL means no misappropriation of our funds. The RFL has not enhanced fishing. You are confusing allocation of funds, which can come from a variety of fairer sources. True expenditure from License trusts is hidden. Please show some facts to disprove this and show us how the RFL has improved fishing compared to having the same funds allocated from say the GST. Are you saying that only compulsory license holders are supporting the resource. I am saying that all benefactors and users should be supporting the financial management of the resource.

    Sorry but there are a lot of unhappy forced license holders. The RFL needs a proper public debate. Lets lay ALL the cards on the table as we are trying to do with the survey. No more bullshit and lies and look at all the facts. TFP has never denied that ALL users should contribute to the management of the resource and will promote a fairer system that achieves that. Anything that can be related to fishing tax can just as easy be related to another source of income. The ones saying that by having a license gives them a sense of ownership are in fairy land.

    The system now is jobs for the boys. The RFL has done bugger all to enhance fishing, it is the small percentage of funds collected and the rorted expenditure that has been promoted as enhancing the fishery, all in all the angler has been hoodwinked and so called representatives are letting it happen to boost egos.


    Where are you blokes? I’m prepared to bet that if I randomly approached an ‘average’ fisho, there would be a 75% chance they have never heard of TFP. I read the Telegraph and SMH daily and I can’t recall seeing too many articles mentioning TFP.

    I will bet the SMH and the Daily Tele have a pile of paperwork from TFP that would keep you busy for a week. If you have any ideas or contacts with this media then the media job is yours.

    We are just getting the media onside now because they actually ring for comments and interviews.

    Bob Smith

    One of the fuddy-duddies that doesn’t do anything.


  7. The Fishing Party is in the process of issuing a Recreational Fishing Survey to collate what all you guys think of our fishery, and what your opinions are of the way it is being managed by the government. If any of you have previously had a beef with the way our fisheries have benn managed, this is the perfect opportunity to let everyone know what you think. :thumbup:

    I have attached a copy here. Feel free to download it and either print it and send it snail mail. Or alternatively you can send it electronically as a word document to Robert Smith, the president of The Fishing Party. Feel free to distribute it to your fishing buddies, or even other family members that may be interested. The more feedback that can be gotten, the better the insight we will have to see what direction the populace thinks our fishery should be taken.

    For all you guys that have issues with the way things are done, then this is the perfect opportunity to have your say! :1clap:

    So do your bit, and GET INVOLVED! :thumbup:



    The Fishing Party NSW RFL survey is just not about the license issue. It encompasses also the question on Marine Parks and National park fishing access. ACCESS!!!!!!

    Please consider sending a survey in as the results will be made a public document and acted on.

    Valid surveys will need all details filed in including your name, address and postcode for verification (unlike the fish review verification)

    Bob Smith

    TFP Chairman

  8. The Fishing Party is calling interested persons who qualify to stand as Candidates in the Electorates of Maroubra, Marrickville and Macquarie Fields. Here is your chance to convey to the constituents of these electorates and the State your desire to see changes of policy by the major parties.

    Every vote taken from these parties will cause them to rethink decisions.

    It does not matter how small or how large the votes you get end up being as the very thought of losing votes will upset their agenda.

    Interested persons can private email or ring me and I guarantee the confidentiality.

    Bob Smith

    TFP Chairman


    0265560338 0408434591


  9. Quote

    Two discussion papers have been prepared in consultation with the commercial and recreational fishing advisory councils.

    I smell something fishy going on here. I now suspect that even the advisory groups are getting screwed. The ICAC file is going to get thicker I reckon.

    Watch this space

    Bob Smith :1fishing1:

  10. To the Journalists

    News Item/Press Release from The Newcastle District Anglers Association inc.


    As you are well aware the Manning Shelf Biodiversity Marine Bioregion Assessment has been released into the public arena by the Marine Parks Authority. The bureaucrats are denying that there are any imminent time frames for its implementation. Some might believe that and most don't. When the first money allocation of $400,000 is listed from State budgets to commence setting up the Marine Parks associated with this assessment there is cause for alarm.

