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Posts posted by ianoc69

  1. Look forward to meeting you Aaron.  We will probably start at the YTS rowers and do the 8 foot shuffle over the walk bridge to the La Montage side of the bay.


    I am looking forward to meeting up with 8footugly for the 3rd time, JD for the 2nd time and Aaaron for the 1st time.

    Despite what the fishing may bring it will no doubt be a nice session with great people - as I have found all of the Fishraider people that I have been fortunate enough to come across in my time.

    JD and 8footugly are both guys that I can continue to learn so much from :thumbup:

  2. Unfortunately No Fishing.

    I have kids soccer SAT morn then Painting a recently finished Level 1 extension.

    Sat night I have jagged a corporate box ticket to Dogs V Eels which is OK even though I am a die hard Tigers Man.

    Was going to have a flick Sun morning but have to Paint.

    Just got news of a Corporate box ticket for the Tigers v Dragons game on SUN.

    If I could replace painting with Fishing and add Model looking Females in Bikins whom would be at my beck and call in the Corporate Boxes it would be the complete fantasy weekend.


    Anyway got to go now and give the missus a call - she may need bread and milk on the way home tonight

  3. Welcome to the site Choc

    I am in a similar position to you but with 4x children and thus understand wanting the best quality but budget conscious

    I am using a $100 rod with Okuma Epix EFS20 Reel around $150

    Does the job for me at present

    Just keep in mind that Fireline and Jigs and SP's will be required and although these will accumulate with time all the costs add up

    As Pedro mentioned it is worth a trip to ABA Penrith and they are great guys with competitive prices and a Fishraider sponsor. I am sure you will do well purchasing from them as I speak with first hand experience

    Good luck with the fishing - it is definately worth the expense

  4. I havent fished the entrance for ages now so couldnt really help you that way. But i have done alot of shore based flicking in brizzy waters round saratoga flats for some alright lizards mainly with renoskies. These days but mainly all my shore based flicking is in the goons which usually fire for some solid bream and hopefully soon ill have an exotic to my name. Ill take you out in the goons 1 day show you around if u wanted. In a cpl of wks im thinking of getting the tinney out in avoca goon if u want to go pm me or watever. :thumbup:


    Thanks for the reply and offer

    I am extremelly interested in getting out and if the tinny is available this would be a bonus

    I will check my plans / movements in the coming couple of weeks and PM you when I could make it. We would then compare our availbilities and get together at a suitable time.

    More than likely it will be a Sunday for me

  5. G'day Ian

    The Entrance has been a bit hit and miss lately but at least you were on the water.

    I haven't been to The Entrance for a while but from what I hear the mouth is almost closed again on low tide.

    When we fish there from the shore we usually get down on the flats under the bridge (on the southern side) and fish our way down to the mouth and back. Another spot that is worth a try is at the boat ramp at Pelican Point which is where the boat ramp is west of the bridge. Have pulled a few good fish there fishing the small channel that runs to the south.


    Cheers Jethro

    Next time I am heading up I might PM you a few days ahead and we can meet up for a flick (pending your avail.)

    Thanks for the response

  6. Took an early AM run up the F3 and arrived 5.45am at The Entrance. Paid my respects after parking and moved down to the inlet to fish the last 3 or so hours of the run up tide and the 1st hour of the run out.

    Confused as to whether it was a small High Tide but the inlet did not appear anywhere near the depth that it has in my previous visits ?

    Chasing Lizards tried Ecogear 4" Shad (White) and Bass Minnow 4" Watermelon on a medium and heavy jighead but found it very quiet.

    Has anyone fished the Central Coast area SHORE BASED (from Gosford to The Entrance) mainly chasing Bream & Lizards on SP's. I am familiar with The Entrance bit not too familiar with other Shore Based areas.

    I try and get up there for a morning session at least 6 times a year.

    Any help most appreciated.

  7. After turning 34 Today I decided to stock up on some much needed jigheads and SP's with money received for the Birthday.

    Arrived at Penrith 9am and the guys at Australian Bass Angler (as always) were there with great support to Fishraider members.

    Stocks and advice are always of top shelf quality.

    I have dealt with numerous guys and particular mention to MickR.