    This assessment is a comprehensive document that stretches from Stockton (north of Hunter River to Nambucca Heads). The Hunter River Estuary HAS been included. The assessment includes Coastal, Estuarine and Offshore waters to the continental shelf which is approximately the 200 metre depth contour. Port Stephens estuary is a prime target

    It is not only the angling community that utilises this area but many recreational activities take place utilising the many features this area presents. Visitors and users come from far inland to this region, so lock-outs don't just affect locals.The danger now exists that recreational activities will be denied if the decision makers get there way.

    The release of this assessment is in no doubt a planned agenda to get public opinion and as we have witnessed on previous occasions with the implementation of Marine and National Parks, Aquatic Reserves, Sanctuaries, No-take zones, No-access zones, Habitat Protection zones, No-fishing zones and general use zones there is a system of "divide and conquer". This system makes the bureaucratic plan of locking up recreational Australia an emotional exercise and a political green vote attraction that is sought by both the major political party. This will happen

    The recreational movement must get up of it's bum and give these decision makers the message that we do not want to be locked out of Australia. They are stirring to the call because these lock-outs have already started within National Parks who are now combined with the Marine Parks.

    Even the NSW Fishing Clubs Association has finally heeded to this call. They are embarking on creating a formidable taskforce to combat planned lock-outs/no access restrictions. Under their umbrella and new agenda called $%^&* (an initiative of Mr Rod Burston committee member) small groups are being brought together up and down the coast to address local boundary Marine Park lockouts/no access issues.

    So far groups have come together at Byron Bay, Nambucca to Crescent Heads, Crescent to Crowdy Head, Myall Lakes region to Port Stephens and the South Coast.

    At a meeting of the Newcastle District Anglers Association on Wed 13th July 2005 there was a unanimous decision taken to call for a group to be formed to look after this Newcastle to Port Stephens boundary.

    This information is seeking interested persons/group representatives/associations/clubs from any potential recreational activity that will be undoubtedly affected to attend a gathering at Mayfield Services Club Newcastle on the 10th August to discuss the issue with the aim of setting up an active group.

    This is a serious issue and the time has come to help those who want to do something. A committee group will be formed.

    As an indication of who and how many might be attending this meeting it would be appreciated if those representatives attending RSVP by email to Robert Smith sinali@bigpond.com, rsm35254@bigpond.net.au

    or call 0408434591 and leave a message if unanswered.

    Thank you

    Robert Smith

    President NDAA

    Chairman, The Fishing Party

    NSWFCA State President.

    11 Watts Close, Singleton 2330



  11. Hi all

    The Australian Electoral Commission is doing a membership audit and verification of our members. I have submitted 1100 names from NSW and Vic from our database to them a while back. ( I have not had to submit any Qld names as yet because we only need to have 500 as a party base)

    If members are contacted just be courteous and verify what they ask as they have a job to do. This is the second audit in 12 months from them and we have had one from the ATO as well.

    We accept membership at any time and is a simple task of downloading the forms from www.thefishingparty.info and filling in and posting of with your cheque. Of course donations won't be knocked back either.

    2007 are the next elections where I think anglers might be recognised.

    The NSW TFP AGM will most likely be held in Newcastle on either Sat 24th Sept or Sat 8th Oct at Central Charlestown Leagues Club 10 am to 5 pm.

    There will be a Federal TFP AGM at the same venue either Sat 29th Oct or Sat 5th Nov

    Bob Smith

    Chairman TFP

  12. Hi all

    TFP has got the Abalone TAC report on it's website. Unfortunately I could not load it here as an attachment. Please peruse for yourself and make up your own mind but here is a summary>

    It says this:

    The industry has made frequent submissions concerning the level and growth of

    Illegal catches, particularly in closed areas. Unfortunately, the Committee is unable to make authoritative statements concerning the amount of illegal catch but notes that the shallow, inshore and extensive nature of NSW abalone stocks continues to present a major compliance challenge. With the fishery in its current severely stressed state, the Committee emphasises the importance of implementing the major recommendations of Palmer report to reduce the level of illegal catches.


    Revenue in the fishery has suffered a significant decline from $18 million in calendar year 2000 to $8.4 in 2004, as a result of both falling catches and prices. If the current 2004 price ($36) is maintained, and given the determined TAC of 130 tonnes, the revenue for 12 month 2005-06 quota period would be around $4.7 million. Such declines in revenue clearly have implications for the future viability of the industry, if present catches and prices continue and appropriate adjustments do not occur. This conclusion also applies when net returns to shareholders are considered, since there are few options available to significantly reduce costs per unit of catch in the short term and operators appear to be reluctant to exit the industry.

    Read the conclusion bit on page 38. What a %#&^ up! They admit to so much mismanagement it is hard to believe this is a government sanctioned report! The issues are:

    Bad software

    Over fishing leading to dumping

    No understanding of the impact of SARS, Bird Flu on diners in Asia

    No understanding of the management of the export of the product

    No mention of reinvestment in farming in clean water filter tanks

    An observation in falling revenue from $18M - $4M

    Bob Smith

  13. Onya Joe  :thumbup:


    for starters I've a few concerns regarding the RFL and license buyout

    Has the money been spent where it should have been allocated to [in accordance with the intention of the RFL] ?

    I guess if we don't know the full breakdown of expenses then we are only guessing. My source of info tells me there is an 88% on-cost to the heading expenses. Who gets that? I thought that there was only supposed to be a maximum of 10% for administration. Are we being fooled as to 'what administration' is. I am unnaware that the full extent of borrowing $20 million was relayed to anglers in the proper context at the start or was it after. If you are to get a grant project back out of the monies why do you have to match it with some more of your money or kind. Why is this not matched by the tax collectors.

    Are RFL funds replacing operational capital that would otherwise have been treasury funded?

    It appears that if the departments budgets keep getting reduced and now that it is being amalgamated 4 into 1 with the DPI budget reduced by $10 Mil this time and $37 Mil last time I think it would be fair to say YES.

    How transparent is the implementation of the RF Advisory Trust ie. elected members/terms of membership/rotation etc. and are their recommendations being fully implemented or just ignored by the buearacracy?

    There is no transparency at all, that is why it is a secret society. Do you know who is actually on the trusts or any recreational representative committee?. When was the last time that you liased with your/or a representative.? How do your so-called representatives give you feedback? The Chairman Bruce Schumacher is a permanent position to all the committees and I believe scrutinises the candidates, the others are selected by their willingness to co-operate. The legislation states that the only person who can spend the money is the Minister and I guess if he doesn't like what's proposed and there is no brownie points in it then we don't hear about it. As far as I am concerned the pie-chart spending could be fraudulent

    How can Fisheries justify transferring licenses to fishermen who have previously had their licenses bought out?

    The bureaucracy WAS told this transfer would happen and they did not do anything about it. The untold story here is that you are paying interest (back to the treasury) on this as well. Would this cost be regarded as part of the administration cap???

    Why was the investigation for the Recreational fishing zone for the Sydney area inappropriately labelled" , particularly the Hawkesbury Region - I think the papers were labelled something unrelated to Sydney. I would also like to see an independent audit of the number of submissions from recreational fishermen and an audit of all submissions to determine whether they were bona fide or just a signature on a random poll down at the fish markets?

    You all should realise by now that the RFA's are strategically placed out along the coast for many reasons but I say political just as the Marine Parks are. I doubt very much whether your submission (no matter how you did it ) had a deciding factor on where they went. Take a real look at them. Botany Bay was targetted for the container terminal and airport extension a long time ago and the known fact of toxic pollution only rubber stamped the decision. If anglers weren't quickly convinced to pay the buyouts then guess what (imagine the compensation Mr Carr would have to find) Guess who is the easiest target to now close off areas to?  If you think Lake Macquarie was pristine then think again, the same deal and it is all probably tied into there being no clauses of no-buybacks included in the deals (my personal view only and an ICAC investigation could prove or disprove it)

    I doubt whether anybody would get the chance to see any survey audits.