    I am by no means a massive $$$ spender (although if I had some more in the budget it would be spent in the store in no time) but appreciate competitive prices on preferred equipment.

    Cheers to ABA.

  8. Is Kerry's boat the "Ulysses Blue"?


    I can confirm that the Boat "Ulysses Blue" is actually Dick Smiths vessel.

    I worked with a former colleage whom has a 1 year contract on board as Electrical Technician.

    He is 1 of 3 permanents (Skipper, Skippers Missus & Him).

    The vessel is leaving Port Stephens tommorrow Sat 16/4/05 and taking a trip up through the North and Far North before working across to Darwin.

    I spoke with my mate earlier today and he has packed the following:-

    - 2x Surfboards

    - 4x Fishing Rods

    - Clothes

    Tools are on board. In his contract is food, accomodation and general living expenses.

    Dick Smith and Family are on board this trip with a few select friends and the purposes is a "Holiday".

    Oh how some live.

  9. I have been using some 8lb fluorocarbon in the passed couple of weeks and been reasonably happy

    I like the double uni for leader to fireline and have not had any trouble

    My concern is leader to jig head using fluorocarbon. I am currently using a single uni but would like any feedback as to alternatives knots for leader to jig.

    I have pulled a couple on snags that were too easy

  10. Sorry for the lateness of the Photo Ian, I had probs locating my USB cable for the camera :hitsfan:

    Good to meet you down there Ian and great work on the Trevally, I have to admit I was a tad surprised to see it as I can't actually recall ever scoring a Treva at Fig Tree in all my years of fishing down there!

    My Dad and myself stayed for another hour after you left and we only managed a couple of small flatties and a lone Whiting, none of any size.

    Its been a bit tough down at Figgy the last few weeks, I have been down a few times looking for Lizards and I have to admit they have been very thin on the ground.  But there has been plenty of decent Bream feeding up on the flats. The session before this on I managed 6 good Bream, all legal, and a lone Flathead.  Its unusual to score more Bream than Flathead on the flats!

    Here's the Trevally:




    Thanks Matt for the photo :thumbup:

    It is a nice place to spend a few hours and if the fishing is good then it is an added bonus

    Hopefully the lizards are back from annual leave soon

    I will endeavour to get there a little more in the future

    Always good to catch up with another Fishraider member when having a flick

    Welcome to the site Fishrunner :1welcomeani: - Some nice fish pics there.

  11. Nice work on the trev Ian, they're top fun on bream gear.  :1clap:

    Bad luck about about falling over, those oyster covered rocks can be very nasty. I still have a piece of oyster shell in my foot from when I fell over at Port Hacking 9 years ago.


    Yeah Swoff

    It was one of those silly ones that 9 times out of 10 you go through unscathed and yesterday was No 10

    But it wasnt all bad - I am a fanatical Tigers supporter and the foot didnt feel too bad late yesterday arvo when they knocked of the Roosters

    I will be back fishing this coming weekend.

  12. I took my cousin (soon to be a new Fishraider member) down to Fig Tree Bridge for a 6am through 10.30am SP session.

    We were excited about picking up a decent bream or lizard as we fished the last of the run-out to dead low.

    Found it pretty quiet and so many tails taken by choppers - combined with regular bites to the toes from toads :ranting2:

    Cousin managed a small flatty and a medium flounder.

    After being outfished for the morning finally had a decent fish on which felt like a Bream and after a good fight and my first good drag work-out on the EPIX, I landed a Trevally.

    It was very close to 1kG - But I did not get a measurement.

    A special thanks and much appreciative support goes to both Pedro and Matt :thumbup::1clap:

    Matt arrived at the back end of our session and took a pic - he may be good enough to post it in due course.

    PS - I climbed down the rocks to the foreshore to clean up and on my return managed to cut the right foot (since has been stitched with 3x stitches) and combined with the slip and cut was a rattle and roll. I look like I have wrestled a crocodile with cuts and grazes on legs and elbow Not a good way to end a nice morning :ranting2:

  13. I was looking to get down the Georges River and fish the Como area (Land Based with SP).

    I was wondering if anyone can either PM or reply post with a decent Lizard spot that produces.