    Were Club submission into the above regarded as one submission or did they take into account the number of members of the club?

    one submission

    Will Fisheries publish a detailed annual account of the RFL income/expenditure statements ? - especially one that balances.

    I asked a number of times for an independent audit and so far nothing has been commissioned. The audits that you see are done by internal departmental managers.

    Bluecod you have asked some of the relevent questions that most are now concerned about and that is good. Now you can see why we have requested ICAC to have a look.

    I am sure ICAC would appreciate some more requests about how you feel the public trust has been violated.

    I have never hidden my concerns about this RFL and I do not envisage backing off

    Bob Smith

    That'll do for now!


  14. First of all thanks to Joe for holding the fort and keeping faith in TFP. We have been active although quitely, but again it is hard to get out publicly through the media.

    The Marine Parks, Water quality,GNS and RFL issues have been the items of importance and now it seems that the media has cottoned on to the problems.

    I have spoken to Ken and there is no problem with me coming back into the chats.

    The first being that TFP has requested that ICAC investigate the RFL set up and Trusts. All we want is an open investigation into the RFL and lay it out on the table.

    We have the support of Steve Starling on this and are working with him.

    Hence the following press release and as the dedicated Joe has done is promote the RFL survey.

    Some of you might think it is a biased question set up but if these questions are not asked and this information told, then you as the paying angler will be misled.

    There is unrest all over NSW with how this resource is managed. If you want it changed then there are people prepared to do the hard yards if they get the support. Whatever your fishing beliefs or recreations are there is a need to get a fair go and have fair access to the outdoors of Australia.

    From what I have seen there are too many splinter groups who won't give ground.

    That's exactly what the decision makers want. I don't care if you are a catch and release or catch and kill or lure/bait/fly fisho I intend to go down the centre line and get every one a fair go including local commercial fishers who have a local business rather than the export mob. I get sick and tired of having 70% of our seafood exported and being innundated with crap imported stuff and then we suffer restrictions because of purported over-fishing/anti-fishing agendas.

    I am prepared to debate openly anyone who has interesting ideas as long as it is genuine and good for all.

    Any way this was the press release and I will keep it shorter in future

    Press Release

    The Fishing Party supports the calling for an ICAC inquiry into the implimentation of the NSW Recreational Fishing License and will provide relevant evidence to any inquiry.

    The Party has called for an independent trust audit on many occassions only to be dismissed and now those reasons for denial are becoming more evident.

    Robert Smith, the party chairman, said an official request for the investigation will be delivered from the party to ICAC underlining the many discrepancies in the whole structure of this hideous tax, not just the 24 commercial license buy-back scam. Anglers are even paying interest on this scam.

    Just 40% of over 1 million users pay a fee to supposedly enhance the fishing while the Government reaps the tax rewards and reduces their own budgets and public servants. Is this the way of refinancing the NSW Access Economics F (f for failed economic management failure)?

    The NSW Government has breached the public trust and must answer openly on the license trusts expenditure, which is somewhat disguised by their internal audits. The Fishing community wants to see the finer details of expenditure and whether or not there is an abuse of funds.

    Mr Smith said that the party is so disgusted by this discriminitive tax that it has also implemented a 3 month state wide Fishing and License survey to actually find out if anglers are happy with paying this fee when knowing all these hidden facts. The survey will be available in electronic form and hard copy from the party website www.thefishingparty.info or at participating tackle stores and possibly the fishing media and through fishing clubs. The survey will be available from Wednesday 21st July until Friday 21st October and results will be made public shortly after.

    Participants wanting to take part in this survey and for further information can contact Robert Smith on 0265560338, 0408434591 or email to rsm35254@bigpond.com, sinali@bigpond.com

    Bob Smith

    Somebody said the glass was half full, others said it was half empty, the smart engineer said the glass was twice the size it should be. I just said fill it up.

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