    I was led to beleive that there are some decent Lizards down that way but at this stage I have only referenced the UBD and it looks fishy.

    Any details most appreciated.

  14. Well Done Ian,

    Sorry i couldnt make it mate, but a new P.B you must be happy.

    Sputnik good to see I.C fishing well, and a great post and pic's mate :thumbup: .


    No troubles Snag

    I tried the cooks but :1badmood: and thus headed to IC where still some :1badmood: but better cover and more moving options

    Good little solo session but not the same without the Bream Master :biggrin2:

    Catch up again soon for a flick

  15. Thanks Ken & Beefaman

    I appreciate your response

    I assume secret spot X179 is QLD based and thus not alot of help for a New South Welshman

    I dont fish this type of area often but like to keep up to date with any success that has been had in similar waters :thumbup:

  16. Are you on a boat or fishing from the shore?

    If boat based, just dift with the current and jig up and down with the plastic. Have the plastic set back from the boat a bit in shallow water.

    Dropshotting also works well as it allows you to fish small lures and still have enough weight to keep them near the bottom.

    I've been playing around with dissolving string (from Shipton Trading) lately which allows me to attach enough weight to get the "unweighted" lure to the bottom then fish the plastic in a natural looking fashion once the string has dissolved. I haven't tried it in really fast moving water.


    I am land based Swoffa.

    Casting upstream and flowing downstream the line tension can be felt for the lassed 2/3 of flow.

    You end up with the SP arcing at the end of its journey and coming out of the channel. Thus it is a lot of casts.

    The 3/8 seems to get me to the bottom OK (I picked up some weed and the odfd snag during the session) but I wonder if the jighead and minnow are just rolling or bouncing in an odd fashion.

    I was just looking to improve my success but just cant see a way to jig or retrieve in this current.

  17. Just a note to any Soft Plastic fishos that have succeeded in fast moving currents.

    I have had regular success with Flathead and Bream on SP's in still water using retrieve and jigging techniques on 1/16 Jig Heads.

    Recently I fished a fast moving current (inlet from beach) using a 3/8 Gamakatsu TT Jig Head and a 4" Bass Minnow chasing Flathead.

    I found that I just let the current take the SP and kept a feel for any hits.

    Is there any specific technique that can be used in fast moving current.

    Is the Jig Head size OK ?.

    Any advice and tips would be greatly appreciated.

  18. Had to go to Newcastle for a meeting yesterday 17/3/05 and thus decided to stick the gear in and hope for a flick along the way

    Arrived in the Entrance around 10am and needing to be in Newcastle for 12ish meant that a 1 Hour flick was on

    Went to the inlet and a fast moving current meant a heavier jig head and 4" Minnow was my preference

    I have seen some nice lizards come out of there with bait fisherman and a gent already there in overcast conditions had 3x nice lizards

    I flicked for an hour or so and after dropping a nice lizard and missing another I landed a PB of 55cm.

    Sorry No Pics as I was in a hurry to leave

    Tried to swing passed on the return trip for another flick but weather was terrible :thumbup:

  19. Great Report - looking forward to some more pics soon

    I wish I could have been there but kids and soccer were in the way - next time though

    Congrats to all partciipants, in particluar Mick for that horse :thumbup:

    What were the Flathead sizes like - any pics or details would be worth posting ?

    Cheers to all Fishraiders :beersmile:

    PS - Hope all is OK at home Jocool

  20. Just my 2 bob's worth - and I might be wrong - but - places like the Tubes are good for your big pelagics - but not your 'bread & butter' rock fishing.  I fished Devil's Gorge down there back in the 70's. The rock ledges drop into VERY deep water - thats what brings the pelagics in close.  I tried for bream & stuff once and it was a total waste of time. 

    I believe the Tubes is same sort of thing.  Unless you are geared up with high speed spin gear or want to float livies out with serious LBG tackle then I would look for something a bit easier.


    I agree with your comments Pedro

    The Tubes is a longer term propsect that is of interest and I would like to pursue at some point with suitable gear.

    My initial preference is for an easier location that can be fished solo and at times with the kids.

    Appreciate the input by all and welcome any further tips / advice on reasonable qulaity shore based flicking.

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